Most Under-loved Players right now

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Most Under-loved Players right now

Post by telestar » Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:16 pm

Williams is an interesting case: I assume his time as the lead man in the Panthers platoon has come to an end. Unfortunately, given Williams' medical history, it's tough to imagine that any team (even Denver) would instantly give him the 18-plus touches per game Carolina did over the past three years. He's more likely to be part of another platoon and you can't assume he'll be healthy no matter where he goes. You can fondly remember the fantasy MVP status in '08, but I'm not sure how relevant it will be in '11.

I like Gore better myself. 2011 Even though he hasn't made it through a full season since '06, and missed the final five-plus games last year, he has the potential for better production. When he's been healthy as a starter, Gore has averaged 4.7 yards per carry. His hip is healed and I think the 49ers will keep him as the full-time back. Sure, he'll probably miss a couple of games. But when he plays, he'll get fantasy points.

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Most Under-loved Players right now

Post by SS » Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:27 pm

Very true on Desean Jackson, he is even having Maclin drafted ahead of him in a lot of drafts...
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Most Under-loved Players right now

Post by RiFF » Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:53 pm

Bunch of old guys, injured guys and a one trick surprises here.

Imo, a couple, including D Jax, are over valued.

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Most Under-loved Players right now

Post by Syracuse Slappers » Sat Jul 16, 2011 3:15 pm

Originally posted by RiFF:
Bunch of old guys, injured guys and a one trick surprises here.

Imo, a couple, including D Jax, are over valued. Agreed....since he got hurt D Jax developed alligator arms....

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Most Under-loved Players right now

Post by Coltsfan » Sat Jul 16, 2011 4:24 pm

I think that all of the QB's are going about where they should. In my opinion MJD and SJax are going too high right now. Gore is about right and Deangelo is a complete unknown. If he stays in Carolina then he is going waaaay to high.

DeSean is overdrafted righ now - not enough catches. I even think Tony Gonzalez is over drafted as he is clearly regressing every year.

The interesting thing is Collie AND Garcon being underdrafted. I could understand one of the other but how can it be both? If you take out Wayne's and Clark's and RB catches along with misc. player catches there aren't enough balls thrown (even in Indy) to support both of these guys as being values. One will be a hug disappointment.


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Most Under-loved Players right now

Post by RiFF » Sat Jul 16, 2011 4:35 pm

Wth, I'll play.....

Romo is 7th QB...coming off an injury; which of the 6 would you put him in front of? peyton, brees, brady, vick, rodgers, rivers

Ben is QB 11 behind the first 7 , Ryan, Schaub and Eli....seems about right

Flacco is QB 14....after Ben, Freeman and Stafford. Again, seems about right, Certainly could see the argument for putting him in front of Stafford ; but as a Qb #2 Stafford has more upside.

MJD...coming off an season ending knee injury that required surgery. Latest reportds have him at 85%....he's currently ranked as RB #7....might be a bit high, And of the six in front of him who should he replace? foster, ap, charles, mccoy, rice, cj2k

Gore...season ending injury..broken hip...isn't yet fully practicing; hasn't been able to participate in any informal team activitie. Currently Rb #10 after MJD, Mendenhall and Forte and before McFadden. And he hasn't played a full season since '06. Who would you place him in front of? Again, may be a bit high

S Jax. A 28 year old RB with over 2200 career touches and a bad back. Is currently Rb #12 after McFadden....doesn't seem to low...may be too high

D Will.. has missed extensive time in last 2 years, is 28 and we don't currently know where he'll be in 2011. If it's Caorlina his current ranking of RB #22 is about right, considering he'll be sharing with Stewart. New surroundings may help.

D currently WR #14, Last year he ended the season as WR #18 And imo is a one trick pony,,,,go loooooong.

Collie. Missed half the season with concussions. Reports say one more and he could be done. And each successive one is easier to get. Currently WR #22. IF he stays healthy probably too low....BUT he comes with a much higher level of risk than most of the WR's in front of him. High risk/ High reward player.

Pierre Garcon. finished last year as WR #28 and that was with Clark missing a large portion of the season as well as Collie. He currently is being drafted as WR # 25. Might be a bit high especially if Collie stays relatively healthy.

Gonzo...35 and has shown his advancing football age the last year or two. This year is probably his last, And Atlanta sold "the farm" to bring in Julio which may mean less for Gonzo. He is currently TE #14. Not sure which of the 13 in front of him I'd lower.

Z Miller. F/A who may or may not be back in Qak. Fantasy wise may benefit from leaving. Currently TE #9, Gates, Clark, Davis, Finley, Witten, Daniels, Graham, Cooley. I could see an argument for him going before a couple of those....just as I could see the argument for a couple of the TE's going after him should be going before him. Ended last year AS te #9....te #11 on a ppg basis

Winslow...extensive injury history, Currently TE #13 behind Lewis, Pettigrew and Gronk after Zach. Based on age and injury history and upside of players in front of him; doesn't seem much out of place.

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