Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by BillyWaz » Sat May 21, 2016 12:29 pm

Money wrote:I actually like the system the way it is. Lets face it Friday is a minimal day for FAAB right now. There are a fraction of the pickups and it's simply a matter of going through and seeing if someone was missed or correcting a roster blunder made on Wednesday. The latter is one of my specialties.

If it had to go to just one day I am STRONGLY opposed to Saturday. The month of September with Baseball in it's most critical month would suck the life out of me. To have all weekends devoted to the NFL isn't for me. I for one, would certainly participate less with a Saturday FAAB. I say leave it the way it is.

I get you on that Friday is minimal FAAB, but there is obviously much more info available to people on Friday about injured players than there is on Wednesday. For example, I have (on more occasions than I care to admit) needed a starting running back, so I bid heavy on the backup (with limited info on Wednesday), won the bid, then found out by Friday the starter would be fine. So in a nutshell, I gambled on limited info and lost. I realize we are "all in the same boat", but shouldn't we all be able to make decisions on the most info available?

The other thing is many of us play in different contests (who all have Wed-Fri FAAB), and this would limit our "workload" on one day, as if it is a crazy day, it is sometimes tough to get it all done. I know the flip side is now you are spreading the "work" over two days, but I prefer that (JMO).

Route C
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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by Route C » Sun May 22, 2016 12:58 pm

I have a comment or 2. thoughts are no more relevant than anyone else here. My comment is about weekend FF management. I hear ya on that. I love having my weekends. Don't most people who hate managing teams and love their weekends do a lot of DC's. Managed teams are always going to be inconvenient for someone every day of the week. We know that.... yet we choose to play anyway so let's not kid ourselves....this isn't and never will be a game of convenience.

Having one Saturday FA deadline makes sense if the majority of owners want it. Some mentioned the ability to go out on Friday, watch your kid play football or whatever they're involved in. It does give the option for that while allowing time Saturday morning to do waivers. This obviously works for those owners. As someone previously mentioned those who want their Saturdays free can still set their waivers Friday night. Not much news happens between Fri night and Sat morning so I don't see an advantage to anyone. If you are obsessively chained to your electronic device until waivers may need to see a professional for some help, sorry Chris ;) .

The time sucker I hate the most of all are those Monday, Thursday and 3 times on Sunday active/inactive reports. Ok here's what I vote for:

1) Being able to drop ANY player on my roster that hasn't played prior to waivers running.

2) ONE waiver period ending sometime Saturday morning except....

3) ONE additional waiver period on Wednesday the week of Thanksgiving. 20% of teams play on Thanksgiving so it makes sense.

I'll live with what the majority wants here but let's make it the majority of owners not entries. Only one vote per owner :D

The Franchise
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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by The Franchise » Sun May 22, 2016 4:45 pm

If Greg is putting this up for a vote not just a debate I have my own preferences.

1. Allow Thursday players to be dropped on Friday if on bench

2. Move both FAAB times to 12am ET.

3. Keep both FAAB periods on Wednesday & Friday.

I see some players would like to go to just one FAAB per week. One drawback is that there will be more work with building deeper bid groups to ensure that you get a kicker or defense because of bye weeks and even getting a possible TE or QB because of injury and Byes. So one FAAB period doesn't necessarily mean less work. With Friday's 2nd FAAB it offers as a safety net/cleanup day in order to get injured players off your team.

Also I might be in the minority, but I enjoy having the Wednesday FAAB period with "less information". Not sure who to bid on or how much, some will see as blind luck. I see it as an advantage. One FAAB period at the end of the week equals more information, but more information for everybody. Having an edge in High Stakes is already very slim, so I prefer the Wednesday FAAB period to stay. You may as well vote for Mulligans and Do overs so we can make it so easy that even a cave man can play ;)
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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by COZ » Sun May 22, 2016 11:32 pm

Interesting comments. I didn't realize so many people were in favor of one FAAB period on Friday and I wasn't looking to change the whole FAAB set-up but just to recognize the NFL news cycles which, to me, are always the Wed- Friday practices and the subsequent media reports that come out after those practices and to recognize that little if any new NFL news comes out on a Saturday morning. Anyways, after reading all the comments and thinking through things I can see pushing the deadline to Saturday morning is likely not feasible given the opposition to it but I still would love to see the deadline pushed back to 1:00 AM (or 12:00 AM EST). Here is my summary of the suggested ideas and my thoughts on it:

