FAAB: D.Ward $995

GOD Loves You
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FAAB: D.Ward $995

Post by GOD Loves You » Sat Sep 15, 2007 1:49 pm

Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
quote:Originally posted by GOD Loves You:
quote:Originally posted by FI$HER:
quote:Originally posted by Raiders:
quote:Originally posted by FI$HER:

the one good thing from this situation is that the error was with a bona-fide stud top 5 WR. If this happened with a different WR, who lets say is on the fence in regard to perceived value to NFFC and scoring, then this thread would be another 30 pages before it was done.

For example, lets say a player like Brandon Marshall, Wes Welker , etc. who had decent week one scoring, but no long term NFL successful track record like S. Smith.....then this whole thing woulda been a nightmare... You had to go there. :rolleyes:
[/QUOTE]On the flip side, if it was not a player of S. Smith's caliber...then I would not have the same view point and opinion as I did. :D
[/QUOTE]So where do you draw the line?? At what rank does the "forgiveness" end?? A rule is a rule, this is a contest...if you select the wrong player, it's your fault whether it's a 1st round pick or a 15th rounder. Nothing unethical or unfair about this.

Say I picked up Ricky Williams this weeks, but meant to pick up Ricky Williams of the Dolphins, not the Colts...would I receive a pass since I obviously wanted the one from the Phins??

How can Greg ever rule against another owner who experiences the same type of fiasco?? A precedent was set today that could lead to problems down the road.

Sure I know Dunn didn't meant to drop Smith, but from what I've read he DID drop Smith so I don't see how everyone can say he should be placed back on his team.
[/QUOTE]Patrick, as I've stated previously, this has happened a few times this year in the NFBC. Owners have contacted me as soon as the moves are announced and I've made the changes. None have been the caliber of Steve Smith, but they have been corrected by me. Do I view today as a precedent setting day? No, but I know you do.

If Rich straggled onto the boards tomorrow morning and asked where Steve Smith was, it would be a closed case against him. But he contacted me immediately, told me honestly what he thought happened and I acted the way I thought I should. He didn't use any illegal means to acquire a player or to gain an edge.
[/QUOTE]Was going to type something but shall PM instead.

BTW, I, myself, would never think about any illegal means done by an owner, just concerned with the rules and implentation of those rules.

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FAAB: D.Ward $995

Post by richieprimo » Sat Sep 15, 2007 1:50 pm

Paying Top Dollar For All 12 and 10 cent Superhero Comics. Send PM...You may have money packed in your garage or attic.

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FAAB: D.Ward $995

Post by richieprimo » Sat Sep 15, 2007 1:51 pm

Paying Top Dollar For All 12 and 10 cent Superhero Comics. Send PM...You may have money packed in your garage or attic.

GOD Loves You
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FAAB: D.Ward $995

Post by GOD Loves You » Sat Sep 15, 2007 1:57 pm

Originally posted by SNAKE:
what would YOU do fellow comrades if you inadvertantly dropped your 1ST round selection and arguably best player on your team from your roster after Week 1 Honestly....I would accept I dropped the wrong player and move on. I don't see how it can be done so if I did it, oh well, I made a mistake.

I always triple check everything to ensure it's correct to avoid anything like this happening and I always open the "Free Agent" page in a separate window for all of my leagues to check the bids in every league. I want to ensure what I entered is "played out" correctly. So, yea, I would take Parker, hope for the best(I have him in a few leagues too ) and go Steve Smithless. It would kill me since I love Steve Smith......which lets me know there's no way I would've ever made the mistake of dropping him.

[ September 15, 2007, 07:58 PM: Message edited by: GOD Loves You ]

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FAAB: D.Ward $995

Post by pizzatyme » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:07 pm

Tough call but easy decision for Greg to make.

How in the hell can you make this mistake when it gives you a confirmation screen of he transaction?

Glad to know I have something to fall back on in the event I screw up in the future.

Glad this is resolved.

Good luck to everyone this weekend!
2008- Didn't finish last overall in the Classic.
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FAAB: D.Ward $995

