no one monitors teams that leave buys in on bye?

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no one monitors teams that leave buys in on bye?

Post by robertdaytop » Sun Nov 22, 2020 10:50 pm

This was a great week. I was 9-1 along with another team. The guy he played started teddy Bridgewater and had guys on bye starting (Sterling Sheppard). The guys on his bench scored enough to potentially win...this is a pay league and supposedly monitored? This was in Online Championship #8170- Jordy's OC1...I got no problem calling him out...this might have cost me a spot in the playoffs....freaking ridiculous.

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Re: no one monitors teams that leave buys in on bye?

Post by Coltsfan » Mon Nov 23, 2020 7:43 am

It happens in almost every league, every year. The NFFC is not allowed to change lineups for players so you will always get those that bail on leagues before the season is over. It's not fun but over time it will help you as often as it hurts you. Just part of the game.


Greg Ambrosius
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Re: no one monitors teams that leave buys in on bye?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Mon Nov 23, 2020 8:35 am

robertdaytop wrote:
Sun Nov 22, 2020 10:50 pm
This was a great week. I was 9-1 along with another team. The guy he played started teddy Bridgewater and had guys on bye starting (Sterling Sheppard). The guys on his bench scored enough to potentially win...this is a pay league and supposedly monitored? This was in Online Championship #8170- Jordy's OC1...I got no problem calling him out...this might have cost me a spot in the playoffs....freaking ridiculous.
Robert, this is high-stakes fantasy football and we can't get involved in setting everyone's lineups for them. It is up to each individual owner to set their best starting lineup each week. Yes, in many leagues there are unattentive owners who bail on their teams early or who forget to make lineup changes. But this is not our job to correct it for them.

The key for every NFFC team is to score as many points as possible because our playoff format rewards those owners who score the most points. Yes, head-to-head is one component of getting into the Championship Round, but the best remedy to unattentive owners is to outscore everyone else in your league through 13 weeks. Then you will be fine.

Good luck and congrats on the strong start.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

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