quote:Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
quote:Originally posted by da bears:
It is so pathetic that WCOFF appears to be going ahead and actually having an event this year with the announcement of some main event draft positions last night. As a veteran high stakes player I'm truly sickened by this situation and feel extremely bad for those players owed money they likely will never see.

To treat so many good people like this and screw them out of their hard earned prize money is beyond criminal. I really do think those in charge deserve substantial jail time for what they have done. Like others have said it truly is/was a sad day for the high stakes football industry. You can host a live event Matt or even host online drafts, but you can't run a game without a back-end provider and a web site. That question needs to be answered first by those in charge because things have changed in the last day on that front, it appears. No signups are being allowed online at this time. [/QUOTE]So what are you saying here Greg ? As long as you have a contract with RT Sports and the bill is paid (supposedly) how can they pull the rug from under wcoff? RT just can't assume it's a bad contest and winners won't be paid can they ? [/QUOTE]*IF* they have a paid contract for football for 2011 they cannot. But only if they have a contract. If they do not have a contract they are not obligated to run any leagues.
This isn't news that I should be telling folks, it should be news coming from the contest provider. RT Sports has done everything humanly possible to help players still have a chance for prizes, both in baseball and football. I think everyone needs to know that. Those guys stood behind the game operators with every plan and did things that not every business would have done, but they are 20-year vets to the industry and don't want to see any more harm to this space. The signup page is now disabled and no signed contract was finalized, so again, there needs to be some announcement by the game operators on where the contest will be run. Which new site will do this at this late notice? It's a legitimate and very important question if in fact RT Sports isn't powering this game, which it doesn't look like it is doing.
[ August 16, 2011, 09:13 AM: Message edited by: Greg Ambrosius ]