MidSeason League B Results

Greg Ambrosius
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MidSeason League B Results

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Tue Nov 23, 2004 3:27 pm

Okay, nobody from this league has updated the group on how this contest is going. I want someone to explain how this contest has turned out. I have a feeling my favorite all-female team is holding their own after being a last-second fill-in to take over the spot left vacant when Meat Loaf couldn't make the online draft. You go, girls, you go.

What's the scoop here. Who's in the hunt for the free NFBC or NFFC entry?
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius

Route Collectors
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MidSeason League B Results

Post by Route Collectors » Tue Nov 23, 2004 4:00 pm

I'm so glad you asked, as I have been looking for a good therapist for a few weeks. :eek:
Obviously I am the cellar dweller but I consider it money well spent for R&D.
I tried a different strategy just to test the waters and am more convinced than ever that early runs on RB's are suicide in this scoring system.
I'll let others figure out the particulars on their own.

As far as draft slot bidding - I don't think the mid season trial gives a "real feel" for it's effectiveness or lack therof. We missed too many games and honestly,the FAAB is kind of a joke that many games in. I'd like to see it run a full season before we dub it one way or the other.

I definately don't like the extra flex position. It doesn't seem like that big of a deal to field a lineup each week. Even though I haven't had good RB's in the main event, I like the fact that it does seem to make the use of FAAB more challenging. I vote to keep lineup requirements the same or maybe add one roster spot.

These are only the opinions of a bitter cellar dweller. :mad:

Maybe one of the owners who is faring better has a different take.

Good luck to the contenders. It looks like only about 60 pts. seperate the top 4 teams. Should be a good finish.


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MidSeason League B Results

Post by Dyv » Tue Nov 23, 2004 5:00 pm

It's funny, because we have 5 weeks to go in this contest. I'm 200 pts. off the lead and lurking in the middle of the pack. I clearly need them to slow up at the top, but with 5 weeks to go I'm not feeling the least bit out of it yet. Now, 2 more weeks goes by and 200 pts. begins to look very nasty....

"Left in the Dark" is leading the pack and playing up their innocent 'beginner's luck' routine as well, lol. Might have to get two new roster-recorders for next year's draft, Greg! Claire and Jan are playing for keeps with Favre and Donald Driver leading the way ;)

The Wonderful thing about Dyv's is I'm the only one!

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MidSeason League B Results

Post by JerseyPaul » Tue Nov 23, 2004 7:26 pm

Okay, I'm going to admit the error of my ways. I guess that's why these satellite leagues are really a good idea, to try things out.

I agree, the 2 flex idea takes the tension out of the game. It does indeed make it "too easy" as many of the MB regulars had said. It doesn't have the championship feel.

On the other hand, the Gekko Invitational "feels" right.

Some other observations... In NY6 the 14 slot is #1 (BillyWaz) and the 12 slot (me) is tied for 2nd best record. Yes, draft slot IS important and early draft positions have an advantage. That advantage WILL NOT be quantifiable at seasons end because good WW finds (Droughns for me), big value draft picks (like Gates for Billy), luck (O. Smith not being suspended for Billy), injuries, etc. will reshuffle the standings. Those that care about the inequities of serpentine drafting will just have to join the Auction league.

Further observations... In NY6 the only real stretch run left is for 3rd. I wonder how many leagues are truly still up for grabs. I really liked having the 2 extra games to make sure the best team won, but I'm wondering if that will make a big difference. I say this because perhaps the answer to the RB problem and partial answer to the serpentine problem might indeed be the 12 team league. 12 teams dramatically changes the economics which will require smaller league prizes and/or larger percentage of prize awards to league prizes but the chances of winning a league award will obviously be greater. I think the 14 team versus 12 team issue should be seriously considered with the extra weeks set aside for playoffs (like WCOFF).

Greg Ambrosius
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MidSeason League B Results

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Nov 24, 2004 2:41 am

Great points guys and this is the type of analysis I expected to hear before I asked for it. This is our test league and I'm interested to hear how the slot bidding and position requirements worked out. In a way, I'm glad the added Flex isn't working out as I still think we need to keep the 2-RB starting lineup intact.

Yes, I know Claire and Jan are playing for keeps and those Bronco lovers have suddenly turned into Cheeseheads. :D Well, okay, that's a bit of a stretch, but I do know they love Favre and Driver right now. You go girls, you go! We can find draft helpers if you earn the right to draft with us in Las Vegas next year. Either way, Dyv, they will be helping out our NFBC drafts at the Rio in March, so we can talk smack with them.

I will survey the group on the 14-team vs. 12-team format at season's end and will do one better by checking out every NFFC league race right now and reporting back. JP, the WCOFF regular season is finished right now. Somehow that doesn't seem long enough and I HATE one-game playoffs where guys are on their boards proposing to split the pot during the Championship Game so that both sides earn a profit. That just ain't right! This 14-team format, 13 regular season weeks, is tough, but I DO think the best teams will emerge into the playoffs.

Thanks for the updates guys. I'm interested in hearing more and I'll report back on the league races soon.
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Gordon Gekko
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MidSeason League B Results

Post by Gordon Gekko » Wed Nov 24, 2004 2:50 am

Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
I HATE one-game playoffs where guys are on their boards proposing to split the pot during the Championship Game so that both sides earn a profit. That just ain't right! those are simply business decisions that are legit.

what i hate worse is that lesser teams could and will win their leagues based on best record. something that is largely based on random scheduling. simply having the best record team win the league, "just ain't right"! the second place team doesn't even win their money back, less taxes.

i have a couple alternate ideas, but i'll leave it at that for now. in the season ending Gekko Newsletter, i'll address this and other issues. thanks.
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Gordon Gekko
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MidSeason League B Results

Post by Gordon Gekko » Wed Nov 24, 2004 2:54 am

Originally posted by JerseyPaul:
I agree, the 2 flex idea takes the tension out of the game. It does indeed make it "too easy" as many of the MB regulars had said. It doesn't have the championship feel.
now you know why i'm curt with some of my posts. as i've said from the start, eliminating the 2nd rb spot and going with another flex spot is "bad" for this event.

