Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by weber7777 » Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:51 am

Originally posted by BillyWaz:
quote:Originally posted by weber:

Billy thanks so much for your input.... i think Greg can handle it on his own.. Perhaps you missed this??

How is me giving my opinion, different than you giving yours???

Oh, that's right, you wrote a CHAPTER about fantasy auctions in a book! :rolleyes:
[/QUOTE]giving an opinion and kissing ass are 2 different things.. thats my opinion.. and yes i did write a chapter.. your just jealous.. it's ok..LOL.. good luck today in wcoff auction today..
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Greg Ambrosius
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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:52 am

Originally posted by King of Queens:
FYI: The Rotobowl e-mail went out at 11:16pm on Saturday night. Logic would dictate that most of their participants had gone to bed by that point. So upon waking up Sunday morning, assuming they checked their computers prior to heading off for Church or what have you, participants had a very small window in which to work this extra free agency period. For those that didn't check their e-mail, there's a pretty good chance that they missed the opportunity at the extra bidding period. Can you imagine the bitching (and potential lawsuits -- thanks Weber) from people who missed the extra bidding opportunity of which nothing in the rules was mentioned? It's interesting to note that the Houston Astros didn't want their very important series with the Chicago Cubs moved out of Houston this weekend, but Major League Baseball made the prudent decision to move two games to a safer site in Milwaukee and will make up the third game at the end of the season if needed. It's not ideal for the Astros or Astros' fans -- or fantasy players who may lose that one game -- but it was the wise move.

The NFL could have done the same thing, moving this game to San Antonio but chose not to. Whether that was right or wrong is up for debate, but it sure seems unprecedented to have the whole schedule changed because the league chose not to outsmart Hurricane Ike.

And let me say for the record, it was not anyone's fault to plan ahead for a possible game cancellation this week. I don't think anyone expected that, even when the NFL moved the game from Sunday to Monday night. I think most folks felt the game would still be played but at another location if needed. The flip-flop with Cincinnati's bye week wasn't first discussed until Saturday afternoon.

Going forward, a provision in the NFFC/NBC Sports rules one way or another for NFL game changes will definitely have to be addressed. The precedent has now been set that any game can be moved and we'll adjust our rules accordingly in the future to at least cover our bases in the event this happens again.
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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by weber7777 » Sun Sep 14, 2008 5:53 am

Originally posted by renman:
quote:Originally posted by weber:
Here is one of the other leagues's response to the problem which i don't know how anyone can say is unfair. im an advocate of this league Greg and Tom know that, so im only posting this as a suggestion although i know it's too late:

"RotoBowl Fantasy Football Tournament

im sort of in the middle here and don't 100% disagree... as long as the league learns from this and adjusts accordingly next year moving foward thats all we can ask for. Mike

Dear Michael .

According to

The Ravens-Texans game originally scheduled to be played Sunday, then rescheduled to be played Monday night due to Hurricane Ike, will now be played in Week 10. Therefore, the Texans and Ravens game will not count towards Week 2. We suggest you replace Texans and Ravens players from your Week 2 starting lineups.

Because of this sudden schedule change, we are adding a free agent pickup period beginning 12:15am Sunday morning until 12:00 Noon on Sunday afternoon. Bids will be processed at noon, and teams will have until game time to edit their lineups accordingly.

This is a one-time only addition and will not happen again in future weeks unless otherwise notified by RotoBowl staff. For Help on the Free Agency process, go to Help -> Help Center -> Transactions -> Blind Bidding.

-RotoBowl Staff " Weber,

To me, this was the proper decision to make. The "there is no way we could get word out to the NFFC members in time" thing makes no sense to me. What NFFC member is not paying attention to this? Especially people who would be taking zeros in this weeks game pending the decision? I asked about sending out a league message to all league homepages as the way to get this message out. We all see the message there now so it clearly was/is doable. Any owner not paying attention to this situation clearly is not overly concerned with getting a zero in the first place.

I understand a few owners might cry foul saying "hey.. nowhere in the rules is it specifically written to say teams hurt by a hurricane that cancels a game after free agent bidding closes should be allowed to be helped!!!! I wanna keep my advantage, I wanna keep my advantage!" These are generally the owners who are not being hurt by the situation and see a way to get over on competitors.

