Matt Hooper
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Post by Matt Hooper » Wed Jul 19, 2006 6:31 am

Originally posted by TURBOUGH:
I know its a game. Some of these people act like WCOFF is the best thing happening and that NFFC is second rate. dude - where in this thread was anything like a 'best-thing-happening' statement made?
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Post by TURBOUGH » Wed Jul 19, 2006 6:35 am

"Dude" go read about why WCOFF would not be a part of this. They are bigger and better. Please pay attention.

[ July 19, 2006, 12:39 PM: Message edited by: TURBOUGH ]

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Post by TamuScarecrow » Wed Jul 19, 2006 6:35 am

Originally posted by Tamuscarecrow:
It is interesting however that every time I go to Florida, it's loaded with northeasterners either complaining about the heat down south or the snow up north. Something cronic here, Chief, and I think we both know what that is.

You vacation with old people from the North who complain a lot? (just joking around, man)Yes, but I love them all anyway, Chief, because they are Americans and we enjoy listening to each other. I may not agree with what they have to say but I would be a fool not to listen because that one gem that comes along in life might come from the most unexpected source. Pass that on to Lenny for us, please.
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Post by Nag' » Wed Jul 19, 2006 6:58 am

Originally posted by TURBOUGH:
You have no clue Nag. You are one of the problems on this site. Well, apparently YOU were one of the problems on THAT site but not anymore. Asta la vista, baby.
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Post by TURBOUGH » Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:07 am

I should be thanking Lenny myself. I am now a part of something better and I know Greg appreciates his clients. Funny thing Nag is that you don't even know the facts. Typical of you to go running your mouth.

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Post by mkrucek » Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:10 am

I find it humorous with all of the whining going on here. And yes, that's what you are doing, whining. Oh, that Lenny, what's he thinking; Why won't he play with us; what's he afraid of, and on and on. Some of you have obvious self-esteem issues with having to prove something by beating WCOFFers. And I don't quite get it. Just because you don't see why they might not want to do it soens't make them wrong. Or is that the way you think about anyone that doesn't share your point of view? Lenny hasn't agreed to it? SO WHAT?

Does that diminish this event? NO! But you couldn't tell it by reading some of these posts. And attributing things to people that weren't even said is rather weak. Attacking someone that gave his opinion on why wcoff wouldn't do it is silly. Look how some of you defend this league against perceived slights.

And, if you were to read what Lenny actually said, it was that he is not interested AT THE MOMENT. And, while he had several reasons, he had not been approached by the owners of this site.

So please, stop the hysterics and be content with those of us that are here kicking your asses.
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Post by Nag' » Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:14 am

Originally posted by TURBOUGH:
I should be thanking Lenny myself. I am now a part of something better and I know Greg appreciates his clients. Funny thing Nag is that you don't even know the facts. Typical of you to go running your mouth. Yeah, Greg does appreciates his clients. But nobody appreciates a jerk with a foul mouth, even as a customer

And you're right, I don't know the facts why you got booted by Lenny but I do know that you go around message boards calling people "idiots" and using phrases like "fuk you". But I guess that doesn't constitute "running your mouth" in your world. In your world, I'm the one guilty of this for calling you out on your disrespectful communication habits.
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Gordon Gekko
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Post by Gordon Gekko » Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:17 am

Originally posted by 4D:
Some of you have obvious self-esteem issues with having to prove something by beating WCOFFers. Let me guess, you’re not a fan of the Olympics either? You can sound so smart and witty on one post, but sound so clueless on another.

Originally posted by 4D:
And, if you were to read what Lenny actually said, it was that he is not interested AT THE MOMENT. And, while he had several reasons, he had not been approached by the owners of this site. agreed. now you're back to being intelligent. keep it up.
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Post by mkrucek » Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:24 am

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by 4D:
[qb] Some of you have obvious self-esteem issues with having to prove something by beating WCOFFers. Let me guess, you’re not a fan of the Olympics either? You can sound so smart and witty on one post, but sound so clueless on another.

Gordon, I don't equate this with the Olympics. If that were the case, then you'd need to include all of the other fantasy games as well. Let's get Fantasy Jungle, etc to have some spots.

If you read SOME of the posts the poster is looking for more than just the fun of an event like this - which I think would be a riot, btw. Especially the message board. But I digress. The nffc has nothing to prove and I imagine there are numerous reasons for and against one of the owners doing this. In the end I think it comes down to a business decision and I'm not the one making that decision. And it would seem to me that a more low-key approach would end up having better results as it's easier on the egos.

[ July 19, 2006, 01:26 PM: Message edited by: 4D ]
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Post by TamuScarecrow » Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:24 am

Agreed, 4D. I think this is a case of those of us who look at the reasons he stated for not doing the event, mostly monetary in nature, are wondering about the sincerity of these reasons based on the potential monetary gain we see if he would do the challenge. I believe I used the term narrow-mindedness up above. You can't blame anyone in either league from wanting this to happen as more money for Lenny and Greg could translate into more money for us participants. Personally, I don't give a rat's *ss about him or his reasons as if I wanted to play wcoff'ers I'd join that league but from a pure FF perspective it would be fun.
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