Post by larrygold33 » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:08 pm

Originally posted by Blue_Foot:
Many thanks to those willing to stand against the "Chum, Chum, family". Here is my opinion of what has occurred. These are not competitors, they are a team! I played poker against them and they did the same thing. A computer error is hard to fathom in this case. There is only one logical reason that Steve Smith was dropped. And only one logical reason why his so called competition would defend his ability to have the player returned. This was an attempt to cheat. It was caught. It involves some of the leagues base players so Greg must support them and cover it up. Please note that this is only my opinion...it is possible that I am wrong. It is not part of my case against the NFFC. My case rests on the interpretation of the rule and the term "star" player. It is an easy case that I will win. However, I may choose not to continue with it. The reason is that it could result in a much bigger problem that could close the league. I have waited all year to play and Greg has a great product. Greg is also an honest guy who is contending with a lot of strong personalities in a competitive environment (yours truely included). Furthermore, I understand his position considering that he may not believe that some of his loyal customers might attempt to "get an edge". I will back off the "cheating" word. That may be unfair...the team of owners I am up against were not actually attempting to cheat...they were trying to gain a competitive advantage. They were thwarted. But, they paid no price for it. So, whatever....game on! I will call my lawyer and tell him that I am not interested in taking action against the NFFC. I am satisfied that a system is in place to prevent obvious collaboration such as this attempt. I am disappointed that the player was not lost as per the "star" player clause. Hopefully, this rule can be made more clear in the future OR certain players can be tagged each week as NO DROP players. Another possible change would be to make all dropped players permamently removed from the game. Not sure how this would effect things...for example you might want two defenses and two kickers. OK, I have said more than enough on this posting. The "Chum, Chum, Family" should no where I stand and what I am about. I am a fierce competitor in all I do. I am usually fairly successful. I am used to being one against many and do not seek the approval of others. I admit when I am wrong. I stand my ground when I am right. I don't take myself as seriously as others do. I can be friends with those whom I disagree, but I will never be a "Chum, Chum". That is who I am...you can take me or leave me. Good luck to all and may the best INDIVIDUAL win! "I played poker against them and they did the same thing"

Ummm Wayne..before I really blow my top here..I sincerely hope you are not referring to the wcoff poker league I run. I'm half way through this string and I havent got a clue whats going to be said from here on but man..first you started with accusing me of collusion in a poker league and now you are accusing the accidental Smith drop as collusion and ure getting a lawyer..man..I'm so steamed right now.

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FAAB: D.Ward $995

Post by pizzatyme » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:12 pm

Some of these arguments really need to be taken offline. This is not the place to discuss non-NFFC related topics IMO considering this board is for "General NFFC Discussion".
2008- Didn't finish last overall in the Classic.
2009- Didn't finish last overall in the Classic or Primetime.

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FAAB: D.Ward $995

Post by larrygold33 » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:14 pm

Originally posted by RedRyder:
quote:Originally posted by Blue_Foot:
Many thanks to those willing to stand against the "Chum, Chum, family". Here is my opinion of what has occurred. These are not competitors, they are a team! I played poker against them and they did the same thing. Wayne, it certainly sounds from the above post that you are accussing several memebers of LV2 of collusion. And to bring in the off-season WCOFF bi-weekly poker tourney is nuts. Who else in LV2, besides myself, did you play against in the tourneys? What happened at the poker table was nothing, yet YOU chose to make a mountain out of a mole hill. YOU even e-mailed all the players afterwards adn apologized for your behavior (obviously an empty apology). In fact, at the draft a few weeks back, YOU personally came up to me and apologized again about the poker thing (and again, obviuosly an empty apology). Honestly, I didn't think ANYTHING of the poker thing when it happen and was caught off guard by your attacks on the other players, I thought you were joking.

Calling the intergrity of ANYONE in LV2 into question over this is out and out wrong. Don't make it personal. Fine to have your take and JUDGEMENT on the incident, but leave the personal attacks on the sideline, it's no fun to have to come on the boards and see you've been accused of collusion.

-Cheerio & Chum Chum
[/QUOTE]Wow..Glad Im not playing tonight cause Waynes comments really got me on tilt now. In the back of my mind, I knew those wcoff apologies were empty...I cannot believe the stuff you are writing here..CANT WAIT TO READ THE REST OF THIS.

Robert Zarzycki
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FAAB: D.Ward $995

Post by Robert Zarzycki » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:14 pm

Probably out of line here, Blue_Foot, but I think u need to get laid. -z-
Robert Zarzycki
Author of Drafting To Win & Fantasy Football's Big Six (AuthorHouse.com)

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FAAB: D.Ward $995

Post by larrygold33 » Sat Sep 15, 2007 4:32 pm

okay..Ive cooled down (a bit)...Sorry to Greg and the rest on this string for shouting halfway through the read..1st--Greg's decision is logical and the only reasonable outcome. The fact that the SS owner reached out right away reiterates that. Mistakes happen and often should be penalized but sometimes common sense needs to take precedent.

on to BlueFoot, Wayne. You really do have some nerve. Other than sending out an email to the wcoff string, this will be my final commentary to you. I am not angry with you. I feel sorry for you. You have built a significant track record of accusing folks of colluding...and what was even more pathetic was your passive aggressive departure from our wcoff group. can't believe you had the gaul to bring up your unfounded pathetic accusations again...in part its bothersome that you still really believe that our poker group or me/todd cheat. if i remember right you specifically called out todd and I and later backed off. Do you feel the whole world is out to get Wayne Jodicus Prosser? Do you assume that everyone is evil and the cards are stacked against you. You are so consumed with whistle blowing when there's no whistle to blow..Very disturbing man. Get some help, or as Z said, just get some!

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