What Is Going To Happen To High-Stakes Fantasy Football?

King of Queens
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What Is Going To Happen To High-Stakes Fantasy Football?

Post by King of Queens » Mon Aug 08, 2011 6:23 am

Originally posted by Tom Kessenich:
quote:Originally posted by RiFF:
quote:Originally posted by Tom Kessenich:
Rich, if someone wanted the cash equivalent of a free Main Event entry we have provided that for them. We have never forced someone to take a free entry if they won one of our Winner Take All satellite leagues. If someone prefers the cash prize instead they always received it. I do understand that is now your policy...thanks. [/QUOTE]Rich, that's been our policy dating back to when we worked at F&W. If someone preferred the cash equivalent to a free entry that is what we provided for them.
[/QUOTE]When the NFFC/NFBC was with Fanball, free entries were treated differently than cash prizes. I know this because I attempted to collect my "Free Super Entry" as a $2500 cash prize, and was told that I couldn't do it. I just checked my e-mail from November 2010 and confirmed this. I remember being surprised, because this was never an issue while at F&W.

Good to know that going forward it will not be an issue.

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Tom Kessenich
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What Is Going To Happen To High-Stakes Fantasy Football?

Post by Tom Kessenich » Mon Aug 08, 2011 6:26 am

Yeah, things were definitely ... different ... at Fanball. That's all I'll say.

I remember your entry, Glenn, and you weren't the only one who was surprised. Trust me.
Tom Kessenich
Manager of High Stakes Fantasy Games, SportsHub Technologies
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What Is Going To Happen To High-Stakes Fantasy Football?

Post by RiFF » Mon Aug 08, 2011 6:41 am

Originally posted by Tom Kessenich:
quote:Originally posted by RiFF:
quote:Originally posted by Tom Kessenich:
Rich, if someone wanted the cash equivalent of a free Main Event entry we have provided that for them. We have never forced someone to take a free entry if they won one of our Winner Take All satellite leagues. If someone prefers the cash prize instead they always received it. I do understand that is now your policy...thanks. [/QUOTE]Rich, that's been our policy dating back to when we worked at F&W. If someone preferred the cash equivalent to a free entry that is what we provided for them.
[/QUOTE]In 2006, my initial foray into the NFFC, I won a $100. satellite. When I received my winnings check it was short that satellite's winnings. When I contacted Greg aboiut it he informed me that those satellites are run to generate entries into next year's Main Event and they aren't profitable so NFFC doesn't offer a cash option. I was planning on entering next year's Main Event again, so I accepted the explanation and never gave a 2nd thought about the money being at any risk.

Now, had I objected and demanded to be paid in cash.....I'll trust you when you say I would have been. But, that option was not volunteered.

[ August 08, 2011, 12:42 PM: Message edited by: RiFF ]

Greg Ambrosius
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What Is Going To Happen To High-Stakes Fantasy Football?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:32 am

Originally posted by RiFF:
quote:Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
The government still gets the earned income total, but of course we'd keep your money if it keeps your marriage sound. I wouldn't expect any game operator to not provide that service. We have in the past and will in the future if anyone/you needs it.

As for saying we rolled over money because "the entry fees aren't sufficient to pay out cash" that just isn't truthful. We advertised contests that allow you to WIN A FREE ENTRY into next year's Main Event. We were told we were reporting this correctly and we continued to run those satellite leagues that way. I still think we did it right, but Fanball.com's and STATS' accountants want us to report the earned income another way. Now we put on those contests that you can win the free entry or take $1400 in prize payouts. So we are putting the value on those contests.

Historically, NFFC did NOT report satellite winnings into next year's main Event to the government. If you have changed your policy with the different ownerships you've had ,, to now reporting it, that's probably a correct policy change. My marriage is extremnely sound....but thanks for caring. We just don't need any more purses.

As far as "the entry fees aren't sufficient to pay out cash" for those cheapie satellites.....that's what I was told by you....so go ahead and call me a liar but that doesn't change what you told me. And you may now offer a cash option for those satellites; but the entry fee is no longer $100 either.
[/QUOTE]Nobody's a liar here Rich. Yes, those $100 leagues were Winner-Take-All Leagues for a spot in the next year's Main Event ($1250 value). They were great ways to get folks involved in our 14-team format and more teams into the Main Event the next year. It was still a significant payout and a significant entry free.

Okay, we're done with the rollovers debate. Maybe all of the game operators can discuss this later and come up with a solution. Now let's get everyone paid and the season started.
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What Is Going To Happen To High-Stakes Fantasy Football?

Post by RiFF » Mon Aug 08, 2011 8:51 am

Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by RiFF:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:

Okay, we're done with the rollovers debate. .
Yes 'em Master Greg..... :rolleyes:

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What Is Going To Happen To High-Stakes Fantasy Football?

Post by BillyWaz » Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:24 am

Originally posted by Tom Kessenich:
Yeah, things were definitely ... different ... at Fanball. That's all I'll say.

I remember your entry, Glenn, and you weren't the only one who was surprised. Trust me. You don't know how I wake up each morning thanking the heavens that Ryan Houston and Fanball are no longer making decisions for the NFFC.

For someone who THOUGHT he knew it all, he had some of the worst decision making skills of anyone (i.e the protocal for drafting in Boston when an owner didn't show......sheesh!!! :rolleyes: )

Long live STATS!!! :D

Greg Ambrosius
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What Is Going To Happen To High-Stakes Fantasy Football?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:55 pm

Another day has gone by and there's another day of no formal communication to the loyal customers. Now you can go to those message boards and see posts from some good NFFC customers who say they may leave this great hobby for good if they're not paid. This is EXACTLY what I've been talking about since the beginning. What happens to this space if hundreds of people don't get paid or are treated this badly for 100+ days? Are we all tainted by this black eye just like we were before with AFFL.com, Fantasy Jungle and even FFOC (which at least paid all of its cash prize winners)? Damn, it's really frustrating right now.

Pete and Glenn, DON'T let this experience ruin your love of this hobby. There are still some viable options out there that won't put you through this stress again. I hate to see posts like both of you made because I feel your pain too. It's not fair to you or our industry what is happening there. And nothing in the last week has helped anything. In fact, it seems like this last week has been as stressful for players as the 12 weeks before that. Amazing.

Keep winning in baseball Glenn. Both here and there. You're definitely getting paid by us and it would be great for you to win a national title if you can do it. This hobby is too good to have EVERYONE tainted by this. Hang in there through this mess and hopefully the joy will return, as you guys say. Heck, at the very least, beers on us if you can stick this mess out. :D
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Glenneration X
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What Is Going To Happen To High-Stakes Fantasy Football?

Post by Glenneration X » Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:26 am

I appreciate it Greg. My post last night on the WCOFF boards was a weak moment borne of the frustration from the numerous delays and promised deadlines come and gone for a resolution there. As the live drafts grow nearer, it becomes harder and harder to remain patient and optimistic. Still, I've embraced this hobby and this community way too much to likely ever give it up for good. Let's just hope the love of this game I share with so many others is rewarded with an impending announcement that the deal is complete and those owed will be shortly taken care of.

As far as baseball, I don't know if you've checked your various standings yet, but it looks like I jumped Gary and moved into the top spot in one of your overall contests last night. That has got me incredibly stoked. Looking at the level of players who are right up my a** that I now have to hold off for 7+ weeks, it'll probably be a short stay at the top, but it's incredibly satisfying just the same. Funny, I've been top 2 in the WCOFB main all year and have led their online championships for about a month now. Yet I feel so much better about just one day atop one of your contests. Uncanny how absolutely knowing that your efforts will be rewarded if deserved when all is said and done can add to the enjoyment of this hobby, huh?

Thanks Greg for reaching out and by the way, I will take those beers. ;)

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What Is Going To Happen To High-Stakes Fantasy Football?

Post by particra » Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:35 am

Originally posted by Glenneration X:
I appreciate it Greg. My post last night on the WCOFF boards was a weak moment borne of the frustration from the numerous delays and promised deadlines come and gone for a resolution there. As the live drafts grow nearer, it becomes harder and harder to remain patient and optimistic. Still, I've embraced this hobby and this community way too much to likely ever give it up for good. Let's just hope the love of this game I share with so many others is rewarded with an impending announcement that the deal is complete and those owed will be shortly taken care of.

As far as baseball, I don't know if you've checked your various standings yet, but it looks like I jumped Gary and moved into the top spot in one of your overall contests last night. That has got me incredibly stoked. Looking at the level of players who are right up my a** that I now have to hold off for 7+ weeks, it'll probably be a short stay at the top, but it's incredibly satisfying just the same. Funny, I've been top 2 in the WCOFB main all year and have led their online championships for about a month now. Yet I feel so much better about just one day atop one of your contests. Uncanny how absolutely knowing that your efforts will be rewarded if deserved when all is said and done can add to the enjoyment of this hobby, huh?

Thanks Greg for reaching out and by the way, I will take those beers. ;) Well deserved. 6th overall in the LDP and I'm in 2nd place by 10 points in my own league. I for one think you should quit baseball for good.

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Tom Kessenich
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What Is Going To Happen To High-Stakes Fantasy Football?

Post by Tom Kessenich » Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:49 am

Great work in the NFBC Glenn. If you're nice to me I might buy you a beer or two in New York.
Tom Kessenich
Manager of High Stakes Fantasy Games, SportsHub Technologies
Twitter - @TomKessenich

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