Whatever sense of (invented) unfairness felt by these owners (had the above decision been made), who are likely more concerned with their own chance to win than the overal fairness of the competition, is greatly outweighed by the REAL unfairness felt by the people who got buried by this situation.

I guarantee if I were fielding a full team going up against someone stuck with no defense or kicker I not only would not be upset if they were allowed to get one, I would be advocating for it because it is the right thing to do for fair competition. If I am going to win, I am going to win without some hurricane help.

Just my two cents.
[/QUOTE]i don't necessarily disagree with you.. i think what greg said is accurate, hopefully it will be addressed next year.

[ September 14, 2008, 11:54 AM: Message edited by: weber ]
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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by renman » Sun Sep 14, 2008 6:00 am


Again, I am not at all upset with Greg/Tom... I am the biggest NFFC cheerleader that exists. I will continue to as well. I just think the decision you posted was the ideal and more fair decision for the situation. I know Greg/Tom were in a tough spot and it is what it is. I know I am not the only one hurt by this and not I will dig in my fantasy football heels and try to grind out something positive this weekend...

Thanks for posting that other ruling. It was interesting to read and will be interesting to discuss.

Good luck this weekend.

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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by BillyWaz » Sun Sep 14, 2008 6:03 am

Originally posted by weber:
quote:Originally posted by BillyWaz:
quote:Originally posted by weber:

Billy thanks so much for your input.... i think Greg can handle it on his own.. Perhaps you missed this??

How is me giving my opinion, different than you giving yours???

Oh, that's right, you wrote a CHAPTER about fantasy auctions in a book! :rolleyes:
[/QUOTE]giving an opinion and kissing ass are 2 different things.. thats my opinion.. and yes i did write a chapter.. your just jealous.. it's ok..LOL.. good luck today in wcoff auction today..
[/QUOTE]Kissing ass???

I agree with the decision completely... sorry.

Mike, seeing you in person, I can see why you wouldn't say these things to my face. Just try and remember that when you are behind your computer (I will as well).

As far as you writing a chapter, I think I too could write one (if we were to compare resumes)Honestly, it is something I have thought about, but I can't even consider it until the kids get older, I have some family health issues remedied, etc.

Best of luck to you as well.

[ September 14, 2008, 12:07 PM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by ultimatefs » Sun Sep 14, 2008 6:06 am

Originally posted by renman:

Again, I am not at all upset with Greg/Tom... I am the biggest NFFC cheerleader that exists. I will continue to as well. I just think the decision you posted was the ideal and more fair decision for the situation. I know Greg/Tom were in a tough spot and it is what it is. I know I am not the only one hurt by this and not I will dig in my fantasy football heels and try to grind out something positive this weekend...

Thanks for posting that other ruling. It was interesting to read and will be interesting to discuss.

Good luck this weekend. Renman, as a game operator, each one can make their own decisions, but to notify everyone that late is anything but fair to all. From my experience, a notice that late will have 20-50% that wanted to make a move not able to because they didn't have net access for dozens of legitimate reasons.

[ September 14, 2008, 12:07 PM: Message edited by: JohnZ ]
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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by BillyWaz » Sun Sep 14, 2008 6:30 am

Originally posted by SNAKE:
...c'mon Billyboy - it is common knowledge on this MB that you are indeed the biggest butt-kisser here (and have been for years)...SNAKE You are such a hypocrite, snake.

Just continue telling everyone to mind their own business. I'm sure though, like everything else in your life, it is OK for you, but not for everyone else.

As an educator, this is the BIGGEST PROBLEM in education. Parents who think it is OK for their kids (it's never their fault!) to do whatever they want, but if another child does it to them, they are "up in arms".

Just keep doing what you are doing, snake! :rolleyes:

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Greg/Tom Ruling Needed

Post by trueblue » Sun Sep 14, 2008 6:42 am

from the "for what it's worth" department. the decision that was made was for the best for the league. PERIOD. was everybody going to like it? NO. i guess everybody should have protected their rosters through hurricane season. next year, be sure you draft accordingly.

[ September 14, 2008, 12:43 PM: Message edited by: kentuckythunder ]

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