If my calculations are correct, we have 70 teams still alive for the $100,000 grand prize in the NFFC Classic. We had four Wild Card teams this year, which is one more than we had last year. Two leagues had four teams qualify for the Championship Round, meaning all four teams were in the Top 15% of all teams in total points.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but here are the Wild Card teams:
Paul Spradling, LV 6, 23rd overall
Michael Cole, Boston, 36th overall
Joe Marcotte, LV 1, 44th overall
Glenn Schroter, Sept. 2 League 1, 45th overall
Congrats to all 4 guys. The only league that didn't have a team in the Top 15% for points was Las Vegas League 3. Jason Steeves was tops there and 47th overall. Glenn said he beat Jason by 0.20 of a point to sneak in as the last Wild Card team on Danny Woodhead's 50 yard catch at the end of Monday Night's game. Pretty cool.
We know that we have this set up wrong on some of your team pages, but we'll get that corrected shortly. We miscalculated the 15% on some Wild Card teams and some of those teams will be moved to the Consolation Round. But go ahead and set your starting lineups and you'll be good to go.
As was mentioned on another thread, there is only one Set Lineup this year in the post-season. How you set your lineup is how it will be calculated for the league playoff if you are in one and for the Championship Round. Good luck all.
Dave Cushard was our regular season total points leader and he will head into the Championship Round with the most points: 153.64. The number 46 team will enter with 134.45 points or a 19.19 point deficit. Other h2h champions may have an even bigger deficit, but as you can see every team now has a fighting chance to win the $100,000 grand prize. Remember, last year Steve Luzzi entered the Championship Round with the lowest weekly scoring average and went on to post three big weeks and win the $100,000 grand prize.
Steve did not make the Championship Round this year, so we will have a new champion. Good luck all.
Here's the Top 46 teams just for fun:
1 David Cushard Classic Chicago League 1 Dyv Classic (11-2-0) 13 1,997.35
2 Tom Carbone Classic New York League 1 Tommypickles (8-5-0) 6 1,965.95
3 Chad Tabler Classic Online League 1 The Marvelous Kot Utot (12-1-0) 11 1,931.30
4 Carlos Perez Classic Las Vegas League 4 The Angry Drunken' Dwarfs (10-3-0) 10 1,922.15
5 Gregory Morgan Classic Sept. 2 Online League 1 Hip Id Liquos (9-4-0) 7 1,921.80
6 Eric Lundquist Classic Dallas-Minneapolis-Phone League Cell (10-3-0) 9 1,921.25
7 Frank Mammola Classic Boston League THE_BLACKHAND (9-4-0) 11 1,887.80
8 David Martino Classic New York League 2 MarissChris (8-5-0) 2 1,883.50
9 Lonny Graves Classic Las Vegas League 6 Big MO 2 (9-4-0) 1 1,882.70
10 Mark Griffith Classic Online League 4 Cobra Kai (10-3-0) 2 1,882.00
11 Matthew Bayley Classic Online League 3 THEDOTTEDLINE (8-5-0) 4 1,879.55
12 Jeff Bartkowiak Classic Las Vegas League 1 A Circus Clown and His Traveling Dentist (8-5-0) 7 1,865.80
13 Glenn Karant Classic Online League 4 SNAKE (10-3-0) 4 1,863.10
14 doug berry Classic Chicago League 2 Team berry (8-5-0) 1 1,860.05
15 Don Terminiello Classic Boston League Azzurri-BeanTowns Best (7-6-0) 12 1,851.95
16 Garrett Lerner Classic Las Vegas League 2 Ultimate Losers (7-6-0) 9 1,851.15
17 Glenn Schroter Classic New York League 3 King of Queens C2 (12-1-0) 11 1,850.45
18 Stephen Jupinka Classic Sept. 2 Online League 1 QUAHOGS I (8-5-0) 8 1,837.10
19 Michael Ciszek Classic New York League 1 Taking My Talents to Citi (10-3-0) 3 1,820.00
20 Ray Morrison Classic Las Vegas League 1 Thundering Riggyroos (8-5-0) 12 1,810.65
21 KJ Duke Classic Las Vegas League 1 Zefurs (9-4-0) 11 1,807.45
22 CARLOS GEORGE Classic Las Vegas League 6 INIT2WINIT III (9-4-0) 13 1,804.25
23 Paul Spradling Classic Las Vegas League 6 Highlander (9-4-0) 9 1,803.45
24 Don Medlam Classic Las Vegas League 5 TopGuns (9-4-0) 12 1,800.20
25 Jason Santucci Classic New York League 3 On Tilt (11-2-0) 5 1,795.05
26 scott newman Classic New York League 2 nick jonas (11-2-0) 12 1,793.20
27 David Fisher Classic Buffalo League ....FI$HER.... (8-5-0) 9 1,792.75
28 John rozek Classic Chicago League 1 The Champs (7-6-0) 2 1,783.80
29 david makous Classic Sept. 2 Online League 2 ROSSMOST3 (8-5-0) 14 1,783.45
30 Frank Heron Classic Online League 3 MIAMI CANES (7-6-0) 12 1,782.90
31 Stephen McCaleb Classic Dallas-Minneapolis-Phone League The Hues Corporation (10-3-0) 7 1,782.70
32 Mike Weber Classic New York League 4 Team Virginia (6-7-0) 10 1,774.85
33 David Hubbard Classic Online League 4 Meahan (7-6-0) 13 1,773.05
34 Darren Fecich Classic Buffalo League Golden Tornado (10-3-0) 3 1,772.55
35 Chad Schroeder Classic Online League 1 Cocktails and Dreams (8-5-0) 5 1,769.55
36 michael cole Classic Boston League alabama abandoned (9-4-0) 13 1,767.90
37 Travis Minaker Classic Las Vegas League 2 Twiggys Titans (9-4-0) 13 1,765.55
38 Michael Cuellar Classic New York League 4 Roseland Posse (8-5-0) 2 1,765.30
39 TERRY LEWIS Classic Online League 2 911 HELP (7-6-0) 1 1,764.60
40 Duane Merchant Classic Sept. 2 Online League 2 GLORIOUS BASTERDS (8-5-0) 2 1,764.55
41 Jeff Clampitt Classic Las Vegas-Chicago League Route C (12-1-0) 14 1,762.65
42 Chad Schroeder Classic Sept. 2 Online League 1 Cocktails and Dreams (9-4-0) 2 1,757.00
43 Michael Edelman Classic Online League 2 Incredible Hulking Us (6-7-0) 13 1,756.90
44 Joe marcotte Classic Las Vegas League 1 Lights Out (8-5-0) 10 1,755.15
45 Glenn Schroter Classic Sept. 2 Online League 1 King of Queens C1 (8-5-0) 11 1,751.40
46 Bob Fatzinger Classic Chicago League 1 ChiTownFEW (6-7-0) 14 1,747.85
[ December 08, 2010, 02:36 PM: Message edited by: Greg Ambrosius ]
70 Teams Alive In NFFC Classic Championship Round
- Posts: 36651
- Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm
70 Teams Alive In NFFC Classic Championship Round
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius
70 Teams Alive In NFFC Classic Championship Round
I believe myself...alabama abandoned (36) and Paul Spradling (23) should be listed as wildcards also.
It really doesnt matter as long as we are in, unless we get bonus points.
It really doesnt matter as long as we are in, unless we get bonus points.
- Posts: 71
- Joined: Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:00 pm
70 Teams Alive In NFFC Classic Championship Round
yes im a wild card also...at least I made it!
- Posts: 36651
- Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm
70 Teams Alive In NFFC Classic Championship Round
Originally posted by Highlander:
yes im a wild card also...at least I made it!
paul Thanks guys. Now I think we have it right. 70 teams it is then. I had you on the list but I thought you each finished third in your leagues, but h2h champions must have pushed you out of the league money and I didn't look that up originally. Good luck on cashing the big money now. Thanks again.
yes im a wild card also...at least I made it!
paul Thanks guys. Now I think we have it right. 70 teams it is then. I had you on the list but I thought you each finished third in your leagues, but h2h champions must have pushed you out of the league money and I didn't look that up originally. Good luck on cashing the big money now. Thanks again.
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius
- Posts: 69
- Joined: Fri Jul 25, 2008 6:00 pm
70 Teams Alive In NFFC Classic Championship Round
Great season Highlander, it came down to the last seconds. Although I finished in 3rd, by 8 tenths of a point, you had me sweating with that Woodhead guy. I think both our teams are on an upswing. Good luck the rest of the way and see you next year in Vegas…..
- Posts: 71
- Joined: Mon Aug 13, 2007 6:00 pm
70 Teams Alive In NFFC Classic Championship Round
Congrats on a good season INIT2WINIT. Yes I was hoping for a td on that Woodhead play or for a garbage hand off or two but it was not meant to be. See ya next year.
