FAAB for next year

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FAAB for next year

Post by Coltsfan » Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:46 am


I do have a couple of comments. First, I'm not sure that there would be less players with 2 wavier wire periods but I do believe there will be less teams as those with lots of teams won't be able to keep and will opt to do less teams. I'm 100% sure I would fit into the category. I'll still do a number of teams but they will be DC's (if they have live scoring.)

There are also more reasons that I don't like the multiple waiver wire periods.

1. Mistakes will be made with the early WW period as you will be working off of very little information. It seems everyone is worried about missing out on a kicker who happens to get injured. Well that just a small piece of the puzzle. The bigger problem is that you might have WR A and WR B who both get injured. The backups are both very viable starters the following week. You go all out for both of these WR's figuring to get one. Well on Friday one practices and plays while the other is now doubtful for a few weeks. If you end up with the wrong one then it can really set your team back. Forget the kicker who gets hurt - it's making a wrong decision for the right reason because of the additional 2 days of information you are lacking - that is the real problem.

2. I think it will take a lot of time with 2 WW periods. I manage 20 teams and to go through each league and just glance at what is available takes me a lot of time. I start waiver wire work on tuesdays, do more on wednesday's, and then tweak and on thursday night and friday. Sometimes I end up completely taking bid groups on on Friday and redoing them based on news that came out on Friday. But anyways, I feel like I would have to go through every piece of news twice a week (right now I can let it slide a day or two if I"m swamped at work), go through each and every league, look through who is available at every skill position for those leagues, and place new bids when appropriate. I don't want to lose a competitive advantage by even missing one player during the course of a season because I failed to look through the information.

That's how I see if working out. I still like KOQ's suggestion the best and fully support it. And if you're worried about the game the following thursday then you should have a contingency plan for anyone who is playing in that game the week BEFORE. If you can't cover it then it's on you.


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FAAB for next year

Post by Glenneration X » Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:54 am

One last comment based on Wayne's comments....

I still personally prefer the dual waiver periods, but if only given the choice between one waiver period on Wednesday or one on Friday, I'm 100% in favor of the Friday option for all the reasons Wayne stated and for the factors I mentioned as well.

I also agree that if one waiver period is the choice we go with, KOQ's idea is a good one.

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FAAB for next year

Post by The Franchise » Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:58 am

Glenn - I usually agree with you on most things, but this one topic it's just a matter of difference of opinion and preference.

I would like the NFFC to exhaust as many options possible before deciding to go with 2 FAAB periods.

I think you and Billy mentioned this. If they go with 2 FAAB periods by Friday all the good free agents are gone therefore there is not much work to be put in on Friday. To me at the end of the day I'm still going to go through every team thoroughly to make sure I didn't miss anything. That requires time and effort. Effort is not the issue, but time is.

This is just my personal feelings. We all or I need a life outside of this great hobby/job that we participate in and I find it as time wasted to be sitting in front of the computer 2 nights a week doing FAAB when it could be done just 1 night a week. Not to mention trying to justify it to the wife and kids.

Those are the reasons why I (personally) would not want 2 FAAB periods. If there were 2 FAAB periods, I would have to cut back the number of teams next year and I still wouldn't like doing 2 FAAB's regardless.

I think Pat had a good idea. Expand rosters to 21 or 22 and have FAAB on Wednesday's. This gives you one or two extra players to plug in your lineup in case of injury.

I don't agree that doing FAAB on Wednesday means less information and more luck. You just need to work a little harder to find it before all the other websites find it for you. Back a few years ago or what I like to call "Back in the day" there weren't so many Fantasy websites and all this information at our fingertips. I felt like it gave me an advantage over the average fantasy player, because I spent more time than them watching and analyzing the games on Sunday and doing the research necessary to try to decipher which RB or WR was going to be the next to step in and play well. Today that's not the case (I get it the world has evolved. So easy a caveman can do it). Everything is at your fingertips and it doesn't require much effort for the average player to not even pay attention to any football, sit down on Friday night, go over all news and notes and make his or hers waiver claims.That news is what sets the price/value of that player everyone is bidding on. Then it just comes down to how much everyone is willing to spend.

I agree that by Friday most if not all information and news is out for all to see. On Wednesday that is not the case and requires that player to do more leg work and pay attention to the games to see how a certain player is running, how much he is on the field and so on. Whether it's not the case or it is, I feel I have an advantage how ever small it might be by doing FAAB earlier in the week. Plus with the NFL going to Thursday games every week it allows to bid on the players that are playing in that Thursday game.
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FAAB for next year

Post by Coltsfan » Sun Nov 20, 2011 2:11 am

There is a reason why you are "The Franchise!" Great thoughts.

IF we did go to Wednesdays (and I hope we don't) then I really do like the idea of additional roster spots. I would love to see them at 20 regardless! But increasing them even above 20 would help.

The other thought is that if the waiver time was moved BACK it in the evening it would allow those who work later to do pickups on Wednesday evening and at least have more information than what is out on Tuesday's. The deadline could easily be 11:00 eastern therefore giving most people time on Wednesday to enter bids after work. Right now those on the west coast who work til 5:00 have no chance of that unless they can do it during business hours.


