Dumb Rule about Free Agents

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Dumb Rule about Free Agents

Post by BillyWaz » Sun Oct 12, 2008 2:49 pm

Originally posted by GOD Loves You:
A. Read the rules

B. If you really needed a TE, you should've bid on EVERY single TE available to insure you had one.

C. The NFFC will go on without you. Yep, this pretty much sums it up.

So to be clear here, you ponied up $1,300 to play and THOUGHT you could pick up players "whenever", just because it happens everywhere else??? :confused:

Looks like you learned a tough lesson in reading directions/rules before setting out to do something.

Gordon Gekko
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Dumb Rule about Free Agents

Post by Gordon Gekko » Sun Oct 12, 2008 2:56 pm

Originally posted by SNAKE:
...hey Cellblock #2137, do you think that SNAKE now needs to post Greg & Tom's contact number on this board to get some action taken here?...HEHEHE...SNAKE puuulease snake. u are the biggest cancer in this event. please slip up some we can have you booted. you are only one slip up away. PLEASE!!!!!

ps - b4 u leave us, please donate more money!!!! hEhEhE!!!!
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Dumb Rule about Free Agents

Post by jjsegura78 » Sun Oct 12, 2008 3:00 pm

My point in bringing up the Texans/Ravens game was that there was a BIG CHANCE that the game would not happen... Right? Ok, I know many owners of Texans/Ravens took this into consideration... So what they did was prepare for the worst, they dumped a player that they could live without, and picked up a Just In Case (Insurance) player. I did so myself, not saying that my pick-ups that week helped me that much, but I picked them up just in case the game did not go on. That might have been naive for me to do, but I got 6.5 from my TE and D that week because I picked up a couple of players. Despite getting my #&! kicked that week by CC in my main league, those 6.5 points are points I got that could help me come crunch time. Who knows, I'm just being naive...
Projection 2010: Either winning my Classic LV/Chicago Dual League, or making it to the Catalina Wine Mixer.

JJ Segura

Gordon Gekko
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Dumb Rule about Free Agents

Post by Gordon Gekko » Sun Oct 12, 2008 3:11 pm

Originally posted by SNAKE:
SNAKE brought you down to your knees on a public MB for ALL to see here GiGi Le Femme - posting Greg's contact number and asking others to contact Greg to get SNAKE banned...tsk, tsk, tsk - now didn't your mommy teach you to fight your own battles and not to run off to Kindergarten Teacher when someone steals your lollipop?...hehehe...how embarrassing it must have been for you to be exposed on a public MB for all to see and be brought to your little girlie French knees by your Master Serpent - have you no shame GiGi?...hehehe...SNAKE exposed???? i'll continue to suggest to anyone that doesn't like your posting style to call greg and tom and let them know. thanks.

Greg Ambrosius
office: 715-445-4612, ext. 13284

Tom Kessenich
Office: 715 445-4612 ext. 13653
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GOD Loves You
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Dumb Rule about Free Agents

Post by GOD Loves You » Sun Oct 12, 2008 3:37 pm

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
quote:Originally posted by SNAKE:
SNAKE brought you down to your knees on a public MB for ALL to see here GiGi Le Femme - posting Greg's contact number and asking others to contact Greg to get SNAKE banned...tsk, tsk, tsk - now didn't your mommy teach you to fight your own battles and not to run off to Kindergarten Teacher when someone steals your lollipop?...hehehe...how embarrassing it must have been for you to be exposed on a public MB for all to see and be brought to your little girlie French knees by your Master Serpent - have you no shame GiGi?...hehehe...SNAKE exposed???? i'll continue to suggest to anyone that doesn't like your posting style to call greg and tom and let them know. thanks.

Greg Ambrosius
office: 715-445-4612, ext. 13284

Tom Kessenich
Office: 715 445-4612 ext. 13653
[/QUOTE]So now it's style that gets you booted? :confused:

Just because SNAKE's in his own world, does that really mean he needs banned? What country do we live in?

The way Glenn gets treated reminds me of the scene in Monty Python's Holy Grail....when they bring the witch to be burned. That seems to be the kind of trial some of you guys want.

Or better yet, I know most have a Bible...read John 8.

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Dumb Rule about Free Agents

Post by weber7777 » Sun Oct 12, 2008 3:59 pm

Originally posted by Zeus10:
I read the rules! I know what they are and I think they suck! Why would the rule be only 1 day for FA pick up?? I am in CBS, ESPN, and 2 other not as well known leagues and they all have a waiver period but after that you can add and drop at will. I like the no trade policy but the FA rule??? cmon! Also I really didnt think I needed to bid on more than 2 TE's but I guess I was wrong. At least the TE position doesnt give that many points, so I am not missing out that much. you need to bid on a whole bunch because people will purposely block you if they know you need a TE.
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Dumb Rule about Free Agents

Post by rkulaski » Sun Oct 12, 2008 4:16 pm

Originally posted by Zeus10:
I read the rules! I know what they are and I think they suck! Why would the rule be only 1 day for FA pick up?? I am in CBS, ESPN, and 2 other not as well known leagues and they all have a waiver period but after that you can add and drop at will. I like the no trade policy but the FA rule??? cmon! Also I really didnt think I needed to bid on more than 2 TE's but I guess I was wrong. At least the TE position doesnt give that many points, so I am not missing out that much. Did you read the rules AFTER Friday night and 6 weeks into the season? In the grand scheme of things, you gave up 5 to 10 pts this weekend. A couple of weeks ago when Eli Manning was on a bye, C Palmer was the only other qb I had and then I read on Sunday morning he was not going to play because of his elbow injury. Now that sucks taking a 0 at qb! The NFFC is as fair as it gets. Everyone is on an even playing field.

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