Are big money leagues really worth it?

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Are big money leagues really worth it?

Post by TamuScarecrow » Mon Feb 12, 2007 1:21 am

I have played in 12-team local leagues at $1500/team and found the league set-up and commish were the difference in the league being fun and worthwhile. That's why I enjoy the NFFC as Greg/Tom do a great job at both.

As for why people choose high-stakes leagues over the local leagues, you have classic examples up above, Turbough, EGO. We all think we're good enough to win the $100K no matter whose sitting at the draft table. The only choice revolves around monetary commitment. Those who can afford it play in 20 leagues and those who can't play in 1. Safe to say most fantasy players play for the competition instead of the ROI and I am in that category. If I wanted to make money fantasy sports wouldn't be the choice as I'd do a lot better at the blackjack tables or the stock market. :D :D

As for the ROI calcs, you are way out of wack as the odds of winning are only 1 in 60.

Top 2 out of 14 teams in league = 1 in 7
Championship round teams = 1 in 53
Total = 1 in 60. Think about it.
2005 NY/CHI League Champ
2006 CHI#2 3rd Place
2006 Auction Reg Season Champ
2007 TAM#2 2nd Place
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Gordon Gekko
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Are big money leagues really worth it?

Post by Gordon Gekko » Mon Feb 12, 2007 2:12 am

Play for ego??? Maybe some, but you'll rarely find those folks in the winner's circle
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Are big money leagues really worth it?

Post by BillyWaz » Mon Feb 12, 2007 3:56 am

Originally posted by Tamuscarecrow:
If I wanted to make money fantasy sports wouldn't be the choice as I'd do a lot better at the blackjack tables or the stock market. :D :D
Personally Rick, the blackjack table is the devil for me! :(

Ted's Cracked Head
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Are big money leagues really worth it?

Post by Ted's Cracked Head » Mon Feb 12, 2007 4:03 am

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Egoism may refer to any of the following:
• psychological egoism - the doctrine that holds that individuals are always motivated by self-interest
• ethical egoism - the ethical doctrine that holds that individuals ought to do what is in their self-interest
( I believe I need to play each year, that I can win the whole thing every year – that it is in my best interest to do so)
• rational egoism - the belief that it is rational to act in one's self-interest
( it seems rational to pay 1300+ to play this game?)
• solipsism - (sometimes called egoism) - the belief that only one's self exists, or that only the experiences of one's self can be verified
• egotism - an excessive or exaggerated sense of self-importance. In extreme forms, egotism may include narcissism and antisocial behavior (hello, how important is this game in the grand scheme of life?)
Egoism is promoted by the following philosophies/ideologies:
• Individualism - a focus on the individual as opposed to society (we use the individual stats of the NFL game )
• Individualist anarchism - anarchism that exalts the supremacy of the individual
(we all want to be the Champ – the supreme player in that given year)
• Libertarianism - a political ideology that advocates individual liberty and private property
• Machiavellianism - a tendency to deceive and manipulate others for personal gain
(we all think we can take advantage of the other drafters shortcomings)
• Objectivism - a philosophical system based on the writings of novelist Ayn Rand that advocates egoism
• Suitheism - Belief in self as a deity

I play this game based on my self interest to win this thing and prove to myself that I can play with the best. That didn't work because my ego now believes that it has to work harder to try and show that my last two years weren't a fluke.

My ego writes the check to play each year.

My ego thinks it is a good investment when the numbers scream otherwise.

My ego thinks it can predict the outcome of these NFL games and how these players are going to perform on any given week.

I think we all play to feed our egos. I think it goes to the heart of these big dollar challenges.

I think we have a need to be more attached to the game. I think we are passionate about the game and believe that fantasy sports connect us more to the actual game. It gives us a chance to flex our "Monday Morning QB muscles".

I think we play for bragging rights more than for the money and this all leads us back to our egos.

Do I seek help or write those checks this year to try and feed my ego?
My mama says she loves me but she could be jiving too! BB King

Gordon Gekko
Posts: 7222
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Are big money leagues really worth it?

Post by Gordon Gekko » Mon Feb 12, 2007 4:33 am

Rob - you have too much time on your hands. Get in the NFBC before you go crazy from googling things
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Are big money leagues really worth it?

Post by BillyWaz » Mon Feb 12, 2007 4:38 am

Originally posted by Ted's Cracked Head:

I think we play for bragging rights more than for the money and this all leads us back to our egos.
All good stuff Rob!

I especially agree with the statement above.

To say I don't play for $$$ would not be truthful. The $$ I make from fantasy football helps pay for vacations, etc. for my family, and gives me a little "peace of mind" that I have a little extra in the bank should I need it.

That all being said, I do play for bragging rights and knowing I can play and sometimes beat the best. YEARS ago, I won a high stakes challenge. Although the $$ was nice and helped give me opportunities I wouldn't have had otherwise, the fact that for that year I was the best, was what I was most proud of. The $$ will come and go, but to say you were the best (even just for a year) is something that no one can ever take away from you.

[ February 12, 2007, 10:47 AM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

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Are big money leagues really worth it?

Post by Quahogs » Mon Feb 12, 2007 4:49 am

ego, $, sure, but this is what get's me moving in the morning...

the opportunity "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of their women"


King of Queens
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Are big money leagues really worth it?

Post by King of Queens » Mon Feb 12, 2007 6:07 am

Originally posted by Quahogs:
the opportunity "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of their women"Ponch and John, baby. Ponch and John.

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Are big money leagues really worth it?

Post by TURBOUGH » Mon Feb 12, 2007 6:36 am

Its good reading everyones thoughts on this. Sometimes you forget about the real reason why ya started entering these sort of leagues in the first place. I can say that I like reading honest posts on what people think on some issues such as this one.

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Are big money leagues really worth it?

Post by TamuScarecrow » Mon Feb 12, 2007 6:43 am

Wrong, GG, you won !! :D Not saying it's a bad thing because IMHO it is what drives the competitive spirit in all of us. You can't tell me you didn't get into the NFFC because you DIDN'T think you could win the $100K. You got in because you knew you could win it and many of us think the same way. Some call it cocky, I call it ego and every competitive person has one.

You yourself have said many times there are better ways to invest your money if money is the main reason you are doing this. If it is, I'll give you some advice, invest in gold and gold stocks as the return is much better over the long haul.
2005 NY/CHI League Champ
2006 CHI#2 3rd Place
2006 Auction Reg Season Champ
2007 TAM#2 2nd Place
2007 Auction Reg Season Champ
2009 LV#5 League Champ
2010 Auction Reg Season Champ
2011 LV#3 2nd Place
2012 LV Classic League Champ

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