Week 3 stat changed 2 AM this morning?

Greg Ambrosius
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Week 3 stat changed 2 AM this morning?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:36 am

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
"Scores in the NFFC are finalized with no changes possible after 6 p.m. EST each Thursday after the weekend games."

i don't see how the rule could be any more clear. if STATS did bungle this up, both NFBC and NFFC owners will be calling for STATS head (and rightfully so).
Correct. This rule is very clear. All scoring changes from Elias are made by STATS every Wednesday night and reflected in our scores. Our deadline is Thursday and any changes Elias makes on Thursday are always reflected before our deadline. In Week 3 those changes did not appear on your pages after STATS made them and that's why owners didn't see those changes until later in the weekend. Inexcusable and a glitch that has been corrected.

The scoring for Week 3 is correct with all changes made by Elias. I am checking to see whose records were affected by the scoring changes and will know that shortly. In each case, I'll handle this individually with that owner and make sure we have a resolution that makes sense. You can't find out your won-loss record changed three days later. That's not acceptable. So I have a solution and I'll deal with each owner affected via phone.

Again, all scores are correct. The won-loss records are correct. But in a case like this one, I will reach out to the owner and do what's right from a game manager's perspective because the process didn't work perfectly with out back-end support system.
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Gordon Gekko
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Week 3 stat changed 2 AM this morning?

Post by Gordon Gekko » Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:00 am

Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
In Week 3 those changes did not appear on your pages after STATS made them and that's why owners didn't see those changes until later in the weekend. Inexcusable and a glitch that has been corrected.
so in the situation, am I correct in assuming that scores ARE being changed after the 6 p.m. Thursday deadline?
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Greg Ambrosius
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Week 3 stat changed 2 AM this morning?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:30 am

Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
quote:Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
In Week 3 those changes did not appear on your pages after STATS made them and that's why owners didn't see those changes until later in the weekend. Inexcusable and a glitch that has been corrected.
so in the situation, am I correct in assuming that scores ARE being changed after the 6 p.m. Thursday deadline?
[/QUOTE]No, you are not correct. All of the scores were changed on Wednesday night and if Elias had any changes on Thursday before our 6 pm ET deadline, they were updated by STATS. Everything was changed last week by STATS, but those changes were not viewable by you, the players for Week 3 because of a coding error. Glenn's e-mail on Saturday made us check everything again and the error was found. The corrections became viewable after that, which is what you see now.

In the case of any team that suffered a loss after Elias's changes, I am contacting them personally and working this out together. No team should see a won-loss change after Thursday's Elias changes are made. I will personally handle this with each owner and STATS is letting me know today if anyone else was affected by this.

Again, the scoring totals are correct.
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Gordon Gekko
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Week 3 stat changed 2 AM this morning?

Post by Gordon Gekko » Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:39 am

Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
quote:Originally posted by Gordon Gekko:
quote:Originally posted by Greg Ambrosius:
In Week 3 those changes did not appear on your pages after STATS made them and that's why owners didn't see those changes until later in the weekend. Inexcusable and a glitch that has been corrected.
so in the situation, am I correct in assuming that scores ARE being changed after the 6 p.m. Thursday deadline?
[/QUOTE]No, you are not correct. All of the scores were changed on Wednesday night and if Elias had any changes on Thursday before our 6 pm ET deadline, they were updated by STATS. Everything was changed last week by STATS, but those changes were not viewable by you, the players for Week 3 because of a coding error. Glenn's e-mail on Saturday made us check everything again and the error was found. The corrections became viewable after that, which is what you see now.
[/QUOTE]i'm not trying to be difficult, but i really need to get myself a degree in double-talk.

In this case it appears the viewable scores (as viewed by the participants) WERE changed after the Thursday deadline.

I know there is a reason why they were changed, but the point is they were changed after the deadline.
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Week 3 stat changed 2 AM this morning?

Post by kennorred » Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:49 am

gordon. quit being an ass. the scores are correct now as they should be. does this affect you personally or you just want to keep stirring the **** as usual.

Gordon Gekko
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Week 3 stat changed 2 AM this morning?

Post by Gordon Gekko » Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:53 am

Originally posted by kln:
gordon. quit being an ass. the scores are correct now as they should be. does this affect you personally or you just want to keep stirring the **** as usual. i'm trying to figure out what happened!!!

Were the viewable scores (as viewed by the participants) changed after the Thursday deadline? Simple question.
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Week 3 stat changed 2 AM this morning?

Post by kjduke » Wed Oct 01, 2008 4:01 am

Greg, these changes can be critical to game outcomes. Can you or STATS post all Elias changes each Thursday eiher on the boards or on the site?

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Week 3 stat changed 2 AM this morning?

Post by mkrucek » Wed Oct 01, 2008 4:02 am

Originally posted by kln:
gordon. quit being an ass. the scores are correct now as they should be. does this affect you personally or you just want to keep stirring the **** as usual. Are you saying that this issue doesn't affect every team in every league?
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Greg Ambrosius
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Week 3 stat changed 2 AM this morning?

Post by Greg Ambrosius » Wed Oct 01, 2008 4:05 am

Originally posted by KJ Duke:
Greg, these changes can be critical to game outcomes. Can you or STATS post all Elias changes each Thursday eiher on the boards or on the site? Of course we can. Hell, I'll say it again: Why does Elias need until Thursday to make scoring changes? But I regress, we can post these just like other sites do.
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Week 3 stat changed 2 AM this morning?

Post by kennorred » Wed Oct 01, 2008 4:05 am

Originally posted by 4D:
quote:Originally posted by kln:
gordon. quit being an ass. the scores are correct now as they should be. does this affect you personally or you just want to keep stirring the **** as usual. Are you saying that this issue doesn't affect every team in every league? [/QUOTE]no. im saying the scoring is correct as should be. do you want it changed to something that is not correct.

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