1) One FAAB Deadline on Friday:
POSITIVES: Allows us to make better and more informed decisions as to bidding and allows us two full days of the most important news cycles of the week with the Thursday & Friday practice news & media reports. Gives us a week to get a better feel for the upcoming games & match-ups and, as importantly, a bit of a break from Fantasy Football during the week so we're fresh and looking forward to the next FAAB period. This is, after all, supposed to be fun, not drudgery, right?
NEGATIVES: The biggest negative, in my opinion, is we would be forced to make Thursday line-up decisions without knowing exactly who all our players will be for the week because FAAB has yet to run. This could cause some difficult decisions weighing your Thursday starter against an unkown. Wouldn't people default to playing their Thursday player for fear of not getting a player they may be targeting on waivers on Friday? Secondly, can we really have an equitable contest where we may be excluded from bidding on players for the Thursday game (unless you do it the Friday before, which I don't think is realistic option given the unknown injury issues and other variables that may occur over the weekend prior to the Thursday game). Third, as someone stated, we lose that clean up waiver period if you made a mistake and are prevented from assessing things after the dust settles and will result in longer bid strings, etc.

2)Dropping Thursday Players Who Were Benched
POSITIVES: On its face, its seems fair and logical... I didn't play him, he was on my bench so I should be able to drop him. No harm, no foul. Allows us freedom to use the waiver wire if we decide we didn't want to start a player and not be punished just because he had a game on Thursday. I think maybe we need to view this more in the sense that an owner is punished by not being able to drop a player who he consciously made the decision to bench (instead of viewing it as an advantage that he gets a "free look").
NEGATIVES: An owner as stated previously gets a free look into the Thursday game before deciding whether or not to drop a player. Players could, if in a particular important match-up, essentially pick-up a Thursday player and block another owner from that player, and then subsequently bench that player on Thursday, drop him on Friday, and essentially gain the benefit of two players and two games out of one roster space, albeit a bench spot.

3) Pushing Back FAAB Deadline: This was my main issue for starting the thread and I wasn't even trying to change the Wednesday deadline, just to push the Friday deadline to late Saturdaymorning. To me, I think we need to start viewing how the NFL news cycles operate. The main news cycles, other than the obvious Sunday morning & Monday, is the Wed. - Friday practice reports and then the media reporting after practice. My main issue, with both FAAB deadlines on weekdays, and with the main news cycle being 2:00 PM EST - 8:00 PM EST is that I would like more time to process the news cycle and not feel rushed. And telling someone to "just do waivers on Thursday, then" BEFORE the day's news-cycle has completed is not realistic. The facts is, with NFL news, ya can't simply put in your claims one day and not check back the day waivers run. I understand people want to go to bed, don't want to be up all night, etc. But if ya view our FAAB deadlines based on that day's news-cycle, no new news is coming out after 10:00 PM EST. The main news cycle has already occurred. I would love a 1:00 PM EST (or even 12:00 PM EST) just to be able to do waivers at my leisure and not get, home, watch NFL Insiders, eat, and do waivers and feel rushed. Anyone who has played on ESPN or CBS or myriad other sites all run their waivers in the middle of the night. It's an accepted norm by most Fantasy players, not sure why we can't adopt that here.

COZ'S SUMMARY: While I was initially against changing the current set-up mainly because it would essentially exclude Thursday night players from waivers and it would make line-up decisions more difficult if you have a Thursday night player while not knowing who will be on your team before waivers run. However, I think maybe we are blowing out of proportion the negatives on both potential rule changes. Having said that, I will play whichever way Greg & Tom feels is most fair and equitable and would totally understand keeping things as is. But the more I think about it, having one waiver period on Fridays and not having to deal with this BS during the week sounds damn appealing to me. And for me, the benefits of one Friday waiver period outweighs any of the potential negatives.


Route C
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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by Route C » Mon May 23, 2016 7:54 am

In week one everyone gets a free look at the Thurs game because the following weekend Vegas is still drafting. It would be interesting if all Thurs games were like that. It would resolve the need for a Wed waiver. It's prob too extreme a thought but in the end it may spread out the advantage that only belongs to those who draft Broncoes or Panthers this year.
Thanksgiving would be the exception and the playoffs of course. It's an interesting concept. We already do it in week one.

