What An Unbelievable NFL Weekend!

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What An Unbelievable NFL Weekend!

Post by rkulaski » Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:45 pm


I'm as big a Packers fan as anyone (although I'm in Nashville TN) and would love one day to experience what you did this past Saturday - playoff game in the snow with ther right team winning! At least the Packers return to LP Field to play the Titans next season...

Down 14-0, for some reason I knew Favre was not going to start slinging it all over the field. He stayed with the offense and they went right down the field and scored to make it 14-7. McCarthy deserves a lot of credit for the way Favre and the rest of the team maintained their composure down 14-0 so quickly. I think McCarthy arriving as the head coach last year was one of the best things that could've happened for Favre here at the end of his career. Even though Favre has been around for so long, McCarthy continues to coach and advise him. Not like I'm there, but I question how much Mike Sherman did that...almost like Sherman gave Favre too much freedom based upon Favre's prior success. Not sure if you agree with that. And like you say, Favre is more prepared for defenses this year likely more so than any previous year.

Also, I know Seattle has been lousy on the road at times, but Grant had some massive holes to run through. The O-line dominated and I dont think I heard Kearney's name called the entire game.

I was shocked how Holmgrem conceded defeat as early as he did with the punts on 4th down and never using his time outs. I never did hear any of Holmgren's post game comments but would've liked to know what he said.

Going into the weekend games, I thought Green Bay had a better draw than Dallas. But it doesnt matter now since the Giants are coming to Lambeau anyway.

Thanks for sharing the experience at Lambeau from Saturday. One of these days I will fly up for a game- definitely something to look forward to! Enjoy the NFC Championship and get your beer early.

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What An Unbelievable NFL Weekend!

Post by sportsbettingman » Mon Jan 14, 2008 5:15 pm

That game was like "airified beer"...(fake word)...no real need for anything else...peaking human emotion!

But just in case...they'd better stock more beer next weekend! :D

"The first man what makes a move can count amongst 'is treasure a ball from this pistol."

~Long John Silver

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What An Unbelievable NFL Weekend!

Post by sportsbettingman » Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:25 pm

Side notes..

If Mike freaking Tice gets a job with his horrid resume...it's just an "old boys league."

Have fun repeating, Cowboys...your boy genius O-coordinator is a goner!

Does the success of "Tommy Boy" Brady make the NFL seem less macho?

Seems to me a Favre win would be a boost to the NFL's masculinity! :D

Did LT and Rivers KNOW the fix was in, and that they could rest and play next week?

Inquiring minds want to know!

"The first man what makes a move can count amongst 'is treasure a ball from this pistol."

~Long John Silver

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What An Unbelievable NFL Weekend!

Post by sportsbettingman » Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:28 pm

Three big games to play...Let's see what crews they run out to ref these games!

Please be the good refs!!!!!!!!!

"The first man what makes a move can count amongst 'is treasure a ball from this pistol."

~Long John Silver

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What An Unbelievable NFL Weekend!

Post by BillyWaz » Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:44 am

Originally posted by SNAKE:
quote:Originally posted by sportsbettingman:
Side notes..

If Mike freaking Tice gets a job with his horrid resume...it's just an "old boys league."

Have fun repeating, Cowboys...your boy genius O-coordinator is a goner!

Does the success of "Tommy Boy" Brady make the NFL seem less macho?

Seems to me a Favre win would be a boost to the NFL's masculinity! :D

Did LT and Rivers KNOW the fix was in, and that they could rest and play next week?

Inquiring minds want to know!

~Lance HEY - pretty boy or not, Handsome Tommy is PERFECTO just the way he is...SNAKE

A friend sent me a picture of Tom Brady in a Patriots halter top (seriously!) If you would like it to help aid you while you are having "Snake time"" just let me know! :D

Greg Ambrosius
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What An Unbelievable NFL Weekend!

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:02 am

Forecast for Sunday at the Frozen Tundra is 7 degrees at kickoff with a wind chill of minus 10. It should get colder as the game goes on.

Snake, if we're having a fireball at midfield, we'll all enjoy the heat!! :D
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Greg Ambrosius
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What An Unbelievable NFL Weekend!

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Tue Jan 15, 2008 5:30 am

Originally posted by SNAKE:
Greg...that was an absolutely lovely depiction of you and your family's experience on a surreal day at Lambeau Field...the warm-blood flowing to the SNAKEheart actually turned hot for an instance while reading your post, especially the reference to the snow globe feeling that everyone in the stadium seemed to experience...

...however, come next Sunday evening...


...ISHO this is the year of the GIANTS, not the Packers and this game will prove just that...on this coming Sunday Eli REALLY comes of age, BJ & Ahmad run all day, the vaunted Giants pass rush gives Favre fits and the Favre/Pack fairy tale season comes plummetting down, crashing to earth in a crude reality fireball landing right on the 50 yard line of the frozen tundra inside Lambeau Stadium...for those in attendance, including yourself, SNAKE fears that it will be disappointment on a grand scale, one surpassing even the Packers Super Bowl defeat against Elway's Broncos, years gone by...if the Giants can go on the road and administer a beat-down on the Cowgirls (who remember, were the NFC's #1 seed, NOT the Pack), then they certainly can, and WILL beat the Pack at Lambeau come this Sunday...sorry Greg, but ISHO this beautiful last memory against the lame Seahawks will be the one that you will want to cherish, not the next nightmarish one come this Sunday against the 2007 destiny-designated Giants...SNAKE It's important to be loyal to the end SNAKE. I admire that. ;)

That being said, I think the Packers have a lot in their favor right now and will win this game. But of course, when it's -10 with the wind chill, ANYTHING can happen. Still, I think the Packers will win and by more than a touchdown. Here's why:

1. History isn't kind to teams who won their first two games on the road in the playoffs as they've lost by big spreads. They've flown from New York to Tampa to New York to Dallas to New York and now to Green Bay on Friday. Whether they admit it or not, they will be road weary and the Packers are as fresh and as healthy as they've been all year. The Packers also have a full day of extra rest as they played on Saturday and the Giants played on Sunday. The Giants are 9-1 on the road and they're playing well, but the Packers sure look fresh right now.

2. Home field advantage. Yes, the Giants won on the road, but Lambeau will be ELECTRIC again this Sunday. I know, I'm still hoarse today from Saturday's game. :D The wind factor, the cold, the setting, all plays in the Packers' favor.

3. As cold as it's going to be, it could be tough to run. I know that sounds odd, but the footing will be tough and those short patterns can be impossible to stop. Favre will be in the shotgun and throwing within 2 seconds to a slant, negating the Giants' pass rush like they did against Seattle. Grant may slip and slide like Jacobs and Bradshaw, but I think the Packers' passing game will be more effective than the Giants'. Look for Al Harris to bump Plaxico on the line EVERY play as Plax's ankle is still tenuous.

4. Giants' secondary is banged up and I think the Packers can throw on them anyway. I think they will go with four wideouts a lot, which will be tough for the Giants to match up.

I think the Giants' running game is legit and can cause the Packers problems. Eli is playing better and has been efficient. Their special teams won the field position game in Dallas. Their pass rush is solid. It's definitely going to be a good game.

But I like this matchup better than I did the Seattle one and obviously I like this a WHOLE lot better than going down to Dallas and winning there. Good luck SNAKE.
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King of Queens
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What An Unbelievable NFL Weekend!

Post by King of Queens » Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:13 pm

Remember the story of the Trojan Horse?

Trojans: Packers
Grant: Horse


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