Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by RI WORKHORSE » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:57 pm

Originally posted by weber:
Hey Greg, what about reversing a free agent pickup that someone made picking up a houston guy or baltimore guy thinking there was no BYE.

Like i said i don't care because it's a satellite but i dropped WASH Defense for Houston for the potential matchup.. now obviously i wouldn't have done that if i would have known Houston was on a BYE. reversing that pickup for the lousy 2 bucks is not unfair. ????

if someone wants a waiver wire pickup reversed because of this but not allow them to pickup anyone else what about that? ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Johnny Frisella

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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by renman » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:57 pm


I brought up 3rr and kds simply as examples of where the NFFC stood out from the crowd and its competitors by marching to their own beat. This is an example where the NFFC could have done that again. I understand they are not the same situation.

Now if you are saying that allowing teams who got stuck here the chance to pick up $1 filler scraps to cover the holes in their team would turn into a legal issue for you than I am 100% in support of your ruling. Getting information like that is why having discussion and debate here can be healthy. I understand your point about Palmer though obviously teams could replace the backup QB for that week in time. But I understand your point that other teams were hurt too.

Thanks for respecting my opinion enough to respond to it. As you know I respect the decision and will deal with it.

One last question... What is the downside to allowing us to have a FAAB bid that closes Friday (as we have now) for the coveted free agents... and then just letting the free agent wire be open up until kickoff for $1 pickups first come first serve for the players no one wanted? This would cover up situations like this or when sudden injuries happen in pre game warmups or getting out of the shower on Saturday.

Just curious about the pros and cons of this.


Well you have to admit, it was a fair You may finally have to agree with Snake!

Posts: 1567
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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by RI WORKHORSE » Sat Sep 13, 2008 2:06 pm


I felt a big week 2 this week for Kris Brown....

He might of went for 20+ NFFC Points.....

FF 2008 - Anarchy & Chaos Will Reign Supreme!
Johnny Frisella

Greg Ambrosius
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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sat Sep 13, 2008 2:14 pm

Originally posted by Hard heads:
btw Greg...all this weather has caused a bunch of rain outs and screwed my starting staff. I am missing 3 starts now and have 2 guys on my bench I could've inserted to help me in the K's department. Can you allow me a do over cause the PPD's are killing me! Just kidding.... Yeah, I just went over to the NFBC boards to see if the same discussion was taking place!! :D Thankfully our baseball guys understand that MLB makes so many bad decisions that you don't even second guess them anymore! :D You just expect them.

Sorry, I'm too busy watching our Brewers have the biggest September choke since the 1969 Cubs to worry about anyone's starting staff. What an incredible meltdown by the Brewers. :mad:
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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by BillyWaz » Sat Sep 13, 2008 2:14 pm

Originally posted by renman:

One last question... What is the downside to allowing us to have a FAAB bid that closes Friday (as we have now) for the coveted free agents... and then just letting the free agent wire be open up until kickoff for $1 pickups first come first serve for the players no one wanted? This would cover up situations like this or when sudden injuries happen in pre game warmups or getting out of the shower on Saturday.

Just curious about the pros and cons of this.


Well you have to admit, it was a fair You may finally have to agree with Snake! Renman,

The downside IMO is that this is a "first come first serve" for those who are always near the computer. Even snake last year complained because he started Ahman Green when it was announced 30-40 minutes before the game that he wasn't the starter.

There would be TONS of complaints if you did this IMO.

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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by BillyWaz » Sat Sep 13, 2008 2:18 pm

Originally posted by SNAKE:
...ok let's try to put some sanity back in this thread here...The Serpent will be the Kool King Cobra Head and Voice of Reason here...forget the fact that SNAKE has Andre Johnson, Kevin Walter, Ray Rice and Kris Brown (on BOTH) all of whom he had planned to start on his Main squads this The Mag II league the SNAKEsquad also has Kris Brown (SNAKE won't have to drop his kicker this year in just about EVERY league as Brown's bye will have already passed!) and just so happens to be playing The Commish Rules - Greg's team - this week...Greg only made this ruling so that his team here would have a better shot at beating his hated MB rival SNAKE in this league here...the Voice Of Reason has now spoken here...SNAKE 2004- I had a partner/"alternate persona"

2006- Rum and Xanax

2007- I had more injuries than anyone in the history of the NFFC and, oh yeah.... I blew all my FAAB $$ by week 7.

2008- Greg tried to screw me to beat me in the Mag II league.

2009 and beyond....???????

Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36391
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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sat Sep 13, 2008 2:19 pm

Originally posted by THE_BLACKHAND:
A SECOND ROUND OF FAAB IS FOR THE BIRDS. we knew this storm was coming as early as wed. so why not extend the faab to sat night once or twice a year as weather calls for it. if thurs a rule came out that satnight was faab instead of fri i really dont see the big deal that some people say they dont like it.WHY. it would happen one or two times a year at most and please dont go into the silly stories about terror attacks and where would it stop. Frankie, there has been a call for folks to pick up players after the Friday FAAB in the past for kickers or tight ends who were suddenly listed as inactive on Saturday night or Sunday morning. I still think a Friday night FAAB is better than Saturday and maybe next year we could add a second FAAB on Saturday's for folks who may have missed out on all conditional bids and still need a $1 pickup. It would be an innovative way to deal with all possible problems...until the next unforeseen problem comes along. :D Maybe even run that second FAAB on Sunday morning rather than Saturday night. Just a thought.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

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