Any opinions?

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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by CALI CARTEL » Mon May 23, 2016 10:52 am

Route C wrote:In week one everyone gets a free look at the Thurs game because the following weekend Vegas is still drafting. It would be interesting if all Thurs games were like that. It would resolve the need for a Wed waiver. It's prob too extreme a thought but in the end it may spread out the advantage that only belongs to those who draft Broncoes or Panthers this year.
Thanksgiving would be the exception and the playoffs of course. It's an interesting concept. We already do it in week one.

Any opinions?
Totally different situation, you can't retroactively start players in Weeks 2-16.

The only minor loophole that can be used if allowing Thursday Game players to be dropped on Friday is teams can add a Thursday Player on Wednesday, see how they did Thursday, and if they didn't live up to expectations, they can drop that player on Thursday.

I think this is a much less egregious thing that forcing someone to drop a Thursday Game player on Wednesday, when they may want to wait until Friday to make a more informed claim. This specifically would come into play with dropping/adding a kicker -- I don't usually like to add my kickers on Wednesday unless there's a great option, I typically wait until Friday to see who I can get for $1 (since no one claimed them Wednesday, there shouldn't be a big market for them on Friday). But if my kicker to be dropped plays on Thursday, I'm forced to make the move on Thursday. Then if weather changes or I change my mind, I have to re-drop the new claim for another kicker, wasting FAAB money.

If you own the player coming into the week, you should be able to drop them on Friday if you did not use them on Thursday. If you add a Thursday Game player on Wednesday, then you should not be able to drop them on Friday, I think that's the plainest and simplest fix to the whole situation.

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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by ForLoveOfTheGame » Mon May 23, 2016 12:53 pm

BillyWaz wrote:I agree totally that not being able to drop a Thursday player on Friday is the worst. I don't see much downside at all with going to just Friday (except for not being able to drop a player in the Thursday game).
I couldn't agree more, not being able to drop a Thursday player is horrible and not getting them until the next week in cutline is a huge flaw imo. You're adding even more work to the adds/drops because you have to not only determine who you are going to drop but also when they play and then which player you don't want to have for a week. Giant pain in the ass. I'd much rather have the adds run on Wednesday and not have to mess with all of this. You want more people to join right? Make it easier, not harder to do adds/drops

Route C
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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by Route C » Mon May 23, 2016 5:50 pm

Route C wrote:In week one everyone gets a free look at the Thurs game because the following weekend Vegas is still drafting. It would be interesting if all Thurs games were like that. It would resolve the need for a Wed waiver. It's prob too extreme a

Totally different situation, you can't retroactively start players in Weeks 2-16.
Lol yeah only because of the Vegas draft. Truth be told if we wanted a fair contest there would be no drafting after the 1st game. We've adjusted to it but that doesn't make it right or fair....just profitable.

What I brought up is what we already do...we just don't do it all year!

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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by TheReckoner » Mon May 23, 2016 6:22 pm

Does anyone honestly think 2 faab periods keeps new people from signing up? No it keeps people who sign up for 50 leagues from well.... signing up for 100. :lol:

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Re: Is It Time to Move the 2nd FAAB Period to Saturday?

Post by Hunter1 » Sat May 28, 2016 9:03 am

Coltsfan wrote: The only thing that changes from a FF strategy perspective is that you would have to look ahead to next week's Thursday night game when you do your Friday WW and ask yourself if you are safe with who you have since there wouldn't not be another WW prior to that game. As long as you look ahead then you can take into account that you can't 100% count on those players to play next Thursday.
At the risk of giving you a window into my aging brain, I have to admit I don't understand Wayne's point here. I am not challenging it. I just don't understand it. I know with only one Friday WW period, if Antonio Brown gets hurt two days later on Sunday, I may not have him if the Steelers are playing again the following Thursday. But I can change my line-up for that week, right? So is the issue about making sure you can field a full line-up? I don't get the notion about having to look ahead to the next Thursday game. I am kinda sure in actual practice, during the season, this would be clear to me, but here in fat May, I am confused. Can someone please explain this to me like I'm a six (or sixty-six) year old? Thanks in advance.

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