Here's the current signup list. We're getting closer to a full group, but still have plenty of spots left. Go to if you want to sign up online or contact me at
[email protected] to get a team:
1. Mike Weber *
2. Rob Benetti, (* = Unlimited moves)
3. Scott Atkins, *
4. Chad Tabler *
5. Paul Sidikman *
6. Chris Schinker *
7. Colin Laufenberg *
8. Marc Quitsch *
9. Patrick Owens *
10. James Mack *
11. Jeff Butler *
12. George Kleemann *
13. Matthew Bauler *
14. Chris Slack
15. Terrance Maillouix *
16. Jules McLean *
17. Jules McLean *
18. Marc Quitsch *
19. Danny Mitlof *
20. Jonathan Lueth *
21. Jonathan Lueth *
22. Richard Kulaski *
23. Louis Tranquilli *
24. Scott Stauffer *
25. Chris Latka *
26. Chris Latka *
27. Lewis Lipsey *
28. Kyle Baldwin *
29. Richie Primo *
30. Billy Wasosky *
31. Ted Baehman *
32. Ted Baehman *
33. Ted Baehman *
34. Bobby Jurney *
35. Bobby Jurney *
36. Richard Kulaski *
37. Jeff Kratz *
38. Michael Hrabovsky *
39. Kevin Dukesherer *
40. David Zwickel *
41. Stephen Jupinka *
42. Stephen Jupinka *
43. John Zaleski *
44. Pete Wakely *
45. Ken St. George *
46. Hank Cantrell *
47. Matthew Bauler *
48. William Tyrer *
49. Johnny Frisella *
50. James Cummings *
51. Will Tyrer *
52. Johnny Frisella *
53. Eugene Min *
54. Shawn Childs *
55. Shawn Childs *
56. "The Psychic Madman" Jim Karol
57. "Mr. Omaha" Robert Williamson III
58. "The Hit Machine" Eugene Lockhart
59. Tom Yates *
60. Tom Yates *
61. "Big Daddy" David Fisher *
62. Scott Keikoan *
63. Richard Duewel *
64. Michael Newbert *
65. Joe Barongi *
66. Rich Dunn *
67. Jodicus Prosser *
68. Jim Karol *
69. Chris Schinker *
70. Don Lacknett *
71. Philip Popo *
72. Philip Popo *
73. Christopher Surawski *
74. Jeff Clampitt *
75. Steve Lightfoot *
76. Curtis Chan *
77. Michael Cole *
78. Jamie Vasallo *
79. Ronald Eltanol *
80. Mike Cameron
81. Lathan Conger
82. Sam Khazaoni
83. Andrew Diem *
84. Troy Young *
85. Troy Young *
86. Chad Surratt *
87. Roger Miliotte *
88. Rich McGhee
89. Bob Biondich
90. Joseph DiGalbo
91. Mark Hooper
92. Ron Kloeden *
93. Ron Kloeden *
94. Rob Benetti *
95. Ken St. George *
96. Glenn Schroter *
97. Chris Borell *
98. Aaron Smith *
99. Jay O'Neill *
100. Mark Hooper *
101. Brian Henn *
102. Chad Surratt *
103. Lonny Graves *
104. Terrance Maillouix *
[ January 03, 2008, 06:37 PM: Message edited by: Greg Ambrosius ]
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius