Congrats On The Fast Starts

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Greg Ambrosius
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Congrats On The Fast Starts

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:32 am

I know we're only through three weeks of the NFFC regular season, but a few owners deserve props for a great start:

** Billy Wasosky is our overall leader after three weeks in the main event and he's leading the Chicago Draft Champions League. He's also second in our July 16th NFFC Satellite League, which was our first official satellite league draft of the season. Nice start Billy and that full off-season of keeping the message boards alive with Snake, Diesel, RI Workhorse, TamuScarecrow and others seems to have helped the run for the roses. :D

** Rick Thomas is second overall in the NFFC after three weeks and second overall in our National Fantasy Baseball Championship with six days left. That's the highest dual-placing ever in our two high-stakes contests. Rick is battling for $100,000 in baseball and has a good shot of at least finishing with $20,000. He's also leading the Las Vegas Draft Champions League 1 in football. Great, great job in two sports Rick.

** The Martino's are also having a great dual-sport season. Joe Martino is currently in third place overall in the NFBC and also battling for $20,000 or more there. David and Joe Martino teamed up for an NFFC team this year and are 10th overall in the NFFC. These guys definitely know their sports.

** Let's give it up for the girls. I love what my ladies are doing. Nancy Borg (okay, so she's teaming with her husband Bret! :D ) has that Wedded Blitz team third overall in the main event and Jules McLean has her Pimpin Trigger Jr. team seventh overall. You go girls.

** Going for the ultimate double. Can anyone win the two biggest high-stakes leagues? Matt Bayley is 57th overall in the NFFC and 30th overall in the WCOFF, while Chris Fargis is 90th overall in the NFFC and 12th overall in the WCOFF. Bill Ezzell is also 15th in the WCOFF and making progress in the NFFC. Lance Turbes (sportsbettingman) is first overall in the WCOFF and leading the NFFC's Super Satellite League, but he's not in the NFFC's main event. Maybe if he wins some serious money this year, he'll consider a Las Vegas trip during Labor Day weekend next year to compete in our big dance! :D

** Eddie Gillis won the NFFC Ultimate League last year and is in first place in the NFBC's Ultimate League this year, with a chance to win $40,000 there. That would be one helluva double win Eddie! Great job thus far. Oh, he's battling ol' constant C.C.'s Desperados for that title in baseball. Not surprisingly, they are partners in the NFFC Ultimate League this year!

** I know that LJ and LT had byes last week, but thus far the top three spots have not dominated the competition. Of our top 20 teams in the overall competition, 13 drafted ninth or lower. The top six teams right now drafted 9th, 9th, 10th, 3rd, 9th, 12th. No team that drafted No. 1 is in the Top 20 right now, but again the bye week has something to do with that. Still, it's a strong start for those teams that drafted toward the back of the draft.

Those are just some quick tidbits to nibble on. Feel free to add any other insights or comments here. Good luck the rest of the way everyone.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

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Congrats On The Fast Starts

Post by BillyWaz » Tue Sep 26, 2006 3:44 am

Thanks Greg, as it is much appreciated!


P.S. I wanted to change my name in the 7/16 league to "DEAD MONEY", as someone in that league told me that is what it should be! ;)

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Congrats On The Fast Starts

Post by renman » Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:33 am


I was going to comment on the fact that many teams drafting later in the event are doing well. Much of that can likely be attributed to owners who dodged the land mines called Lamont Jordan and Cadillac Williams and hit a home run with someone named Westbrook or even Rudi Johnson.

The owners who grabbed Portis somewhere in the second round (and could get 4-5th overall pick value) that can combine that with a good first round pick could be dangerous. Though I still worry about Brunell being able to spread the field against legit defenses.

Some teams have been hugely helped with epic performances from their defenses (ravens/bears) and kickers (kasay/wilkins/stover).

Now the cream will rise to the top as we start to deal with bye weeks... this is where it gets interesting...

Gordon Gekko
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Congrats On The Fast Starts

Post by Gordon Gekko » Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:39 am

Originally posted by BillyWaz:
P.S. I wanted to change my name in the 7/16 league to "DEAD MONEY", as someone in that league told me that is what it should be! ;) lots of time for you to U-Turn it ;)
Is my "weekend warrior" prep better than your prep?

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Congrats On The Fast Starts

Post by sportsbettingman » Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:26 am

Thanks Greg!

You are a true fantasy fanatic like us!

I am commish of my own league, and am finally writing a recap of the first 3 weeks. (I usually do one once per week).

You and Tom are awesome in how you give your time and attention to damn near all of your leagues.

You can be sure that if things pan out this season...I'll be double dipping in 2007! (WCOFF/NFFC). I can swing two quick hits to Vegas...but 5 days straight like this year was too long...I got dehydrated and started seeing things/feeling mini earthquakes...great fun...but too long!

Thanks for the mention!

"The first man what makes a move can count amongst 'is treasure a ball from this pistol."

~Long John Silver

Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36648
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Congrats On The Fast Starts

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:35 am

Originally posted by sportsbettingman:
You can be sure that if things pan out this season...I'll be double dipping in 2007! (WCOFF/NFFC). I can swing two quick hits to Vegas...but 5 days straight like this year was too long...I got dehydrated and started seeing things/feeling mini earthquakes...great fun...but too long!

Thanks for the mention!

~Lance Yeah, I read about your five days in Las Vegas on the other boards and you are correct: Drinking for five straight days will get to a feller! :D We promise to keep you only Friday through Sunday and get you home in time to enjoy a barbeque on Labor Day! :D Then you can put in three days of work and return on Thursday for the WCOFF fun. Sound like a plan?

Now win some money this year and we'll see you at the Flamingo in 2007!! Should be a wild ride to the end this football season.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

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Congrats On The Fast Starts

Post by renman » Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:45 am

5 days too long in vegas? I go to las vegas 2 times per year for major big money high stakes bowling events. Back in the late 90's there were two events near the super bowl. One in the beginning of January and one at the end (during the super bowl). 2 years in a row we would stay for the entire month (someone else ran another tournament between the two since all the best bowlers in the country were in town).

4 weeks in vegas is a long time... but some good memories and better stories... i draft my nffc team in ny, but hope to make it to vegas one of these years just to show greg some of the darker parts of

greg, my buddy and i are both in the top of these years one of my teams maybe can get a little love and respect on this forum! lol

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Congrats On The Fast Starts

Post by AMERICA » Tue Sep 26, 2006 11:20 am

Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
** Billy Wasosky is our overall leader after three weeks in the main event and he's leading the Chicago Draft Champions League. BROKEBACK STYLE! BILL - WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR 'PARTNER' SNAKE BEING DEAD ASS LAST ?

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Congrats On The Fast Starts

Post by BillyWaz » Tue Sep 26, 2006 11:25 am

Originally posted by AMERICA:
quote:Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
** Billy Wasosky is our overall leader after three weeks in the main event and he's leading the Chicago Draft Champions League. BROKEBACK STYLE! BILL - WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR 'PARTNER' SNAKE BEING DEAD ASS LAST ? [/QUOTE]America...

Where have you been?

Snake's performance speaks volume about his ability, and that is all I will say.

If you want to "call him out", go ahead, I have done my share today. Again, if he wouldn't talk so much chit I wouldn't give it to him, but you know the saying, "you get what you ask for".

How is that DC team with NO RB's fairing?

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