Potential Scoring Change

Posts: 1169
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Potential Scoring Change

Post by Nag' » Thu Nov 15, 2007 2:13 pm

Originally posted by sportsbettingman:
These are all worth more than a point, and 2 clear cases of giving credit to the WRONG player...just like the scenario in Nags example.

Deshaun Foster: from 4 for 20 to 5 receptions for 29 yards.
Larry Fitzgerald: from 11 for 123 to 10 for 120 receiving.
Bryant Johnson: from 3 for 37 to 4 for 40 receiving.
Glenn Holt: from 1 reception for 7 yards to 2 receptions for 14 yards.
Skyler Green: from 1 reception for 7 yards to 0 receptions.
Cleo Lemon: from 7 rushes for 18 yards to 5 rushes for 28 yards. It's ok Lance. It's much easier for the ostriches to keep their heads in the sand and blame me for starting trouble.
For Players. By Players.

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Potential Scoring Change

Post by weber7777 » Thu Nov 15, 2007 2:14 pm

Originally posted by Nag':
quote:Originally posted by BillyWaz:
quote:Originally posted by Nag':
quote:Originally posted by Tom Kessenich:
I do have one question for Alex or anyone really - has this scoring change been officially implemented? I haven't seen any news about this anywhere other than this thread. So has the NFL officially made a change of any kind? Elias changes for week 10 are below but the change I referenced to start thsi thread is not there, strangely enough. I did not see the play myself but the person who did see it (several times, he said) stated that he was 100% sure the play was scored incorrectly on NFL.com. Maybe he was mistaken after all. Of course that doesn't change anything with regards to the discussion here.
[/QUOTE]In the Detroit game, there is an apparent error in the way a play was scored.

The play in question is currently showing this:

1-10-DET47 (9:48) J.Kitna pass short left to K.Jones to DET 49 for 2 yards (R.Brown).

This pass was not caught by Kevin Jones but by Roy Williams as the video clearly shows and will certainly be changed at some point this week by NFL.com and Elias.

So let me get this straight. You never even SAW this???? Of course Roy Williams is on YOUR team, but you never even saw it?????

I think it changes A LOT in regards to the discussion, as quite honestly your not credible. You complain (and not in a nice way), and your not even sure for THIS situation what you are talking about???? :confused:

As a teacher it is like me going to my principal recommending a student gets suspended for fighting because someone TOLD ME he threw the first punch. My principal then says "did you see him throw the first punch"? I say "well "so and so" said he did.

Are you getting the point of how foolish that sounds?

Same thing here.
[/QUOTE]You still here? I thought I told you to go kiss ass and fight with snake.
[/QUOTE]you are such a hypocrit nag. you complain to tom that i attacked you personally yet you attack someone else personally (whether provoked or not). HYPOCRIT. YOUR PATHETIC.
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Posts: 652
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Potential Scoring Change

Post by weber7777 » Thu Nov 15, 2007 2:17 pm


the supposed error never occured. hey Nag, was this situation the same as when you claimed to be abducted by aliens and probed (i won't say where)? ever hear of the term CRY WOLF? get your FACTS straight before even bringing up a point.. you have effectively alienated youself from everyone in this league (oh yea you already did that). your opinion is your opinion which you have a right to.. Dude just stop attacking people ....
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King of Queens
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Potential Scoring Change

Post by King of Queens » Thu Nov 15, 2007 2:31 pm

I get the feeling when certain individuals post on these boards, they have the following song playing in the background:


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Potential Scoring Change

Post by 3INTBOY » Thu Nov 15, 2007 2:54 pm

Originally posted by SNAKE:
...alright, as Official Gatekeeper of this MB playground and secret informer of the PHP (Peace & Harmony Police) please allow SNAKE to be the voice of reason here...


1) you make a great point for changing the deadline on all scoring changes from where it currently is on Wednesday to later in the week - preferrably Friday...

2) the organizers of this first class event have informed all here that it won't/can't be done this season but that they will consider it for next season if it is deemed an improvement for the event (most here are probably in agreement that it is)...

3) end of story...

...ok, now what was it that SNAKE missed here?...SNAKE NOT the end of the story, the organizers of this event now must sit and hope beyond all hope that this does not come back and cause a FF player who is fighting for:
1-A playoff spot
2-BIG money in the Championship Round

To lose out on A or B.

I just cannot believe that with CLEAR undeniable evidence that this "typo rule"
is completely unenforceable people will accept
"we'll get to it next year".

No one will be saying that if it's their team that loses out. I would imagine it doesn't affect the posters on this thread too much, but someone down the road may come looking, and be shocked by this decision to knowingly continue an event with an unenforcable rule that could cause the loss of $$ and/or a chance at $$.


Hold you breath, only 3 regular season and 3 playoff weeks to worry about.


[ November 15, 2007, 08:58 PM: Message edited by: 3INT/BFDFANTASYfootball.com ]

Gordon Gekko
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Potential Scoring Change

Post by Gordon Gekko » Thu Nov 15, 2007 3:12 pm

Originally posted by 3INT/BFDFANTASYfootball.com:
NOT the end of the story, the organizers of this event now must sit and hope beyond all hope that this does not come back and cause a FF player who is fighting for:
1-A playoff spot
2-BIG money in the Championship Round

To lose out on A or B.
1) NOTHING is changing in 2007.
2) if I were the organizers, i would hope people who want to change rules during the season would crawl back under their rock
3) when you were in grade school, what letter grade did you get in reading (comprehension)? seriously.
4) NOTHING is changing in 2007. end of story
Is my "weekend warrior" prep better than your prep?

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Potential Scoring Change

Post by RI WORKHORSE » Thu Nov 15, 2007 3:19 pm

How come nobody on these boards or the baseball MB is talking about Barry Bonds??????

Johnny Frisella

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