NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by BubbasHouse » Wed Dec 31, 2008 8:10 am

1) End of week 13 should determine H-2-H winner, Points winner and 3rd place. No need to change this structure for league payouts

2) Bonus round should qualify only by points. I like 3 teams per league instead of two. The automatic H-2-H qualifier into the bonus round could reward a team (who's already been rewarded for winning the H-2-H league title) into the bonus round over a better points team. Bonus should qualify by points only. Webber supporter.

3) If you need to lower the $100K to make it work - than that's where the reduction should come from.

4) Paying more people in any form (6 team playoffs, deeper bonus round payouts, etc...) are not needed - you have league payouts already for top performers, and bonus round opportunities for all.

5) If a 14 teamer pays the same as a 12 teamer, agree that someting would be out of whack. Pecentages should be the same for both leagues.

6) Reduction of NBC entry and payout would be fine as it's the NFFC that's still premire in Bubba's mind - unless NBC starts kicking in more sponsorship dollars that would bring higher percentage payouts ;)

- Bubba

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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by Diesel » Wed Dec 31, 2008 11:17 am

There are SO many more Main Event players, than Auction players. I think the opinions of some of us have been overlooked, on the issue of an Auction Champ Reward.

I'm not expecting the NFFC to run an Auction Championship, but I do think it would be VERY easy for each team that enters an auction (at ANY price level), if they want to pay an extra $50-$100 to be entered into the Auction Champ Bonus prize. The Team with the most starting points, after week 16, wins this bonus prize. Even if you didn't make the playoffs, you'd be setting your lineup all the way through week 16 to try to win that bonus.

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CC's Desperados
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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by CC's Desperados » Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:11 pm

Originally posted by Diesel:
There are SO many more Main Event players, than Auction players. I think the opinions of some of us have been overlooked, on the issue of an Auction Champ Reward.

I'm not expecting the NFFC to run an Auction Championship, but I do think it would be VERY easy for each team that enters an auction (at ANY price level), if they want to pay an extra $50-$100 to be entered into the Auction Champ Bonus prize. The Team with the most starting points, after week 16, wins this bonus prize. Even if you didn't make the playoffs, you'd be setting your lineup all the way through week 16 to try to win that bonus.

? As much as people talk about liking the auction format, they doesn't seem to be as much interest when is it time sign up for these events. Most players don't have experience and aren't willing to pony up $650 to $1300 to learn the game. Fantasy auctioneer is a terrible option to offer a lower tiered event. Is a $5000 bonus going to create interest? I don't think so.

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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by Coltsfan » Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:13 pm

I've been wanting to post on this thread for several days but work keeps interfering with fantasy football.

1. Keep the nffc and the prize structure the same.

2. Reduce the nbc under $1,000 so that you are not competing with yourself at the same price point. Guarantee (possibly $50k) with a price that fluctuates up with the number of leagues formed.

3. Take the $650 auction event and add a championship round for an overall winner. Kepp the overall prizes small - this would be for fun and bragging rights.

4. Definitely do a 14 team online championship! I did 3 wcooff leagues online this year and would gladly drop those for nffc 14 team leagues.

5. Add more auction DC's! They are a blast!

You guys run a great event and after playing in some of the other events this year I have a whole new appreciation for how nice of job you have done with the nffc. If you have more auction dc's and a 14 team online championship I will probably just do the nffc events next year and stay out of all of the others. For me, I'm not sure I'll do the nbc next year as I'm not a huge fan of the 12 team leagues. If it's less expensive then I'll probably consider it. But for me the nffc 14 team event will always be the flagship.


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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by Diesel » Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:21 pm

Originally posted by CC's Desperados:
quote:Originally posted by Diesel:
There are SO many more Main Event players, than Auction players. I think the opinions of some of us have been overlooked, on the issue of an Auction Champ Reward.

I'm not expecting the NFFC to run an Auction Championship, but I do think it would be VERY easy for each team that enters an auction (at ANY price level), if they want to pay an extra $50-$100 to be entered into the Auction Champ Bonus prize. The Team with the most starting points, after week 16, wins this bonus prize. Even if you didn't make the playoffs, you'd be setting your lineup all the way through week 16 to try to win that bonus.

? As much as people talk about liking the auction format, they doesn't seem to be as much interest when is it time sign up for these events. Most players don't have experience and aren't willing to pony up $650 to $1300 to learn the game. Fantasy auctioneer is a terrible option to offer a lower tiered event. Is a $5000 bonus going to create interest? I don't think so.
[/QUOTE]Shawn, my expectations were lower than $5,000. We're talking about each live auction(maybe a total of 8-9?), and maybe 1 or 2 satellite, non dc auctions, to be included in this.

So I'm talking about a possible 11 leagues, tops. Let's say 3 people in each league pony up $75 for the bonus...$2,475.00 I know it's not a "GRAND prize", but I know I'm not the only one who's been asking for it. Not only winning a few extra dollars, but being named the best NFFC auction team of 2009...A nice complement.
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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by Diesel » Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:43 pm

P.S. I would moderate all of the Auction online drafts, but I would have to have a talk with Greg on some kind of payment for services. These drafts are long and need constant attention. You can't just say, "call me at my home phone if anything happens, and enjoy the draft"...You have to be there for the whole thing.

