ATTN: Those on the fence! Join the NFFC!

Geoffrey Stein
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ATTN: Those on the fence! Join the NFFC!

Post by Geoffrey Stein » Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:33 pm

*Note: I'm doing this all on my own. Nobody has asked me to post this.

Hi, folks! Remember me?

Even though I've moved on to the next step in my professional life, I can say that a big part of me still has the high-stakes industry flowing through my veins. You don't do this for six years and just flip the "off" switch.

While I won't go too deep into my feelings about what's happened this offseason (mostly for fear of being sued and fired from current job for posting a bunch of curse words on a public forum), I will say one thing: Greg Ambrosius and Tom Kessenich are a complete 180-degree turn from what we're seeing over at WCOFF and deserve your trust and support.

From the 21-year-old who monitored drafts back in the day at Mock Draft Central for a contest where “all these crazy rich guys (and one girl; hi, Jules!) pay thousands of dollars” to the 27-year-old who lived high-stakes first hand at Fanball, I can say that throughout the years that I’ve been nothing but impressed by the way Greg and Tom care and fight (mostly at Fanball) for their customers. They get it. They know without you, there’s no NFFC. No NFBC. No NFBBC.

What you have here is a great group -- a great community. And that all comes from Greg and Tom.

Last October, I damn near died. While I was out for most of it and don’t remember much, one of the main things that sticks out to me is the fact that when I woke up at the hospital I had more messages than I can remember from NFFC/NFBC/NFBBC members saying that they were keeping me in their thoughts and prayers. I’m man enough to admit that I cried when I read each and every one -- the fact that these people who I was nothing more than the “Call Commish” button took time out of their day to wish me well meant the world to me.

Where did that love come from? Greg and Tom, of course. I was in a coma for six days -- Greg and Tom called my family each day for an update. The week after I woke up and was in the hospital? Greg and Tom called each day to ask how I was doing.

When Fanball went out of business in January and I had no clue in hell how I was going to pay my mortgage the next month, Greg was kind enough to let me room with him free of charge in Las Vegas for the FSTA Conference, where I hooked on with MyFantasyLeague, my current employer.

The two aforementioned scenarios weren’t posted on the message board. Greg didn’t post pictures of me sleeping in the bed next to him on Facebook to take credit for it. Why? Because the NFFC cares. The NFFC does what’s right to help good peope. The NFFC isn’t looking for the next big buck or photo op.

There’s a human/personal element to this contest that is so frustratingly lacking over at WCOFF right now -- Greg and Tom aren’t worried about trips to the Super Bowl or getting their picture taken with celebrities. They’re worried about doing what’s right by their customers in an honest day’s work. You won’t see the cast of “Charles in Charge” along with a 2001 NBA All-Star drafting at the NFFC in a few weeks, but what you will get is everything Greg and Tom have (these guys work hard!) which is nothing short of amazing.

Reading the WCOFF boards right now gets my blood boiling as an outsider. I can’t even imagine how I’d feel if I were owed one penny, let alone what you fine folks are owed. It stings to see many good people treated like dirt. And while I know many will find it hard to trust again (did my girlfriend just cheat on me?), I can say that Greg and Tom won’t do you wrong. These are good guys. The NFFC community is good folks.

While forgetting about what’s happened/going on can’t be done, I urge you to give the NFFC a chance to see what high-stakes Fantasy Football can be. What high-stakes Fantasy Football should be.

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ATTN: Those on the fence! Join the NFFC!

Post by telestar » Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:07 pm

Hey Geoff: Glad you are doing better, and I hope you stay healthy! This is a great group at the NFFC, and certainly Tom and Greg are the reason why. One can tell they care because even if you ask a silly or unreasonable question, you can count on them to give you the straight information and answer as honestly as possible. They treat customers as they would like to be treated, and so it isn't a surprise to hear how they stayed in touch on your condition.

Best wishes from everyone at the NFFC, and thanks for all your help from the commish role in the past - I'm sure your good work was a lot more noticed than even you realized.

Greg Ambrosius
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ATTN: Those on the fence! Join the NFFC!

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:36 pm

Geoff, that's a damn nice note and I know I didn't prompt you to write it. If I did, I would have told you that "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!!" :D Dude, you just wrote on a public forum that you and I slept together in Las Vegas in January!!! :D Nah, I knew it was good for you to be at that conference during a time when you were looking for work and I knew you'd land well because you're a good guy and a VERY hard worker. Everything has worked out well for all of us since those tough days.

