Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by renman » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:42 pm


I totally respect the decision and I know Tom and Greg were put in a tough spot here by this. I just want to share my point and opinion and hope it is respected. I know full well I am going into this weekends games with at least one zero on every single NFFC team but one. Just makes me want to try to win harder shorthanded.

Does not mean I have to be happy about it or think there was no way to address the situation.

Greg Ambrosius
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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:46 pm

Originally posted by renman:
quote:Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
quote:Originally posted by renman:

I respect that running another faab is unlikley to happen. However we can still debate the merits of it happening in a respectful manner here. I surely wont be pulling out of the NFFC over this. I just think in the day and age of computers where things can be fixed with the press of a button. It seems to me there must be a way to let people pick up kickers and defenses due to this happening after the faab process closed. if I am wrong and am missing something... I respect that. If it does not happen and I get stuck with multiple zeros for my team. I will have to deal with it. We make decisions based on the rules of our contest and there is nothing in our rules that allow us to run a second FAAB period. It also wouldn't be fair to everyone for a number of reasons. It's a terrible, unforeseen break for everyone, but again there is nothing in the rules to suddenly make a new decision on the fly.

You know I am your #1 promotor and will continue to be. This in no way makes me sour on my NFFC experience. Having said that, one of my favorite things about the NFFC is we the players can share our thoughts and communicate directly with the heads of the event. I hope you respect my opinions just as I respect yours and will accept your final decisions.

I know there are not rules in place for a second faab or a situation like this. There are also (to my knowledge) no rules saying you can't. I have always felt the free agent process would be better if we had a FAAB bid each week that closed Friday and then anyone can pick up anyone that was not bid on for $1 up until kickoff. Obviously that is a discussion for another time.

My overall point here is this.

-Doing nothing hurts a lot of owners in a very tangible and real way that leaves a sense of unfairness.

-Doing something, like allowing kickers and defenses to be replaced (and I know you are not doing it, I am just stating an opinion) helps a lot of owners and hurts no one. Whatever "unfairness" that could be invented from allowing stuck teams access to scrap pickups to fill a roster pales in comparison to the unfairness to the teams who have to post zeros.

One course of action helps a number of people and provides a sense of fairness. The other course of action helps no one and leaves a bad feeling of unfairness.

I know this ultimate decision will likely fall in line with Wcoff and other events. I just think this could be another situation (kds, 3rr)where the NFFC does their own thing and stands out from the crowd in terms of how to handle this issue.

I know there are a bunch of guys here (and maybe it is partly due to the high stakes) who have that win at all costs mentality and forgo common sense or fairness. These guys are likely currently reveling in their good fortune of not being impacted by this game while watching their competitors hurt badly. Maybe I am in the minority in that not being my style. If this happened in my home league and I reaped the benefits of going against a team with no defense or kicker due to a hurricane, a shortsighted unprepared NFL and a game cancelled after free agent pickups were locked... I would bench my own kicker to play a fair game.

I respect whatever decision you guys make. I hope you respect my sharing my opinion.

Having said this... I will now do my best to manage my team through this unforeseen misfortune... Lets play ball....
[/QUOTE]James, thanks for the thoughts. I think you agree that 3RR and KDS and other innovations were done before the season and in every NFFC season the rules have been agreed upon by all of the participants and the NFFC has followed the rules to the letter of the law. Legally, I think you agree that changing the rules on the fly would be a death knell for us. It's a shame what has happened today by the NFL's short-sightedness, but as game operators I think it would be prudent for everyone to follow their rules and if this game is played in Week 8 then the scores are tabulated for Week 8.

It's also unfair that Cincinnati's bye week has changed from its original date as some NFFC teams have drafted players based on those bye weeks. Should we allow all teams with Carson Palmer's backup QB a re-do because it now falls on the same week as Palmer? That wasn't the case when they drafted this backup QB, but the NFL's decision is affecting them negatively now. Again, this is all a shame but the NFFC must follow its rules as they currently are and legally not change on the fly.
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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by BillyWaz » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:46 pm

Originally posted by Diesel:
Each year of the NFFC, we've had hurricanes that have almost shuffled games, but never until now has it actually happened. I do wish that after the last 4 seasons, we acknowledged the fact of the possibility of this happening and had a backup plan in place, instead of not crossing this bridge until we came to it.

For next year, I propose it states in the rules that in case of any game cancellation, there will be an additional waiver wire period open on Saturday night or even Sunday morning for teams to replace players lost due to the situation. I agree.... for NEXT year.

Again, this is the FIRST time this has happened (to my knowledge), where an individual game has not been played before the next week.

Putting something in the rules pertaining to a catastrophic event and adding an additional FAAB period is a good idea, but I think you agree Diesel, that you can't add it THIS YEAR.

The problem is, it will only be a matter of time before "something else" outside the rules occurs, and this stuff happens all over again.

This is certainly the "dirty job" of commissioners all over (high stakes, local leagues, etc.)

IMO, this is the right call considering the circumstances.

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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by BillyWaz » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:49 pm

By the way, whoever predicted this would be 19 pages.... "I'll take the over!"

As long as we keep seeing this ever 5 posts....

"Greg - RainMan has a great point here - ya gotta admit...SNAKE"

this puppy is a lock for 30 pages by kickoff tomorrow. ;)

Hard heads
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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by Hard heads » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:52 pm

There really is no fair way to allow WW pick ups now to those that think there is. There may be people also effected by this that won't even know there has been a cancellation as we all have lives outside of FF. So you can't be fair to those that are on the boards or have CPU access and unfair to those that don't. It sucks to be in this situation, but it isn't Greg and Tom's fault and we can't be mad at them in the least bit for being put in this spot. This isn't free agency fiasco from the other company, this is all brought on by mother nature and the NFL sitting on their hands too long. Go call the NFL and tell them you get a zero at kicker this week and see if they care, but don't think that Greg and Tom could have handled this any other way. To think they could've is wrong. Nicely done guys and sleep well knowing that the NFL screwed this one up very badly.

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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by weber7777 » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:52 pm

Hey Greg, what about reversing a free agent pickup that someone made picking up a houston guy or baltimore guy thinking there was no BYE.

Like i said i don't care because it's a satellite but i dropped WASH Defense for Houston for the potential matchup.. now obviously i wouldn't have done that if i would have known Houston was on a BYE. reversing that pickup for the lousy 2 bucks is not unfair. ????

if someone wants a waiver wire pickup reversed because of this but not allow them to pickup anyone else what about that?
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Hard heads
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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by Hard heads » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:53 pm

btw Greg...all this weather has caused a bunch of rain outs and screwed my starting staff. I am missing 3 starts now and have 2 guys on my bench I could've inserted to help me in the K's department. Can you allow me a do over cause the PPD's are killing me! Just kidding....

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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by BLACKHAND » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:55 pm

A SECOND ROUND OF FAAB IS FOR THE BIRDS. we knew this storm was coming as early as wed. so why not extend the faab to sat night once or twice a year as weather calls for it. if thurs a rule came out that satnight was faab instead of fri i really dont see the big deal that some people say they dont like it.WHY. it would happen one or two times a year at most and please dont go into the silly stories about terror attacks and where would it stop.

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