JP, you do not yet realize your importance. You have only begun to discover your power. Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the NFFC.
Is my "weekend warrior" prep better than your prep?

Greg Ambrosius
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MidSeason League B Results

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Nov 24, 2004 3:23 am

Gordon, yes, that is a legitimate business decision. I also wish the Packers had asked the Eagles if they wanted to split the pot before allowing them to convert a "fourth and 26 play" last season in the NFC playoffs, but that doesn't happen in the NFL. You play to win and take your chances in the big games.

Yes, the h2h isn't perfect, but after 11 weeks every single NFFC division race is up for grabs except one. Fifteen of 16 races are very, very tight and only one team has secured the $5,000 first place. The race for total points and second place is tight in EVERY NFFC race. It's not a perfect system, but if you finish second overall in points despite having a tough h2h record, you not only win $1,500 but you have a head start in the playoffs for the $100,000 grand prize. Plus, one out of every four playoff teams will win more as we pay off the top eight this year and there are only 32 playoff teams. I think we've covered both areas with this format, h2h champ and teams that earned the most points.

As for second place winnings not covering taxes, PLEEEEESSSSEE. A big-shot like you knows how to expense your trip to Las Vegas, your entry fee and your informational resources. You'll come out okay if you earn that second place money.

Now hold your response until I post the NFFC league races. I need to show JP how a 13-week season is better than an 11-week season with a league championship game. Give me two minutes.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
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Greg Ambrosius
Posts: 36393
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MidSeason League B Results

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Nov 24, 2004 3:37 am

Originally posted by JerseyPaul:
Okay, I'm going to admit the error of my ways. I guess that's why these satellite leagues are really a good idea, to try things out.

I agree, the 2 flex idea takes the tension out of the game. It does indeed make it "too easy" as many of the MB regulars had said. It doesn't have the championship feel.

On the other hand, the Gekko Invitational "feels" right.

Some other observations... In NY6 the 14 slot is #1 (BillyWaz) and the 12 slot (me) is tied for 2nd best record. Yes, draft slot IS important and early draft positions have an advantage. That advantage WILL NOT be quantifiable at seasons end because good WW finds (Droughns for me), big value draft picks (like Gates for Billy), luck (O. Smith not being suspended for Billy), injuries, etc. will reshuffle the standings. Those that care about the inequities of serpentine drafting will just have to join the Auction league.

Further observations... In NY6 the only real stretch run left is for 3rd. I wonder how many leagues are truly still up for grabs. I really liked having the 2 extra games to make sure the best team won, but I'm wondering if that will make a big difference. I say this because perhaps the answer to the RB problem and partial answer to the serpentine problem might indeed be the 12 team league. 12 teams dramatically changes the economics which will require smaller league prizes and/or larger percentage of prize awards to league prizes but the chances of winning a league award will obviously be greater. I think the 14 team versus 12 team issue should be seriously considered with the extra weeks set aside for playoffs (like WCOFF). JP, thanks for making me do this homework today. I will post these results in a separate thread for all to see as well. But yes the 14-team format seems to be providing great league races and every single NFFC league is going down to the finish for the two playoff spots.

Here's the results after 11 regular season games:
1) Only one team has secured a league title and the $5,000 first prize. That is Team NEW in Las Vegas League 5, which is 11-0 and leading the overall points standing. Four teams in that league are tied for second place in record and two teams are eight points apart for the second playoff spot.

2) Four of the 16 NFFC leagues have teams tied for first place. Two of those leagues (LV 3 and NY 3) have three teams tied for first place and two other leagues (LV 2 and NY 4) have two-way ties for first place. LV 3 actually has six teams that are one game out of first place in h2h.

3) Eight other NFFC leagues have only one game separating first place from second place. Two of those leagues (NY 5 and LV 1) have FOUR teams tied for second place in h2h, one game out of first place. Two other leagues (CHI 2 and CHI 3) have THREE teams tied for second in h2h, one game out of first place.

4) Four other NFFC leagues have a first place team one game ahead in h2h of one second place team. But the fight for the second place playoff spot is tight in all of those leagues.

Your chance for $100,000 this year is as good as it gets as I doubt we'll ever have only 32 playoff teams again. These last two weeks will definitely determine who earns that one in 32 shot at $100,000 and the one in 8 shot at additional playoff money.

With the bye weeks all done, it hardly seems like the time for the NFFC's regular season to be finished. In fact, it feels like crunch time. I'm glad we have two more weeks of regular season action left and then three more weeks for EVERY single NFFC team to compete for playoff money, whether that be in the big playoff setup or the Consolation Bowl. Good luck everyone and thanks so much for making this debut season such a competitive and exciting one.

Now, for another discussion, can we tweak the league payout setup better? Yes. Can we expand the number of teams and improve the league payout, while still keeping a worthy grand prize? Yes. I'm working on all of that now and will ask for feedback soon. As GG says, Thanks.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
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MidSeason League B Results

Post by JB » Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:07 pm

How come I can't make any pickups this week? I was assuming this league would allow pickups through week 16 otherwise I would have used up my FA$ earlier. Did I miss this in the rules somewhere??

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