The Beauty Of Sports

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Greg Ambrosius
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The Beauty Of Sports

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:33 am

I know that all of us truly love football or we wouldn't be doing what we do now in fantasy football without it. Most of us love sports in general. We love the competitive fire it draws in us. We love the competition, the dueling with others for superiority, the joy of the wins and even the disappointments of the defeats. We also love what sports teaches us about life.

I was born into a sports family, the fifth of six kids who watched his older brothers compete ahead of me. Someone who was born into the Green Bay Packers and bled Green and Gold the first time my dad took me to Lambeau Field. I lived and breathed sports as a kid, played everything possible and always knew I wanted a career in sports. When I was asked in grade school what I was going to be when I grew up I said a reporter covering the Green Bay Packers. Well, I kind of made it. ;)

I've stated before how much I enjoy now doing what my dad did for me. I love taking my kids to Lambeau Field or to Miller Park and seeing them enjoy sports in a naive way that I once did. I have only one boy and he's been a lot of fun to groom for the next generation of Packer loyalists and to enjoy sports together.

I posted earlier this fall how I just loved being involved with his fourth grade tackle football team. That is pure fun, seeing this 80-pounders tackle each other and really feel joy with every good block and every good tackle. I know many of you share the same experiences with your boys and girls in sports. NOTHING is better than the father-son/daughter and coach/son/daughter experience.

This month I volunteered to help with my boy's 4th-5th grade basketball team, a rag-tag group of 10 kids with minimal hoops skills. It's been fun trying to teach them the basics and seeing them progress, but I wasn't sure how we were going to put any points on the board. Sure enough today was our first game against a more experienced squad and we even had to tell the coach ahead of time that this was a first experience for our kids, so to go easy if possible!! Seriously.

But as sports would have it, amazing things happened. We ran some backdoors for layups and hustled on defense and the next thing you know we're hanging in there. Down 12-10 at halftime was pretty good. Then down just 22-20 with 6 seconds left. The other team had the ball at half court for an inbounds. We pressured the ball, got the steal and made a 10-foot jumper as time expired. The entire gym -- parents from both sides -- applauded the hustle and clutch shot.

We agreed to a 2-minute overtime and when the score remained 22-22 and every kid appeared wiped out, we agreed to a tie. Everyone went home winners and parents from both sides agreed it was as much fun as they can remember. I still don't know how we scored 22 points, but my voice is shot after applauding and encouraging every effort.

It's sports at its best and I'm glad I'm part of it again. Saturdays will be busy this year, but I'll enjoy every minute. I'm sure dozens of other NFFC owners are doing the same thing and I wish all of you good luck. Our team won't beat many of yours, but from the looks of things it won't be from a lack of effort. And that's the kind of team I've always liked. :D
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

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The Beauty Of Sports

Post by wiljiro2 » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:32 am

Love it - I coach my boys in football and baseball -

True story -

My 8 year old - his first baseball game -

I missed the game because of work, called my wife to see how it went - she said -

"Oh honey, they put him at catcher. He was up with the bases loaded, tie game in the last inning, and he struck out..... You need to talk to him when you get home."

I'm crushed. I prepare myself all day for what I am going to say. I get home that night, and go into his bed room - he's already in bed - we have this exchange -

"Hey buddy, you ok?"

"Hey dad, you hear about the game? THEY HAD ME AT CATCHER ! ! ! ! ! ! " - Raises his arms up in Victory!

Wouldn't trade that moment for any prize I could win in this league.....


[ December 10, 2011, 02:33 PM: Message edited by: wiljiro2 ]
The Magic Man...> Now you see 'em, Now you don't! - "Ohhhhhhh, it's a PROFIT deal!"

Cocktails and Dreams
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The Beauty Of Sports

Post by Cocktails and Dreams » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:01 pm

I really wish I was coaching. It is what I should probably be doing. Coached legion baseball for 3 years during college back at my hometown and my assistant and I had an absolute blast trying to figure out how to squeeze out some wins. We put away a lot of beers in the whee hours trying to figure out how the lineup should look. We would always have a team gathering the night before districts so everyone could relax after our final prep and had pizza and watched Major League. Good times. I go to a lot of high school football games to watch friends coach and get jealous every time.

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The Beauty Of Sports

Post by CraigW » Sun Dec 11, 2011 3:57 am

Sounds eerily familiar Greg! I am coaching my 8 year olds basketball team. We have 10 players comprised of 8 and 9 year olds and of my 10 6 are first year players. We have one capable PG and in four practices where we are only allowed 45 minutes I have tried my hardest to teach so much of the basics I am starting to wonder if we will catch on in time or be totally embarrassed come game time. I am already watching other teams running plays and I still have boys that don't understand why when you stop dribbling you either you just can't start dribbling again or start running with it like a football. LOL Either way we will have a good time with it. Gotta get my boy out there anyway. The kid is 5 feet tall and 90 lbs already and he won't be 9 until July. Monster better learn hoops or start watching Jimmy Graham or Rob Gronkowski. :)
The Artist Formerly Known as Hard Heads

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