But today it's almost more of a library than a playground. I always update our standings or post stories about our champions here and I can always look back at these posts for reference material when I need it. I will always keep track of our national champions in posts on the Message Boards and update the weekly FAAB pickups and cuts here on the Message Boards. These boards still serve a strong need for us as game operators and they are a useful form of communication to our players and even those who don't play in the NFBC but want to one day.
That being said, the Message Boards are so 2004. They haven't kept up with the times and we know the technology is so old for this form of Forums that it's not even supported technically by the company that produced them. For the last 12+ years, there has been no support system for this software and if it ever goes out then they are gone for good. We've known that for a long time.
So this week we created a Discord channel for our entire National Fantasy Championship brands. Discord is an easier way to quickly communicate with fellow players and we can create different channels for different subjects for each of our four different sports. It's also easier to sign up for our Discord channel and post quick thoughts there. THIS is our new community playground and if everyone behaves it could be an invaluable form of communication between the players and the game operators.
Sign up for the NFC Discord channel here:
As you can see, we're doing all we can to communicate more effectively with all of you. Adding the Live Chat to the Lobby provided a quick way to communicate about our offerings, but once multiple posts are made the rest of the posts kind of go away. I guess you can scroll back up if needed, but for the most part those posts disappear. On Discord, they will remain for everyone to see throughout the day and weeks.
And best of all, it brings our NFC contests into the new age of communication. Yes, it is 2023 going into 2024 and it's time we get with the times!!!

Enjoy and let's have a clean playground. We don't need any political debates. We don't need any name calling. We don't need any smutty pictures. Let's keep it clean and fun, with some good-natured smack talking. Let's enjoy this playground and keep the communication lines between players and the game operator as open and immediate as possible.
I think this is going to be fun. Enjoy and I'll see you in Discord.