ELIAS Stats Revisions?

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ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Post by boutrous11 » Thu Sep 22, 2011 12:57 am

i might be in the minority here, but i think feuds like this one are entertaining. i enjoy reading their back and forth stuff.

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ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Post by joetreff » Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:22 am

Excellent points, Nicks was way out of bounds and never ever should've gotten credit for the catch

[ September 22, 2011, 11:41 AM: Message edited by: felixflamingo ]

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ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Post by paus » Thu Sep 22, 2011 1:59 am

One would have to be blind to ignore you Snake. Why don't we all just acknowledge that you are the best fantasy football player that ever lived, that we are forever grateful for your drafting advice, and that maybe some day we can attain Snake level IQ? Would that make you go away? You just make these boards completely unenjoyable (I am sure you will tell me if that word isn't correct). Here's hoping you never play fantasy baseball.

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ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Post by Sandman62 » Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:00 am


So if the refs blew a TD call (not just a catch vs. penalty), and they didn't award an obvious TD... should that be allowed to be changed the next day because it was the right call? What if adding a TD would change the outcome of the game? Are they going to change that too and say, "Nope, team A now wins instead of team B"??? What if there was a lot more game to be played after the errant call?

At some point, the play call on the field has to stand to maintain the integrity of the game, IMO. (And FWIW, we own Nicks in one league, but it didn't make a difference this time.)

As for Snake... though he does often provide some intgriguing, thought-provoking material, I think it'd be easier to ignore his whining, his bragging, his smoke screens and other garbage if he didn't litter up nearly every thread on this board. Far too many topics somehow take a Snake detour and turn into his own personal blog. Maybe that's the solution Snake... GET your own blog? And then your loyal followers can read every little thought that pops into your head (seeing there's obviously no filter from there to your keyboard :rolleyes: ).

[ September 22, 2011, 08:02 AM: Message edited by: Sandman62 ]

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ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Post by mkrucek » Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:07 am

Originally posted by Renman:
As for the Nicks play. I remember the moment I saw it saying "wow, I am glad I don't own Nicks because they just blew that one..." It was clearly a catch. Don't we all want the proper results to happen? I bet just about everyone across the nation is FOR INSTANT REPLAY because it is the best chance to get the calls and games RIGHT. They don't get everything right all the time, but they miss way less then they would without it. This is a good thing isn't it?

Don't we want the CORRECT outcome to be the outcome for the NFFC? If we all know something was missed in a game, why would we want that mistake to carry over into the NFFC simply because it didn't get fixed by some stat guy by a certain time?

Don't we all want the game to be as fair as possible and the outcomes as accurate as possible given the stakes here?

If I won my game by 1 point and was going against a Nicks owner, I would be perfectly fine with that result being overturned in week 10 let alone on Weds of the week the mistake happened.

Fair play and the proper team winning trumps everything to me. Not sure why anyone would be against that. Following your logic they should go back and reverse the Sproles td then. After all, the right call was that he stepped out of bounds before he scored and we want to get it right, right?

In Nicks case the call on the field was an incomplete pass. Right or wrong, there was never a challenge to the play as the penalty gave the Giants the first down. But we now have it reversed. Not by the officials, but by a stat guy changing a play. This isn't the usual change of "we credited the wrong player" or "there was another 2 yards added to the actual catch." This was someone, not on the field or in the replay booth, changing the results.

So I'll ask again, will you be contacting Elias and demanding they take away the Sproles TD?
You'll be fine long as your pretty face holds out, then it's gonna get pretty cold out...

Greg Ambrosius
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ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:14 am

Originally posted by boutrous11:
i might be in the minority here, but i think feuds like this one are entertaining. i enjoy reading their back and forth stuff. Sorry, you'll have to read them somewhere else. I've taken steps to prevent both owners from doing this ever again and have eliminated any of those previous posts. I'm so sick of all of it. Here we have a scoring play that affects Wins and Losses of many NFFC owners and we have two stupid owners leading a personal back and forth of their past successes. AMAZING.

Done with it once and for all by both. And Renman's backing of SNAKE, DONE!! Shoot him an email to tell him how much you love his posts. I don't need it here.

