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Post by AMERICA » Sat Sep 30, 2006 12:58 am

Originally posted by SNAKE:
SNAKE, as always, has nothing to hide here genties...have a go at it if ya like...again, this is but ONE (albeit the Main) of NINE leagues that SNAKE is currently competing in...this roster was selected with the hope and expectation that this squad would begin to produce more and more as the season wore on (DeAngelo, Benson, Lendale) if only Jordan, Plummer, Ward and Shockey would get their collective asses in gear, this club could be lethally dangerous...hehehe...stay tuned comrades as the best is yet to come...SNAKE SNAKE GOT IT ALL FIGURED OUT


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Post by TradeStar28 » Sat Sep 30, 2006 2:11 am

The last time Snake saw a "W" was on top of the Washington Hotel in NYC

2012 - FI$HER - Flying High Again

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Post by BubbasHouse » Sat Sep 30, 2006 4:08 am

Don't get beat down Snake - It's always easy to kick the guy that's down and it's actually kind of sad to see. I will not be one of the folks kicking you.

Even though your main event team may continue to struggle the odds of you placing where you are now are slim. I hope your performance in some of your other leagues allows for FF success. 320th spot will probably pay the same as 70th spot (except for side bets) so keep fighting. Glad to see your "I've nothing to hide" statement. Showing some of us something here Snakee when your down.

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Post by BillyWaz » Sat Sep 30, 2006 9:02 am

Originally posted by BubbasHouse:
Don't get beat down Snake - It's always easy to kick the guy that's down and it's actually kind of sad to see. I will not be one of the folks kicking you.

Even though your main event team may continue to struggle the odds of you placing where you are now are slim. I hope your performance in some of your other leagues allows for FF success. 320th spot will probably pay the same as 70th spot (except for side bets) so keep fighting. Glad to see your "I've nothing to hide" statement. Showing some of us something here Snakee when your down. The reason people kick Snake when he is down Bubba, is because he CONTINUES to talk smack!

It would be like me talking chit to you at the OTB. :eek:

It just doesn't make sense! :confused:

You talk crap from a position of power. You don't here MANY other people who are below 250 talking any trash, why???......

because they know better! :D

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Post by mikeybok » Sat Sep 30, 2006 12:31 pm

Originally posted by BubbasHouse:
Don't get beat down Snake - It's always easy to kick the guy that's down and it's actually kind of sad to see. I will not be one of the folks kicking you.Amen.

Even at 5-7, I will BE the spoiler that knocks off the first place team or buys the player the first place team needs.

For those who kick a dog (snake) while it's down ... I hope he is the one that gets bit when the dog (snake) is back on it's feet (whatever).

For those who mock the guy in 322 place. I hope the last laugh is on you.

It's also nice to see guys who arn't doing well at the moment ... still having fun with this league. Is'nt that the point anyway?

Big Mike
Hakuna Matata!

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Post by BillyWaz » Sat Sep 30, 2006 12:40 pm

Originally posted by SNAKE:
SNAKE will state unequivoacally and categorically that in the six years and the twenty-six leagues total that he has competed in in his FF career, he has NEVER EVER been anywhere near or at the bottom of any Standings, anywhereEither this statement is a complete lie (and we know you have told MANY whoppers!) OR the leagues you played in were a complete joke! (very likely also!)

OUt of your SEVEN NFFC leagues (no one cares about your local leagues where Adam Miller wins them and the other members are drunk by round 3!)
Here are the FACTS (and all can be checked by going through the standings quite easily);


2) Magazine 2 League - 1-2 record (13 of 14 in points)

3) Satellite Auction League - 13 of 14 in points

4) 3 City Challenge - 12 of 15 in points

5) Super Satellite League - 23 of 28 in points (accurate results with $ we bid for spots taken out are on

In the 2 other NFFC leagues you are NO HIGHER than 5th in total points.

The point is Snake, don't come on here acting like the Main is a "aberration", because you are currently stinking it up in 5 of your 7 NFFC leagues. :(

Just climb into the hole you dug for yourself until you get out. Everyone knows you won't give up, but PLEASE don't act like the Main is the ONLY place you are awful!

Thanks!! :D

[ September 30, 2006, 06:41 PM: Message edited by: BillyWaz ]

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Post by BillyWaz » Sat Sep 30, 2006 12:58 pm

Originally posted by Ugly Yellow Tomatoes:
quote:Originally posted by BubbasHouse:
Don't get beat down Snake - It's always easy to kick the guy that's down and it's actually kind of sad to see. I will not be one of the folks kicking you.Amen.

Even at 5-7, I will BE the spoiler that knocks off the first place team or buys the player the first place team needs.

For those who kick a dog (snake) while it's down ... I hope he is the one that gets bit when the dog (snake) is back on it's feet (whatever).

For those who mock the guy in 322 place. I hope the last laugh is on you.

It's also nice to see guys who arn't doing well at the moment ... still having fun with this league. Is'nt that the point anyway?

Big Mike
[/QUOTE]BIg Mike,

I KNOW Snake will not give up (and I respect him for that).

My point is simple..... he calls me #139 all offseason, brags about how great he is, etc. and CONTINUES to talk crap WHILE he is in the cellar, and I (or anyone else) is not supposed to say anything???

You and Darryl are having a GREAT season thus far and we don't hear a WORD from you. Why is the person who is currently DEAD LAST in the NFFC (and miserable in 4 other NFFC leagues) STILL talking trash????

Is it because we all knew he would end up there anyhow, and it isn't fair to kick an "inferior" player when they are down?? (kind of like bragging that you beat a mentally retarded person in basketball)???

If that is the case, I see your point. You can PM me if you like so Snake isn't embarrassed.

If that isn't it, you can PM me also, as I just don't understand.

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Post by mikeybok » Sat Sep 30, 2006 2:47 pm

Originally posted by SNAKE:
for the most part, the fellow comrades on this MB are NOT stupid here, BillyBlueballs, and they do, and always have, seen right through you from the outset (they don't require SNAKE's help with this) and simply realize what it is exactly that you are lacking in character...
Snake ... you must be calling me stupid then.

Billy has loads of character ... his weekness is letting you get to him ... and Milkshakes at 4 in the morning!

Oh wait ... Milkshakes at 4 in the morning are my weakness. :cool:
Hakuna Matata!

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