The website the NFFC uses has flaws, but if the right precautions take place, and everyone is prepped for a little patience during the draft, I found that it goes smoothly. Anyone that did an auction draft that I moderated, I think, would agree that it went quite smoothly.

1-Everyone MUST have a high speed connection, and use firefox.

2-Everyone MUST understand that it's a computer system and if 2 or more people submit a bid at the same time, it's going to disappoint someone.

3-Be prepared for a slightly late start so everyone is up and running, and a few PAUSES in the draft, until we get the flow going.

4-Also, it's possible to type in your bid online. Keep that in mind, if you click the button that says (+1)...The bid may be at 10, and you're about to click +1. but someone TYPES in a $20 bid...your click for +1 becomes a $21 bid. This is the only problem I don't see fixing, as it's the downside of online auctions.
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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by CC's Desperados » Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:58 pm


Once is enough for me on that site. If you can't get a bid in when it's a low dollar amount, than once the sense in playing. The end game is important in an auction.

I don't know where you came up with 8-9 league total for auctions. I'd say you lucky to have 5 including online.

Mike Costaglio
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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by Mike Costaglio » Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:04 pm

Online, Online, Online
14 teams, 14 Teams, 14 Teams
Auction, Auction, Auction

The 14 team, 3RR format is unique and I would promote this format in as many different ways possible.
Going forward I would have Las Vegas as my only live draft and simultaneously provide an advertised online option. Lower the overall price by $100 or so and add an events fee of $100 or so for the live drafters (or whatever the $ amount should be to cover the live cost). I am guessing that the largest live draft numbers each year are Vegas. If a player can save a $1000 dollars in travel and room expenses by drafting online for the main event I think your numbers would improve. That same player may use the savings to add other NFFC events. If you limit the live draft to Las Vegas maybe you could beef up other Vegas events and make it one hell of a Vegas party.

I believe that the main event championship prize amount is less important than the league prize amounts. Yes I think that a big carrot is nice but not at the expense of the individual league prizes.

I would consider grouping all satellite leagues by entry fee ($150, $250, etc.) and let them compete in an overall satellite championship for their group in addition to the league prize. This would obviously require a small modification in the individual satellite league prize structure to provide an overall prize.

I would aggressively promote auction drafts, both live and online.

I do not believe that the NFFC needs a major overall, just enhance what you have.

"14 team, 3RR, and excellent management.

PS, I agree that your office (message board) needs to be cleaned up for the good of the league.

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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by Diesel » Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:08 pm

There are 3 cities. The NFFC offers NBC and NFFC Auction now, so there are 2 auctions at $650 in each city. Then there is the possibility that a $1300 or 2 league will fill. In either case, I was stating that I wasn't shooting for the $5,000 that you put out there.

And even though the NFFC said they were done with online auctions last year, I know of at least 3-4 that were drafted. I moderated one. As I did the year before. I might have even moderated two this past summer. I can't remember what I had for breakfast, so I'm not sure how many, but they were there.

But I get it Shawn. You're against the Auction Bonus. I know of a few people that were interested in having this happen, and maybe we'll just have to do it on the side, if there really is no interest.
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Route Collectors
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NFFC Plans For 2009: Provide Some Feedback

Post by Route Collectors » Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:10 pm

Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
Okay, I've decided to hold off a bit in announcing our 2009 NFFC plans because I want to get as much feedback from our members as possible. This past year we based our guaranteed prizes on 390 teams for each main event at $1300 per team and we finished with 308 teams in the NFFC Classic and 252 teams in the NFFC Primetime. It would be foolish to shoot for 390 teams again next year and thus something will have to change.

Here's where I want your feedback and let's have some honest debate here and then I'll finalize everything towards the end of January. I already know which way I'm leaning, but I need a push to make it final.

1. Should we keep both main event structures with the 14-team NFFC Classic and 12-team NFFC Primetime? And should we keep the $1 million bonus for winning both main events as the carrot that makes playing both appealing?

Personally, I LOVED the doubleheaders on Draft Day and there's no question that the two differing contests are the way to go. Greg....are you sure you can feel this strongly after only one year. I'm not so sure offering 2 contests won't stifle the growth of the 14 team event.

In the past everyone who participated in the NFFC did so because of the appeal/challenge of the 14 team leagues.
Even owners that got on this MB proclaiming how much better 12 teamers were continued to play year after year LOL.

I wonder now if given the choice going forward if it's possible to grow the 14 team event. could it actually cause the 14 team event to go backwards? I'm not sure one way or the other but it's certainly a possibility and worth pondering.

I just believe the 14 teamer is your bread and butter and should be preserved at all costs. I know 3RR and KDS is great too...but the 14 team event is the backbone. Not saying to ditch 12 team event...just don't forget your niche!

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