NFFC Facts After Week 12

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Greg Ambrosius
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NFFC Facts After Week 12

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:50 am

Originally posted by UFS:
quote:Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
Thanks. Just want to say I'm really enjoying these ;) [/QUOTE]Thanks. Carry on. Thanks. :D

By the way John, is there any chance that owners in your contest who have LT or LJ are doing well this year? Just wondering. Thanks.

[ November 28, 2006, 02:51 PM: Message edited by: Greg Ambrosius ]
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Greg Ambrosius
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NFFC Facts After Week 12

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:55 am

Originally posted by SNAKE:
if you can sell KDS and FAAB WHY NOT THE BETTER AND REALLY LESS COMPLICATED CHOICE IN BBDS?...PLEASE ANSWER RATIONALLY AND LOGICALLY (NOT EMOTIONALLY)...thank you...SNAKE I probably could sell it Mr. All Caps. As I've said before, there is a right way to promote change and a wrong way. I certainly wouldn't do it with you or GG at the front of this bandwagon, that's for sure. But of course it could be done, in the right format and in the right structure. I haven't deemed the main event to be that format yet.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
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NFFC Facts After Week 12

Post by renman » Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:57 am

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
Renman - if the L.T. Owner drafts well, he'll have a good team...No shitt sherlock!! ROFLMAO This is CLASSIC Gekko... this above statment is what he pulled out of the following logic filled accurate post...

It just makes me shake my head... lol


Bidding faab or points is the only way TO YOU to allocate draft slots. I have watched fantasy football steadily grow for 15 years now with random selected draft positions. How could this happen if it is so inherently unfair? Some of you guys come off here like you have a fantasy football career that has spanned TWO SEASON. I have seen people win from all over a draft board (usually me of, I do not think the NFFC or WCOFF should in any way be "embarrassed.." are you kidding?

I will repeat...

No matter how you allocate the draft positions certain players are going to have stud seasons and in hindsight certain draft positions will end up having better "stats" than others.

Does not matter if you bid on spot, do it random, do it with KDS, Tomlinson will have had a season for the ages this year and no matter how an owner got the draft position to take LT, assuming he drafted well after that pick he will have had a good season.

Allocating draft slots different will do zero to change this. Now if you are going to in some way handicap teams by penalizing them points for the right to take Tomlinson, that obviously will even the playing field some. I guess that is the direction some here want to go...

Can anyone answer this? How is it that fantasy football might be the most explosive growing recreational hobby over the last ten years if the way it is currently run is so inherently unfair?

The advantages from certain draft positions (usually the top is argued) are usually minor or at times zero... Where is best to be on a draft board is not predictable. It just happens that the last two years have been good at the top. Clearly some guys here just started playing fantasy football because I can remember many years where being at the top killed you and was a place none of us wanted.

But NONE OF THIS addresses the major underlining point. The NFFC and WCOFF are major events that need to get a huge following. You cannot ram radical concepts into events like this just because a small handful of loud guys on a message board like them. They have to be palatable to the masses before being part of the mainstream event.

Some guys here have zero business sense.

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NFFC Facts After Week 12

Post by mkrucek » Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:59 am

Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
quote:Originally posted by SNAKE:
if you can sell KDS and FAAB WHY NOT THE BETTER AND REALLY LESS COMPLICATED CHOICE IN BBDS?...PLEASE ANSWER RATIONALLY AND LOGICALLY (NOT EMOTIONALLY)...thank you...SNAKE I probably could sell it Mr. All Caps. As I've said before, there is a right way to promote change and a wrong way. I certainly wouldn't do it with you or GG at the front of this bandwagon, that's for sure. But of course it could be done, in the right format and in the right structure. I haven't deemed the main event to be that format yet. [/QUOTE]I was thinking perhaps bbds could be done as a mini-league. Expand on the Super Satellite idea with either a first-day draft (such as the auction or draft champions is currently run) or even a satellite version where several leagues are put together for an overall champ, run similar to the main event.

Then you could gauge not only interest, but results compared to the current draft slot allocation system.
You'll be fine long as your pretty face holds out, then it's gonna get pretty cold out...

Gordon Gekko
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NFFC Facts After Week 12

Post by Gordon Gekko » Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:06 am

Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
I certainly wouldn't do it with GG at the front of this bandwagon, that's for sure. i don't have the time or willingness to be diplomatic all the time. you can sell it.

i'll be happy knowing two things:
1) i'm the BBDS Godfather
2) once BBDS is implemented, knowing that fantasy sports is significantly better because of it

Is my "weekend warrior" prep better than your prep?

Gordon Gekko
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NFFC Facts After Week 12

Post by Gordon Gekko » Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:08 am

Originally posted by renman:
Some guys here have zero business sense. this coming from the waffler. ROFLMAO :D
Is my "weekend warrior" prep better than your prep?

Gordon Gekko
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NFFC Facts After Week 12

Post by Gordon Gekko » Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:12 am

Originally posted by renman:

quote:Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
Renman - if the L.T. Owner drafts well, he'll have a good team...No shitt sherlock!! ROFLMAO This is CLASSIC Gekko... this above statment is what he pulled out of the following logic filled accurate post...

no matter how an owner got the draft position to take LT, assuming he drafted well after that pick he will have had a good season.
[/QUOTE]i pulled it right from your words!!! :eek: IF YOU'RE BEING HONEST WITH US, YOU'D AGREE YOU'RE A MORON!

now, go back to your blowup dolls and leave the fantasy football talk to the grown-ups. thank you.
Is my "weekend warrior" prep better than your prep?

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NFFC Facts After Week 12

Post by renman » Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:13 am


No one sane thinks KDS and FAAB are nearly as complex to newbie fantasy football players as BBDS. FAAB has been a part of fantasy sports for a long time and simply bidding on free agents is not unusual. KDS is even less complex than that as we all in life have ranked thing by how we like them.

BBDS is alien to everyone but the small handful of people in your leagues where you guys tried it. Asking newbie owners to try to understand how much value to asign to draft positions combined with how much FAAB money they need to protect very well may be the deciding factor that makes someone not chose this event. There are many people who enjoy the random selection.
Can you imagine the newer owners who did not understand it complaining in week 2 about the mistakes they made due to not completely understanding BBDS?

I am not anti-BBDS. I think it has merit, I think it is interesting, I think there is a place for it and I applaud Gekko (since he clearly wants to be applauded) for coming up with it. But ramming it into a steadily growing fantasy football event like this that has a strong following and a growing base is not the right move. Why can't you guys let it become part of the NFFC when the organizers deem it the right move?

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