Time To Consider PPR For RBs In The NFFC

Greg Ambrosius
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Time To Consider PPR For RBs In The NFFC

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sun Apr 03, 2011 2:11 am

Okay folks, it's time to get down and dirty in the NFFC and get everything in place for 2011. The first place we need to start is the rules and any rules changes we may have for the upcoming season.

I've given this one a lot of thought and I talked with a lot of NFFC owners in Las Vegas last weekend at our NFBC drafts and I think it is time to consider our scoring involving the Running Backs. When I started the NFFC in 2004 there was already a strong discrepency between the top RBs' scoring and the top WRs' scoring totals. I felt PPR favored the top backs even more and separated the totals between the two positions. But in recent years with more NFL teams going to Running Back-by-Committee, the gap has lessened and in fact our scoring system now favors the WRs more than I ever expected.

I am now considering a PPR scoring system for all players, which would mean that RBs would get 1 Point Per Reception in 2011 and beyond instead of 0.5 of a point. I'm looking for data and feedback on this subject before making a final decision. Please provide your input here and let's get these rules in place ASAP. We're ready to move forward with this football season and to be ready for whatever the NFL throws us with this labor situation. One way or another, WE'RE DRAFTING THIS YEAR!!!

Okay, let's hear from the playing audience. ;) What do you think?
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Time To Consider PPR For RBs In The NFFC

Post by Glenneration X » Sun Apr 03, 2011 2:33 am

I've stated more than once that the .5/PPR for a RB was created for a bygone era and has shifted more strength to the WR position than originally intented.

It's time to balance the scales again and have 1/PPR for all positions.

CC's Desperados
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Time To Consider PPR For RBs In The NFFC

Post by CC's Desperados » Sun Apr 03, 2011 3:39 am

I personally like the WR's having more value. It allows the draft to be more wide open in the early rounds. The NFFC players have adjusted to WR over the past few years.

It allows players to have different draft plans and have success.

[ April 05, 2011, 11:20 AM: Message edited by: CC's Desperados ]

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Time To Consider PPR For RBs In The NFFC

Post by BillyWaz » Sun Apr 03, 2011 4:23 am

Originally posted by CC's Desperados:
I personally like the WR's having more value. It keeps the draft be more wide open in the early rounds. The NFFC players have adjusted to WR over the past few years.

It allows players to have different draft plans and have success. I agree with Shawn.

It wouldn't be a deal breaker for me (and would make it easier to project numbers), but I like the .5, as it is unique to the NFFC (like 3RR, KDS, 14 teams, etc.)

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Time To Consider PPR For RBs In The NFFC

Post by RedRyder » Sun Apr 03, 2011 5:01 am

I know several players who won't play here because of the .5 for RB and more than ever, they are itching for a new contest home. I think it would open the NFFC up to more new blood if the change were to happen.

I love the NFFC the way it is and with all the unique features, but when I tell new folks about the NFFC, the vast majority seem a bit overwhelmed (that might not be the best word) at all its' uniqueness: 14 team format, 3RR, KDS & .5 PPR for RB.

I'm not saying make the NFFC a cookie cutter of a contest, but changing the .5 PPR for RBs is a change that could help the NFFC, all the while keeping the other elements that make the contest great.

I would be for the change in RB scoring.

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Time To Consider PPR For RBs In The NFFC

Post by BONGIZMO » Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:19 am

I am with Jules for the exact same reasons. you've heard me say to you for sometime Greg that many of our elements here keep much of the mainstream away. This has created a close family of gamers but we usually beat up on each other due to the relatively small size of our event.

A simple little change like this with all the unrest in the largest event in the industry can't possible hurt your numbers. There won't be someone that says oh I won't play here because Greg moved the RB to a full 1. I mean seriously anywhere else they would go already has the 1 PPR RB already.

[ April 03, 2011, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: BONGIZMO ]
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Time To Consider PPR For RBs In The NFFC

Post by philpo » Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:07 am

I think 1 PPR is the way to go.

[ April 03, 2011, 03:08 PM: Message edited by: philpo ]

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Time To Consider PPR For RBs In The NFFC

Post by moyer1313 » Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:14 am

Originally posted by BillyWaz:
quote:Originally posted by CC's Desperados:
I personally like the WR's having more value. It keeps the draft be more wide open in the early rounds. The NFFC players have adjusted to WR over the past few years.

It allows players to have different draft plans and have success. I agree with Shawn.

It wouldn't be a deal breaker for me (and would make it easier to project numbers), but I like the .5, as it is unique to the NFFC (like 3RR, KDS, 14 teams, etc.)
[/QUOTE]I'm with Shawn & Billy:

Please, do not change it!

I much prefer the different ways people can draft with the RBs at 0.5 points per reception.

If the change is made to 1 point per reception for RBs, I'm afraid we'll end up with 11 or 12 RBs drafted in the 1st Round.

12-Team leagues constantly had 8 or 9 RBs taken in the 1st Round last year. In 14-Team leagues it would probably be worse.

Thank you,
Follow Me

[ April 03, 2011, 03:15 PM: Message edited by: Follow Me ]
'07 10-3 127.3 ppg $0 Won
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Greg Ambrosius
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Time To Consider PPR For RBs In The NFFC

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sun Apr 03, 2011 12:11 pm

Originally posted by RedRyder:
I know several players who won't play here because of the .5 for RB and more than ever, they are itching for a new contest home. I think it would open the NFFC up to more new blood if the change were to happen.

I love the NFFC the way it is and with all the unique features, but when I tell new folks about the NFFC, the vast majority seem a bit overwhelmed (that might not be the best word) at all its' uniqueness: 14 team format, 3RR, KDS & .5 PPR for RB.

I'm not saying make the NFFC a cookie cutter of a contest, but changing the .5 PPR for RBs is a change that could help the NFFC, all the while keeping the other elements that make the contest great.

I would be for the change in RB scoring. I think this is a very intelligent post and one I've been hearing from many others in the last two weeks. It's time for the NFFC to stop being a niche product and expand to the mainstream of players. As Chad told me in Las Vegas, the NFFC is already very unique with 3RR, KDS and the 14-team format and we should continue with those innovations. But PPR is pretty mainstream and the game has changed so much that the reasoning we had in 2004 now almost seems outdated.

As I posted elsewhere, it's time for us to expand our 12-team offering and make that important within the industry and create a prize big enough to be relevent to serious players. We know what kind of an event and contest we can now create under STATS and it's time to take a leadership role in football rather than try to stay out of the way. Our baseball event was FANTASTIC and I think we have a pretty solid plan in place for football to be a major player in several different formats. Give us a few more days to finalize everything, but look for more details soon and then provide even more feedback.

I haven't made a decision on PPR and I'd like to see some data on the different scoring systems from KOQ or someone else who has this readily available. But I'm definitely leaning towards a change in 2011 and beyond. Thanks for the input all.
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Time To Consider PPR For RBs In The NFFC

Post by hammer » Sun Apr 03, 2011 3:31 pm


I appreciate you soliciting our opinions. As others have stated, judging the current state of high-stakes FF this change is more parts business than fantasy... but NFFC is a business so it's a call you must consider. As always, I trust your judgement with the stewardship of NFFC and I'll be back.

That said, as you consider the change, please keep in mind that this alteration is much bigger than KDS or even 3RR. If people in our industry called WCOFF "the grandaddy of them all" for the history and spectacle (like The Masters in golf), then no question NFFC has been the US Open: yours is the most difficult and demanding of all the contests in our industry and the change you're considering will water that down a bit in my opinion

[ April 03, 2011, 11:04 PM: Message edited by: hammer ]

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