First come, First served - After Blind Bids are processed...

King of Queens
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First come, First served - After Blind Bids are processed...

Post by King of Queens » Tue Oct 09, 2007 2:40 pm

Originally posted by CC's Desperados:
Glenn, did you know the song before you posted the lyrics? I don't think there is a country music station in New York. I've never heard of the song -- had to look it up on YouTube.

I haven't listened to New York radio (other than occasionally WFAN and ESPN) in almost 2 years. Sirius in one car, XM in the other.

[ October 09, 2007, 08:46 PM: Message edited by: King of Queens ]

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First come, First served - After Blind Bids are processed...

Post by dcc1973 » Tue Oct 09, 2007 6:10 pm

Originally posted by King of Queens:
quote:Originally posted by David Comings:
The only way any type of "first come, first served" situation would be tolerable is if each transaction after bidding closed for the week cost a flat fee of, say, $200 per transaction. At least this way, each team would be penalized (not rewarded) for not bidding on a player during the weekly bids. So if I understand you correctly:

If a player goes from being worth a $0 FAAB bid to a $950 bid on Saturday afternoon due to a sudden injury or unfortunate incident, then the person who happens to be sitting at their computer at the right moment pays $200 to get that player.

How exactly is that tolerable?
[/QUOTE]It was a pretty clear post. It started with "I'm very against having a "first come, first served" bidding process in any form." I don't know how I could say it any clearer.

The tolerable portion is because I've never seen a player not worth acquiring on Friday, who's value moves to $950 on Saturday. No teams are going through full contact workouts on Saturday, so no one is blowing out an ACL, MCL, etc.

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First come, First served - After Blind Bids are processed...

Post by Nag' » Tue Oct 09, 2007 6:22 pm

Originally posted by weber:
amazing how you were so peep quiet at both drafts and didn't say a word or come up to me.I've seen you ask this question to a dozen people, why they don't come up to you at the draft. Maybe you should ask youself this one question: could there be a REASON people don't bother seeking you out to talk to you at the draft. Hmm? And here's a tip, it ain't cause they're scared of you. :rolleyes:
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First come, First served - After Blind Bids are processed...

Post by weber7777 » Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:08 am

- nag, i won't comment on your comment, cause i and many many people had a great time in vegas and new york this year. have a great day my man.. lol.
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First come, First served - After Blind Bids are processed...

Post by williamhare » Wed Oct 10, 2007 9:48 am

Good night Mary Ellen. Good night John-Boy.

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