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FAAB for next year

Post by Shrink Attack » Sun Nov 20, 2011 2:11 am

Originally posted by Coltsfan:

I think it will take a lot of time with 2 WW periods. I manage 20 teams and to go through each league and just glance at what is available takes me a lot of time. I start waiver wire work on tuesdays, do more on wednesday's, and then tweak and on thursday night and friday. Sometimes I end up completely taking bid groups on on Friday and redoing them based on news that came out on Friday. But anyways, I feel like I would have to go through every piece of news twice a week (right now I can let it slide a day or two if I"m swamped at work), go through each and every league, look through who is available at every skill position for those leagues, and place new bids when appropriate. I don't want to lose a competitive advantage by even missing one player during the course of a season because I failed to look through the information.

You're living my life.

If there were two waiver periods, I would feel obligated to repeat my entire research and evaluation process each time. Otherwise, I'd feel like I was giving the edge to my competition.

Even if one of the waiver periods were limited to only certain players or certain teams, we need to remember that most of us make waiver decisions based on the context of what's available league wide. Those decisions aren't made in isolation. So even if I'm considering adding just one player, I have to evaluate his value and bid price compared to every other player that's available. This requires a complete review of the most recent information and it's relevance to the WW decision.

For that reason, two waiver periods would mark my exit from this contest. Maybe some people like the Free Agent process each week, but personally I find it a distasteful but necessary exercise. It's the least enjoyable and most time consuming aspect part of Fantasy Football for me. If the rules changed to where this process doubled up reach week, it would be bye-bye Shrinky.
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Glenneration X
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FAAB for next year

Post by Glenneration X » Sun Nov 20, 2011 2:12 am

Nelson, we've been over this many times before. You're better at this game than I am. Why the hell would I want to give you even more of an advantage over me? :eek:

Good luck today Bud. Big day in the FFPC leagues.

Greg Ambrosius
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FAAB for next year

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sun Nov 20, 2011 2:31 am

I think I have said already that the NFFC will limit FAAB to one day per week in the future. The key is deciding the right date and technically we can do what King of Queens suggested starting in 2012. Personally, I'm in favor of that plan.
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FAAB for next year

Post by Coltsfan » Sun Nov 20, 2011 2:34 am

Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
I think I have said already that the NFFC will limit FAAB to one day per week in the future. The key is deciding the right date and technically we can do what King of Queens suggested starting in 2012. Personally, I'm in favor of that plan. Yes!!!

That makes me feel a lot better about next year!


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FAAB for next year

Post by renman » Sun Nov 20, 2011 3:11 am

Originally posted by Glenneration X:
I'm going to make one more comment on this and then having had my say, I'll let others carry the debate if they so choose.

It seems that the most significant factor for most that are against a 2nd waiver period is the time factor. Believe me when I say that's a factor for me as well. I spend upwards of 50-60 hours a week on work, have three kids under the age of 4, have multiple other hobbies, interests, and responsibilities, and like many others here run multiple fantasy football teams as well as multiple fantasy baseball teams. The last thing I want is a more time consuming FAAB process.

However, the point I am trying to make is that the extra waiver period does not add any time whether you have one or 100 teams. Any player you feel is worth a bid and can fit on your team would have been researched and bid on during the Wednesday FAAB period. That player would already be on your team or on someone else's. Anyone left would have already been determined by you as not worth a bid.

As long as there's a rule in place stating that noone dropped on Wednesday can be picked up on Friday, there's no reason to even look at the waiver pool again.

So the Friday period would be solely for late injury news, either to cover for an injury to one of your players or to bid on a player whose circumstances have now changed due to a late injury. I can't see this being a common occurance or one that would take much time at all. Yet it keeps the news current and the ability to react to late news available.

Seriously where's the time factor? This week only the Carpenter owners would have been searching and only for those teams he was the kicker. It would have taken about 30 seconds per team to bid on the available kickers and only on the teams where he would have needed to be replaced. Who else would have been bidding on Friday? I could not possibly agree more. I have read through this thread and struggle to see why people would be against this. Someone (may have been glennX) made the point earlier in this thread that we invest a lot of money into this, a ton of time preparing for drafts, we hop on planes and fly around the country to do live drafts, we run our teams, set our rosters, analyze the latest fantasy football news. Now we don't want to deal with a little extra time with free agent bidding?

That confuses me. I too have young children, work a full time job, have a ton of responsibilities, volunteer for things in my community and have personal interests and play sports that demand my time. I still cannot imaging having to try to GUESS what free agents will be needed or will have meaningful value on Weds 5 full days before Sundays kickoff. I cannot imagine trying to guess which of my players might get the flu or might get arrested or might pull a hammy in Fridays practice.

I have always wondered why we do not run Faab on Saturday. Very little happens in the NFL on Saturday.

I just struggle to see why people are so against 2 Faab runs and want to force everyone to guess on Weds.

Now I say all of this being fine with one Faab run. But make it as late in the week as possible. I liked KOQ's plan. I know in the past it was mentioned that an emergency faab could run for those once in a while unforeseen instances (like hurricane cancelling a game after friday faab killing some owners) where they can pick up the scraps off faab but pay a premium in event of an emergency.

[ November 20, 2011, 09:18 AM: Message edited by: Renman ]

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FAAB for next year

Post by RedRyder » Sun Nov 20, 2011 5:36 am

What is KOQ's plan?

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