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FAAB: D.Ward $995

Post by ultimatefs » Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:32 am

Originally posted by Hard heads:
you may want to clearly state it in the rules. "All drops are also subject to review by the commissioner of the NFFC"


" In the case of a "star" player being dropped in a league for a valid reason,the NFFC commissioner does reserve the right to allow the cut but keep the player out of that league's free agent listing for any length of time, possibly the entire season."

He wasn't dropped for a valid reason. This does not apply.

" All decisions by the NFFC commissioner will be final."


Seems pretty clear to me.
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Post by mikeybok » Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:32 am

Originally posted by Route C:

BTW...we need to elect a president since we belong to a so called "chum chum" club.
Wow ... you would think if my chum's were going to start a club ... they would invite me to be in it. Although I would like to rename it "The common sense club" if they let me in.

This was handled correctly IMHO

Clearer rules are always better.

Greg/Tom will always have to make judgment calls because the rules will NEVER cover every possible situation or condition.

... and someone will ALWAYS disagree with the calls they make (nature of the beast). If we all agreed ... there would be no call to make

Common sense, integrity and consistency are all we can ask for (A lesser player can dictate a different solution without being handled inconsistently).

Originally posted by Raiders:
quote:Originally posted by BillyWaz:
I'm assuming it WAS a computer error.
No way. Never happen. Human error and lets move on.
[/QUOTE]I agree with Raiders that is is more likely a human error here (not that it matters) ... but ... NO way. NEVER happen?

Why would a company even need tech support if computers systems NEVER made mistakes?

It doesn't appear that you are open minded to any other possibilities than what you THINK to be true. You seem more like a dog with a bone at this point IMO.

I think ... worse case ... we all need to be open minded about what took place ... personally ... I wish I had Billy's take on this.

Again ... I think it doesn't make a difference ... computer error or human error ... I would fix it like Greg did. But ... he makes the big bucks ... so I'll let him take the heat on this one :D

Big Mike
Hakuna Matata!

Route Collectors
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FAAB: D.Ward $995

Post by Route Collectors » Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:32 am

Originally posted by Blue_Foot:
quote:Originally posted by 4D:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by UFS:
[qb] No apology will be offered NOR is any deserved!!!!

There is little doubt in my mind what happened here...the attempt at gaining a competitive advantage (I am stopping short of using the other word) was thwarted!

[/QUOTE]You're losing credibility by the second here. IMO people like you are not good for the NFFC or any event for that matter.

Are you not familiar with the "chain of command".

What should've occured was a phone call or e-mail from you to Greg followed by Gregs decision and his explaination if necessary.

You chose to stir up the boards with this mess by making your accusations public. Do you always over react like this in life. No wonder you let your cat speak for you so often.

I love the NFFC and honestly.....I wish people like you would take your money and your anxiety elsewhere.

While talking to your lawyer...ask him the definition of slander. :eek:

Greg Ambrosius
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Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:33 am

Originally posted by Blue_Foot:
Many thanks to those willing to stand against the "Chum, Chum, family". Here is my opinion of what has occurred. These are not competitors, they are a team! I played poker against them and they did the same thing. A computer error is hard to fathom in this case. There is only one logical reason that Steve Smith was dropped. And only one logical reason why his so called competition would defend his ability to have the player returned. This was an attempt to cheat. It was caught. It involves some of the leagues base players so Greg must support them and cover it up. Please note that this is only my opinion...it is possible that I am wrong. It is not part of my case against the NFFC. My case rests on the interpretation of the rule and the term "star" player. It is an easy case that I will win. However, I may choose not to continue with it. The reason is that it could result in a much bigger problem that could close the league. I have waited all year to play and Greg has a great product. Greg is also an honest guy who is contending with a lot of strong personalities in a competitive environment (yours truely included). Furthermore, I understand his position considering that he may not believe that some of his loyal customers might attempt to "get an edge". I will back off the "cheating" word. That may be unfair...the team of owners I am up against were not actually attempting to cheat...they were trying to gain a competitive advantage. They were thwarted. But, they paid no price for it. So, whatever....game on! I will call my lawyer and tell him that I am not interested in taking action against the NFFC. I am satisfied that a system is in place to prevent obvious collaboration such as this attempt. I am disappointed that the player was not lost as per the "star" player clause. Hopefully, this rule can be made more clear in the future OR certain players can be tagged each week as NO DROP players. Another possible change would be to make all dropped players permamently removed from the game. Not sure how this would effect things...for example you might want two defenses and two kickers. OK, I have said more than enough on this posting. The "Chum, Chum, Family" should no where I stand and what I am about. I am a fierce competitor in all I do. I am usually fairly successful. I am used to being one against many and do not seek the approval of others. I admit when I am wrong. I stand my ground when I am right. I don't take myself as seriously as others do. I can be friends with those whom I disagree, but I will never be a "Chum, Chum". That is who I am...you can take me or leave me. Good luck to all and may the best INDIVIDUAL win! I enjoyed my 6-year-old's birthday party today and then proceeded to read the last 8 pages of this thread. Wow, what an eye opener. I understand the passion with this subject, but I must admit that adults are much more surprising than kindergartners. And less enjoyable to be around as well.

Everyone makes good points on this topic and I'm sure Rich is taking note of them as much as I am. But Bluefoot's paranoia and accusations go well beyond the boundaries of the game. Wayne, you accused me of collusion when Josh Ferenc, our 2005 NFFC champ, got the No. 1 pick in your league last year. You stood in front of me and many others in Las Vegas and accused Tom and I of setting the draft picks for our "regulars", guys like Josh. You didn't use "Chum Chum Club" then, but I understand the term now. You talked about a lawsuit then. Now you're accusing your fellow LV 2 mates of colluding again to get you.