Geoff's health last October was important to all of us and we found out how the power of prayer works. The big guy upstairs came through for us, Geoff pulled through and we all came to realize how prescious each day is. We don't take ANYTHING for granted anymore. Enjoy life to the fullest and never take good health for granted.

You're the best man. You'll always be part of this team, so keep those clever posts coming. And the next time you get a raise from, take out a $350 Online Championship team so that you can show these folks who REALLY knows his fantasy football. I'll even promise to make the check out to Geoff Stein and not Jeff Stien!!! :D Stay well my friend.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

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Tom Kessenich
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ATTN: Those on the fence! Join the NFFC!

Post by Tom Kessenich » Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:39 pm

Originally posted by Geoffrey Stein:

Greg didn’t post pictures of me sleeping in the bed next to him on Facebook to take credit for it.Thank God for that.
Tom Kessenich
Manager of High Stakes Fantasy Games, SportsHub Technologies
Twitter - @TomKessenich

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Tom Kessenich
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ATTN: Those on the fence! Join the NFFC!

Post by Tom Kessenich » Fri Aug 19, 2011 3:59 pm

In all seriousness, Geoff is the best. We're all happy he pulled through the difficult time he had last year and I'm sure the good folks at MFL are happy to have him as part of their crew. Geoff will always have a home with us regardless of whether he's officially working with us or not. You don't find better people than Geoff Stein.
Tom Kessenich
Manager of High Stakes Fantasy Games, SportsHub Technologies
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ATTN: Those on the fence! Join the NFFC!

Post by kjduke » Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:59 pm

Great post Geoff!

The behind the scene stories don't surprise me or probably most of the other guys that have seen Greg and Tom in action over the last few years.

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Tom Kessenich
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ATTN: Those on the fence! Join the NFFC!

Post by Tom Kessenich » Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:08 pm

I've been working in this industry since 1999 when I first left the Packers beat and went to Krause Publications. I've had a lot of good times over the years but I can say that one of the best was a night in Chicago with Greg, Geoff, Jason Pliml from MockDraftCentral and Chris Adamski, who worked with Greg and I at Krause.

Greg and I were running a live draft for an ESPN event and there was a big fantasy panel on hand as part of the next day's festivities. So Geoff and Jason came to Chicago and we closed the bar, having a great time. I'm sure there was all sorts of other things going on at the bar that night but what I remember most was hanging out with Geoff and Jason and all of us knocking back at least two beers each and having a terrific time.

We weren't able to get the auction partnership done with MFL the way both of us wanted for football but we'll keep working on that and perhaps unveil it for the NFBC next year. If we do, we're sure to be working with Geoff again. I'm looking forward to it.
Tom Kessenich
Manager of High Stakes Fantasy Games, SportsHub Technologies
Twitter - @TomKessenich

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Glenneration X
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ATTN: Those on the fence! Join the NFFC!

Post by Glenneration X » Sat Aug 20, 2011 1:29 am

Geoff, this place isn't the same without you. Who am I going to E-mail at least every other week when I make one of my typical "user error" mistakes and blame it on your software???
You were a great addition to the NFFC/NFBC and are missed. Still we're happy to see you've found a new home where you're happy.

Your story about Greg and Tom tells us all we need to know about what type of people they are. It's what I've come to appreciate about them as well and one of the reasons why I'll always play their contests as long as they're a part of them. Great games and great people, a very strong combination.

Good luck in your future endeavors Geoff. Please let us know if therapy takes care of the nightmares you still have of that night with Greg. :eek:

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ATTN: Those on the fence! Join the NFFC!

Post by mkrucek » Sat Aug 20, 2011 1:39 am

Originally posted by Tom Kessenich:
Greg and I were running a live draft for an ESPN event and there was a big fantasy panel on hand as part of the next day's festivities. So Geoff and Jason came to Chicago and we closed the bar, having a great time. I'm sure there was all sorts of other things going on at the bar that night but what I remember most was hanging out with Geoff and Jason and all of us knocking back at least two beers each and having a terrific time.
Surely you jest. Two beers each? As a Wisconsinite and Packers fan I would think you have two beers for breakfast. Greg, is this the type of person you want working for you? Closing a bar with two beers each? And in Chicago, no less. I'd have to imagine they would have asked you to leave as you were taking up valuable space. TWO BEERS!?!? :D
You'll be fine long as your pretty face holds out, then it's gonna get pretty cold out...

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