Carry on and today you are seeing my Lenny side. ;) No more of that sh*t.
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Cocktails and Dreams
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ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Post by Cocktails and Dreams » Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:20 am

Originally posted by felixflamingo:
quote:Originally posted by Cocktails and Dreams:
quote:Originally posted by felixflamingo:
Nicks came down with the ball and two feet inbounds for 23 yards, the penalty was for def pass interference...the judges moved the ball to the spot saying they accepted the penalty. But the Giants never accepted it, the judges just said they did and moved the ball. Plus it didn't matter whether they accepted it or not, it was first down at the same spot either way. So at the time and in the real game it didn't matter one bit...

They corrected it later. Nicks made the catch and they gave him the yards. I can't believe the confusion here. Not even close to correct. Nicks gained two more yards had they called it a catch on the field.
[/QUOTE]23 yards isn't even close to correct? Must be somewhat close since that's what they credited him for. Maybe a little close?
[/QUOTE]Nope, not close. Over two yards off. The point of why it should not be changed has sailed over your head. Horrible precedent set by NFL/Elias here. Now making changes that have nothing to do with scoring is very bad.

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ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Post by thegambler » Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:33 am

side question, anyone can answer:

when there is a scoring change does the nffc automatically make the correction or do we have to request it?

thanks in advance

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Glenneration X
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ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Post by Glenneration X » Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:34 am

Originally posted by Cocktails and Dreams:
quote:Originally posted by felixflamingo:
quote:Originally posted by Cocktails and Dreams:
quote:Originally posted by felixflamingo:
Nicks came down with the ball and two feet inbounds for 23 yards, the penalty was for def pass interference...the judges moved the ball to the spot saying they accepted the penalty. But the Giants never accepted it, the judges just said they did and moved the ball. Plus it didn't matter whether they accepted it or not, it was first down at the same spot either way. So at the time and in the real game it didn't matter one bit...

They corrected it later. Nicks made the catch and they gave him the yards. I can't believe the confusion here. Not even close to correct. Nicks gained two more yards had they called it a catch on the field.
[/QUOTE]23 yards isn't even close to correct? Must be somewhat close since that's what they credited him for. Maybe a little close?
[/QUOTE]Nope, not close. Over two yards off. The point of why it should not be changed has sailed over your head. Horrible precedent set by NFL/Elias here. Now making changes that have nothing to do with scoring is very bad.
[/QUOTE]I completely agree, horrible precedent. Between this play and the Sproles missed reversal, the NFL has done poorly for themselves this week.

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ELIAS Stats Revisions?

Post by renman » Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:47 am

Originally posted by Sandman62:

So if the refs blew a TD call (not just a catch vs. penalty), and they didn't award an obvious TD... should that be allowed to be changed the next day because it was the right call? What if adding a TD would change the outcome of the game? Are they going to change that too and say, "Nope, team A now wins instead of team B"??? What if there was a lot more game to be played after the errant call?

At some point, the play call on the field has to stand to maintain the integrity of the game, IMO. (And FWIW, we own Nicks in one league, but it didn't make a difference this time.)

As for Snake... though he does often provide some intgriguing, thought-provoking material, I think it'd be easier to ignore his whining, his bragging, his smoke screens and other garbage if he didn't litter up nearly every thread on this board. Far too many topics somehow take a Snake detour and turn into his own personal blog. Maybe that's the solution Snake... GET your own blog? And then your loyal followers can read every little thought that pops into your head (seeing there's obviously no filter from there to your keyboard :rolleyes: ). Sandman,

All I am saying is "I personally" want the calls to be as accurate as possible even if it means I lose. if I won last week by one vs a Nicks owner I didn't really win, I got away with a win because the other guy got screwed.

I understand a deadline where games have to be final, so my point about changing a game result weeks later isn't really logical. I was trying to make a bigger point about the importance of the right teams winning who earned and deserved a win.

I believe my point is more in line with the "integrity of the game" because the right team wins. I think the integrity of the game is compromised when we think it is ok to win via loop holes where a clear mistake was made, not not fixed in time.

Regarding Snake, his posts are easy to ignore by just ignoring them, even if they are in multiple posts. People start talking less when they are talking to themselves. if you don't like it, scroll past it. I think there is an "ignore user" function. The reality is (not calling out anyone in particular) many people enjoy the drama with Snake.

Also, if snake isn't posting, this message board is less active. Some people say they left because of snake, I think that is a very low number.

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