Thoughts & Prayers For Greg's Mom

Purple Helmets
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Thoughts & Prayers For Greg's Mom

Post by Purple Helmets » Fri Jul 08, 2011 12:42 pm

Greg, your mom will of course be in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted on her progress.
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Thoughts & Prayers For Greg's Mom

Post by Sabretooth » Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:31 pm

Greg so glad to hear she is recovering. God bless.

Bret's Mavericks
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Thoughts & Prayers For Greg's Mom

Post by Bret's Mavericks » Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:08 pm

Dido on everyone's "thoughts & prayers" wishes, Greg. you are "the best"...sounds like your Mom is too. It appears like things are getting hopes for a FULL recovery!!!! Again, ALL of our thoughts & prayers are being sent your way!

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Thoughts & Prayers For Greg's Mom

Post by Chi_Town_FEW » Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:08 pm

Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Praying for a fast and full recovery.

Bob Fatzinger and family

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Thoughts & Prayers For Greg's Mom

Post by Syracuse Slappers » Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:43 pm

Hey Greg, I would like to echo everyone's sentiments.....thoughts and prayers.

Greg Ambrosius
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Thoughts & Prayers For Greg's Mom

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:53 am

A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who had their thoughts and prayers directed towards my mom. For a very devout Catholic woman, she not only received those thoughts and prayers she truly knows they helped her out.

Remarkably, my mom is back in her own facility less than 48 hours after suffering a stroke. The nurses noticed something wasn't right with her immediately on Thursday, got an ambulance there, got her to the hospital quickly and the blood clot in her brain was discovered and diagnosed immediately. She couldn't have been any luckier. They have treated the clot and she is on the road to recovery. She does have some lingering problems from it -- like seeing two of everything, including her son when he visited -- but in time she should make a full recovery.

When I stopped in yesterday the first thing she wanted to know about was whether the NFL lockout was done yet. I had to say no, not yet. And then she wanted me to know that our family fantasy football draft was still on for July 23rd!! :D This is why she's so amazing. I may have to help her a bit with her draft, but it will make it even more enjoyable when Grandma's Go-Go's beats my team during the season!! :D

Life is filled with twists and turns and unforeseen road bumps. My 83-year-old mom has been through it all and she keeps her chin up. I knew there was no way God would take her before the Packers have a chance to defend their Super Bowl title. They need her to cheer them on!! :D

Again, THANK YOU ALL and we are well on the road to recovery and she has a big, supportive family there for the rest of the way. We're going to be fine and will have a great draft on July 23rd. And somehow I just know the Go-Go's are going to follow the Packers' lead this year and win another title in 2011!! ;)
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Thoughts & Prayers For Greg's Mom

Post by telestar » Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:30 am

Best wishes on a speedy recovery for your Mom, Greg. I hope everything turns out great.

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Thoughts & Prayers For Greg's Mom

Post by SS » Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:27 pm

Great news Greg! God bless...
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