Please read the rules before making those accusations. If Steve Smith had been cut in your league, I would have the option of removing Smith from the free agent pool. Thus Smith would be gone and nobody would have a chance to pick him up. How does that help Rich or anyone else in your league? Do you think the rest of the teams would continue cutting their star players until it was just you and one other team left, so they could split the $5,000 league prize?? By not allowing any star players to be picked up by other teams, how can you honestly accuse all of the other LV2 teams of colluding against YOU!!

You have a right to take your frustration out on me for using common sense to put Steve Smith back on Rich's roster. Keep your paranoid rants towards me, please. Nobody else in LV2 had anything to do with this "conspiracy" and Rich certainly didn't tell me about it before I ruled "against" him. I know you will not apologize to them for your accusations because I know for a fact you TRULY BELIEVE this. And I have no doubt that you'll have legal counsel contacting me as well.

I'll save my reasoning for the deposition, but I think your conspiracy accusations against LV2 went too far this time. No apology is needed there because I don't think anyone in that league would accept it anyway. Good luck the rest of the way to you, Rich and everyone else in the NFFC.

As for your "Chum Chum Club," it's very possible Wayne that you were part of that as an MB regular. But you certainly know how to burn bridges with your personality and accusations towards others. We all show our true colors on these boards at times and I know you don't mind the color you're showing now. No problem. All of our NFFC members are in my club and I treat everyone just like I treat my three kids: Equally. I love them all and I make decisions based on the circumstances, not the individuals. Again, good luck to you in many ways.
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Route Collectors
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Post by Route Collectors » Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:37 am

Originally posted by Ugly Yellow Tomatoes:
quote:Originally posted by Route C:

BTW...we need to elect a president since we belong to a so called "chum chum" club.
Wow ... you would think if my chum's were going to start a club ... they would invite me to be in it. Although I would like to rename it "The common sense club" if they let me in.

Originally posted by Raiders:
quote:Originally posted by BillyWaz:

[/QUOTE]Only 2 MB clubs really exist: The majority and minority. I've had extended membership in each.

I guess if I'm not "chummin" I'm "slummin"

[ September 15, 2007, 04:42 PM: Message edited by: Route C ]

Greg Ambrosius
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Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:42 am

Originally posted by Route C:
quote:Originally posted by Blue_Foot:
quote:Originally posted by 4D:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by UFS:
[qb] No apology will be offered NOR is any deserved!!!!

There is little doubt in my mind what happened here...the attempt at gaining a competitive advantage (I am stopping short of using the other word) was thwarted!

[/QUOTE]You're losing credibility by the second here. IMO people like you are not good for the NFFC or any event for that matter.

Are you not familiar with the "chain of command".

What should've occured was a phone call or e-mail from you to Greg followed by Gregs decision and his explaination if necessary.

You chose to stir up the boards with this mess by making your accusations public. Do you always over react like this in life. No wonder you let your cat speak for you so often.

I love the NFFC and honestly.....I wish people like you would take your money and your anxiety elsewhere.

While talking to your lawyer...ask him the definition of slander. :eek:
[/QUOTE]I know I shouldn't carry this on any further, but I do want to set the record straight here on one thing: Bluefoot, nor anyone else with dissenting views on this subject, has contacted me via e-mail or phone today. The only e-mail I received personally on this subject was from Rich Dunn last night. There was one view against my decision that was sent to STATS this morning and forwarded to me a few minutes ago, but that person has not been on the boards yet.

I am certainly open to discussing this one-on-one with anyone in the NFFC and Wayne knows how to get a hold of me as easily as anyone as he's done so in the past. He obviously doesn't need to talk with me about this -- nor does anyone else -- but you'd think with such strong convictions someone would send similar e-mails to me rather than just post on this thread.
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Gordon Gekko
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Post by Gordon Gekko » Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:54 am

Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
But Bluefoot's paranoia and accusations go well beyond the boundaries of the game. Wayne, you accused me of collusion when Josh Ferenc, our 2005 NFFC champ, got the No. 1 pick in your league last year. You stood in front of me and many others in Las Vegas and accused Tom and I of setting the draft picks for our "regulars", guys like Josh. You didn't use "Chum Chum Club" then, but I understand the term now. You talked about a lawsuit then. Now you're accusing your fellow LV 2 mates of colluding again to get you.
wayne: seek counseling, seriously.

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Post by Quahogs » Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:55 am


the chum chum club made me ! you know the cut and paste drill


Hard heads
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Post by Hard heads » Sat Sep 15, 2007 10:57 am

" In the case of a "star" player being dropped in a league for a valid reason,the NFFC commissioner does reserve the right to allow the cut but keep the player out of that league's free agent listing for any length of time, possibly the entire season."

He wasn't dropped for a valid reason. This does not apply.

UFS, while I agree Greg did the right thing, I do disagree with your simple interpretation of what happened according to the rules. Something should be written about this case and clearly stated is all I am saying. I think so same sentiments have been requested in previous posts and isn't too much to ask. Clear up as much gray area as possible to prevent the Blue Foot's of the world from ruining it for the rest of us.

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FAAB: D.Ward $995

Post by Diesel » Sat Sep 15, 2007 11:00 am

Originally posted by Quahogs:

the chum chum club made me ! you know the cut and paste drill


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