Who's Coming To The 2010 NFFC Drafting Online?

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Who's Coming To The 2010 NFFC Drafting Online?

Post by Sandman62 » Thu Jul 01, 2010 3:02 am

Wow! I see what Greg means about getting you two going! :D

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Who's Coming To The 2010 NFFC Drafting Online?

Post by mikeybok » Thu Jul 01, 2010 3:16 am

Originally posted by GK:
...personally I feel that WINNING PERCENTAGE is the BEST barometer when determining a FF player's success - and it does NOT matter how many leagues that they enter or not (whether that be 23 or 3 - it's the same recipe to determine who the supposed "best" players really are imho)...GK I totally agree. Some have requested to Greg that this kind of information be made available on their web site. We will see if it's ever going to happen.

We just sent our check for $6450.00 in entry fees (and we will probably add to it this year). This might very well be our last year in the NFFC if they don't do something about reporting the history teams in their events.

Without the history being available, it really doesn't seem to matter who's events I'm going to get in next year if it always seems like we start from scratch each year. It will soon come down to who offers me the best deal each year if there is no history to consider with the NFFC. Just my thoughts on it.

Hakuna Matata!

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Who's Coming To The 2010 NFFC Drafting Online?

Post by BillyWaz » Thu Jul 01, 2010 3:33 am

Originally posted by GK:
...so in conclusion, Billy has been in the playoffs in 5 out of 8 Mains (and CHAMPION once) and I have been in the playoffs in 4 out of 7 Mains (and CHAMPION 3 times)...as Greg stated, they are both records to be very proud of imho (and yes no mas from moi here regarding SNAKE vs. BWAZ) ...GK I agree you should also be proud, Glenn. However not counting 2004 is weak. You know you would count it if you made the playoffs.

Also lumping the 12 and 14 together is like apples and oranges. Two totally different games.

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Who's Coming To The 2010 NFFC Drafting Online?

Post by BillyWaz » Thu Jul 01, 2010 3:34 am

Originally posted by GK:
...so in conclusion, Billy has been in the playoffs in 5 out of 8 Mains (and CHAMPION once) and I have been in the playoffs in 4 out of 7 Mains (and CHAMPION 3 times)...as Greg stated, they are both records to be very proud of imho (and yes no mas from moi here regarding SNAKE vs. BWAZ) ...GK I agree you should also be proud, Glenn. However not counting 2004 is weak. You know you would count it if you made the playoffs.

Also lumping the 12 and 14 together is like apples and oranges. Two totally different games.

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Who's Coming To The 2010 NFFC Drafting Online?

Post by renman » Thu Jul 01, 2010 3:35 am

Originally posted by Sandman62:
I didn't see Renman and Billy's posts while typing my last one.

But yes guys, I AM wondering how many main events Glenn has done.

Renman, I also would be interested in Lifetime Overall Success of players. Maybe Greg can compile that? Or if he can send me the data, I'd be glad to crunch the numbers, maybe show each player's % in the money, as well as % of league championships, runner-ups, etc.. Afterall, who is the better player - the one who is batting .300-500 in cashing but has never won the $100k or the one who has been in 20 leagues over the years but only cashed once (for big $)? Hmm... Sandman,

I have been interested in this information for years. More for my own results than anyone elses or even to compare myself to anyone else. I simply never kept track of my NFFC results over the years. Now that I know I intend to be an NFFCer for life, I want to keep track of how I do (and have done).

This information also makes it easier (or harder) to justify the financial expense each year or even to the wife! I am interested in knowing my results for all NFFC events that have been played out. I want to know my win/lost record. I want to know my average finish in leagues or my % of playoffs made. I want to know this for the main events, but also for the other leagues like auctions, DC, satelites, magazine leagues that are played out, etc.

Overall money won is definatey a list that is worthy to keep track of. But I think we all know it is very skewed in terms of being used as a measuring stick for fantasy football skill because it is impacted by the select few who hit the financial home run by winning it all and also by the ability to play in a high number of high stakes events that not everyone can afford.

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Who's Coming To The 2010 NFFC Drafting Online?

Post by Sandman62 » Thu Jul 01, 2010 3:56 am

Originally posted by BillyWaz:
Also lumping the 12 and 14 together is like apples and oranges. Two totally different games. Then we're batting 1.000 (1:1) in Classics!

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