Very interesting primetime situation

Cocktails and Dreams
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Very interesting primetime situation

Post by Cocktails and Dreams » Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:15 am

I am currently tied at 8-4 in my league with two other teams. I have been fortunate enough to build a huge lead in points so I cannot be caught there. My team is not near as good as it once was however, so winning the league now would be much better.

Where it gets interesting is that I am playing Mr. Jupinka this week. He has an awesome team now. One that could certainly make a lot of noise in the overall race if he makes it. He is a big favorite to beat me this week. The tricky part is that he will probably only get 2nd in league and make the playoffs if he loses on purpose. He does need to protect a 50 point lead though. He is a game back of the three of us so if he beats me one of the other teams will get record and I will get points. If he loses to me, I will get record and points but he will get the 2nd slot due to points.

The question is, what would you do if you were in his situation? Try and lose on purpose? Monitor it and bench guys for the late games if you have the 50 point lead protected? Very interesting situation where trying to lose on purpose benefits a team. I am not sure I would ever be all that comfortable losing on purpose but one has to do what one has to do don't they?

[ December 03, 2010, 12:16 PM: Message edited by: Cocktails and Dreams ]

King of Queens
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Very interesting primetime situation

Post by King of Queens » Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:21 am

File this under another reason why bringing only 1x your scoring average into the Championship Round is too low. One crummy week out of 13 doesn't amount to much of a difference come next week.

Cocktails and Dreams
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Very interesting primetime situation

Post by Cocktails and Dreams » Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:23 am

Tend to agree. But it doesn't really matter anyway as it doesn't matter how many times it counts if he doesn't make it.

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Very interesting primetime situation

Post by Quahogs » Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:47 am

****, was hoping no one would notice...

Cocktails and Dreams
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Very interesting primetime situation

Post by Cocktails and Dreams » Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:53 am

No question you deserve to make it. Maybe I should lose on purpose so I don't have to deal with you in the overall race:)

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Very interesting primetime situation

Post by Coltsfan » Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:01 am

Originally posted by Cocktails and Dreams:
No question you deserve to make it. Maybe I should lose on purpose so I don't have to deal with you in the overall race:) This keeps getting better! I never even thought about the possibility of this happening - wow!


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Very interesting primetime situation

Post by Quahogs » Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:09 am

That's a calculated gamble on your part. Sadly, you currently have the dead wood to pull it off. To hit the skids you may lose say 75pts. Would be about 5.75 pts off your playoff score. That could or...could not factor in the O/A Title. The two other teams tied with you could lose (tough odds but possible) and you'd have given up a TD for nothing. Very interesting :D

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Very interesting primetime situation

Post by Clonedawg » Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:38 am

I don't think there is any question as to what I would do, which is, do what is best for me to win $$$$. Its not like either of you would be intentionally doing rosters moves to help or hurt other people in your league or in the Championship round. Your roster moves would be done to benefit yourself, and anything else would be "collateral damage" to other owners. I think it would be tough to argue the other side in my opinion.

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Very interesting primetime situation

Post by kjduke » Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:26 am

Less intrigue than the Q debacle, but similar ... Primtime, I am right now a close 2nd in points and 2nd in W/L record, and if nothing changes in week 13 would miss the league playoff game. I had the same thing happen 2 years ago. Sounds like the Q and C&D league could end the same way.

I wonder if a 3-team league playoff over weeks 14-16 in such a case (where the 3rd place team actually finishes 2nd in both points and record) would be a good idea?

[ December 03, 2010, 02:34 PM: Message edited by: KJ Duke ]

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Very interesting primetime situation

Post by mikeybok » Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:42 am

Originally posted by Clonedawg:
I don't think there is any question as to what I would do, which is, do what is best for me to win $$$$. Its not like either of you would be intentionally doing rosters moves to help or hurt other people in your league or in the Championship round. Your roster moves would be done to benefit yourself, and anything else would be "collateral damage" to other owners. I think it would be tough to argue the other side in my opinion. Perfectly stated by Clonedawg. You need to do what is BEST for YOUR team. anything else is "collateral damage" (I really like that term here) regardless of the actual results of trying implement your strategy.
Hakuna Matata!

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