UPgrade: Arian Foster

The Franchise
Posts: 734
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UPgrade: Arian Foster

Post by The Franchise » Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:30 pm

Originally posted by DoubleG:
quote:Originally posted by The Franchise:
quote:Originally posted by DoubleG:
John McClain of the Houston Chronicle reiterated Sunday that he believes Arian Foster will be ready for Week 1.

WOW! Some teams drafting the first weekend got him at bargain basement prices. :eek: The same could have been said for Manning. How did that work out?
[/QUOTE]since when is a hammy the equivalent of someone who had 2 neck surgeries?? :rolleyes:
[/QUOTE]Your talking about taking a chance on a guy in the 1st Rd vs. a guy in the 6th Rd. Foster is not going to win you your league by taking him with the 5-10 versus him going top 2. So I say why deal with the headache.

Yes, a neck injury is much more serious and he could very well be all done, but a hammy injury (second one BTW) to a RB (who needs his legs) doesn't exactly fall in the category of hangnails and rug burn.... :rolleyes:

With all that said I'm assuming Foster won't make it past the 5th pick in the Classic on Thursday? ;)
Winning isn't everything, but the will to win is.

Cocktails and Dreams
Posts: 514
Joined: Tue Jul 07, 2009 6:00 pm

UPgrade: Arian Foster

Post by Cocktails and Dreams » Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:47 am

Originally posted by Stealth SNAKE:
quote:Originally posted by The Franchise:
quote:Originally posted by DoubleG:
John McClain of the Houston Chronicle reiterated Sunday that he believes Arian Foster will be ready for Week 1.

WOW! Some teams drafting the first weekend got him at bargain basement prices. :eek: The same could have been said for Manning. How did that work out?
[/QUOTE]Yeah, Nelson, good Q here - just HOW did that work out?...
[/QUOTE]First of all, that was my call, not Nelson's. Second, you will never see me rub salt in the wounds about others misfortune. Third, it should easily be a blessing for my portfolio of teams in general so it probably did work out well. Thanks for your concerns though. :D

Cocktails and Dreams
Posts: 514
Joined: Tue Jul 07, 2009 6:00 pm

UPgrade: Arian Foster

Post by Cocktails and Dreams » Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:38 am

I simply asked a question and also claimed that I certainly take other owners picks into consideration. I am not too proud to learn. But since you took it the wrong way, and accused me of actually copying your picks, which you are also wrong about, I did do some research on those two drafts. The results are interesting to say the least.

First of all you claimed I took 3 of your guys. You are wrong about that right out of the chutes. It was 2 which is exactly the number I would have from all teams on average so your claim is a poor one. Both guys I ended up with that you did in the first draft were taken at way better values than you got them. One 5 picks later and the other 15 picks later :eek:

On the flip side, you took 3 of ours. One was a better value than we got him at. 7 picks later. The other two were incredibly pushed up in the 2nd draft of the night that you clearly passed on time and time again in the first one. One of them that you took that we had earlier, you took TWENTY ONE picks earlier than us. The other fella you took TWENTY SEVEN picks earlier than us. But we know you were just going off of your own thoughts. If I didn't know better I would have thought otherwise. But you cleared it up for us all. :cool:

Posts: 430
Joined: Tue May 17, 2011 6:00 pm

UPgrade: Arian Foster

Post by DoubleG » Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:59 am

Originally posted by Cocktails and Dreams:
I certainly take other owners picks into consideration. I am not too proud to learn. Hi Chad. An interesting thread here. Question for you...

From what you said above, how do you "learn" based on someone else's draft selection?

Posts: 555
Joined: Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:00 pm

UPgrade: Arian Foster

Post by mkrucek » Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:24 am

Originally posted by Stealth SNAKE:
Dude, I'm really not into the ol' back and forth however I will engage you with but a few of my thoughts;
Now THAT'S funny.
You'll be fine long as your pretty face holds out, then it's gonna get pretty cold out...

The Franchise
Posts: 734
Joined: Sun Jul 05, 2009 6:00 pm

UPgrade: Arian Foster

Post by The Franchise » Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:43 am

You are accusing Chad of thinking too high of himself and being too self flattering???

Coming from someone who refers to himself in the third person and has basically coined the phrase

"My record speaks for itself"

Riiiiight........Your too funny man :D
Winning isn't everything, but the will to win is.

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