- Posts: 5262
- Joined: Sat Aug 21, 2004 6:00 pm
70 Teams Alive In NFFC Classic Championship Round
Here are the 70 teams in the NFFC Classic Championship Round:
1 Dyv Classic 153.64
2 Tommypickles 151.23
3 The Marvelous Kot Utot 148.56
4 The Angry Drunken' Dwarfs 147.86
5 Hip Id Liquos 147.83
6 Cell 147.79
8 MarissChris 144.88
9 Big MO 2 144.82
10 Cobra Kai 144.77
12 A Circus Clown and His Traveling Dentist 143.52
13 SNAKE 143.32
14 Team berry 143.08
15 Azzurri-BeanTowns Best 142.46
16 Ultimate Losers 142.40
17 King of Queens C2 142.34
18 QUAHOGS I 141.32
19 Taking My Talents to Citi 140.00
20 Thundering Riggyroos 139.28
21 Zefurs 139.03
22 INIT2WINIT III 138.79
23 Highlander 138.73
24 TopGuns 138.48
25 On Tilt 138.08
26 nick jonas 137.94
27 .…FI$HER…. 137.90
28 The Champs 137.22
29 ROSSMOST3 137.19
30 MIAMI CANES 137.15
31 The Hues Corporation 137.13
32 Team Virginia 136.53
33 Meahan 136.39
34 Golden Tornado 136.35
35 Cocktails and Dreams 136.12
36 alabama abandoned 135.99
37 Twiggys Titans 135.81
38 Roseland Posse 135.79
39 911 HELP 135.74
41 Route C 135.59
42 Cocktails and Dreams 135.15
43 Incredible Hulking Us 135.15
44 Lights Out 135.01
45 King of Queens C1 134.72
46 ChiTownFEW 134.45
48 Cheetahs 134.19
49 Soupdogs 134.05
50 Rex Texas 134.01
51 Superpions 133.73
52 Bodies Ringers 133.60
53 Team Zwickel 133.60
54 No Mercy 133.26
55 Spiderman Bacon 133.24
56 Round 2 133.22
57 Slacker Cousins 133.22
58 PiranHas HuMAN Fund 132.85
59 Charlie Gillespie 132.47
60 gigglin marlin 132.34
61 Sizzlin Sevens 132.33
62 Ugly Yellow Tomatoes 131.95
63 Sultans of Smack 131.63
64 Kapefear 131.60
65 Eagles 8 131.15
66 I'll Be Jiggered 130.60
67 Punchy Perry 129.68
68 Riverdog 127.14
69 Team Poulson 125.74
70 Shooter McGavin 121.55
1 Dyv Classic 153.64
2 Tommypickles 151.23
3 The Marvelous Kot Utot 148.56
4 The Angry Drunken' Dwarfs 147.86
5 Hip Id Liquos 147.83
6 Cell 147.79
8 MarissChris 144.88
9 Big MO 2 144.82
10 Cobra Kai 144.77
12 A Circus Clown and His Traveling Dentist 143.52
13 SNAKE 143.32
14 Team berry 143.08
15 Azzurri-BeanTowns Best 142.46
16 Ultimate Losers 142.40
17 King of Queens C2 142.34
18 QUAHOGS I 141.32
19 Taking My Talents to Citi 140.00
20 Thundering Riggyroos 139.28
21 Zefurs 139.03
22 INIT2WINIT III 138.79
23 Highlander 138.73
24 TopGuns 138.48
25 On Tilt 138.08
26 nick jonas 137.94
27 .…FI$HER…. 137.90
28 The Champs 137.22
29 ROSSMOST3 137.19
30 MIAMI CANES 137.15
31 The Hues Corporation 137.13
32 Team Virginia 136.53
33 Meahan 136.39
34 Golden Tornado 136.35
35 Cocktails and Dreams 136.12
36 alabama abandoned 135.99
37 Twiggys Titans 135.81
38 Roseland Posse 135.79
39 911 HELP 135.74
41 Route C 135.59
42 Cocktails and Dreams 135.15
43 Incredible Hulking Us 135.15
44 Lights Out 135.01
45 King of Queens C1 134.72
46 ChiTownFEW 134.45
48 Cheetahs 134.19
49 Soupdogs 134.05
50 Rex Texas 134.01
51 Superpions 133.73
52 Bodies Ringers 133.60
53 Team Zwickel 133.60
54 No Mercy 133.26
55 Spiderman Bacon 133.24
56 Round 2 133.22
57 Slacker Cousins 133.22
58 PiranHas HuMAN Fund 132.85
59 Charlie Gillespie 132.47
60 gigglin marlin 132.34
61 Sizzlin Sevens 132.33
62 Ugly Yellow Tomatoes 131.95
63 Sultans of Smack 131.63
64 Kapefear 131.60
65 Eagles 8 131.15
66 I'll Be Jiggered 130.60
67 Punchy Perry 129.68
68 Riverdog 127.14
69 Team Poulson 125.74
70 Shooter McGavin 121.55
- Posts: 36651
- Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:00 pm
70 Teams Alive In NFFC Classic Championship Round
Officially, here are the 70 teams and their scores in the NFFC Classic Championship Round:
1 David Cushard Classic Chicago League 1 Dyv Classic (11-2-0) 13 153.64
2 Tom Carbone Classic New York League 1 Tommypickles (8-5-0) 6 151.23
3 Chad Tabler Classic Online League 1 The Marvelous Kot Utot (12-1-0) 11 148.56
4 Carlos Perez Classic Las Vegas League 4 The Angry Drunken' Dwarfs (10-3-0) 10 147.86
5 Gregory Morgan Classic Sept. 2 Online League 1 Hip Id Liquos (9-4-0) 7 147.83
6 Eric Lundquist Classic Dallas-Minneapolis-Phone League Cell (10-3-0) 9 147.79
7 Frank Mammola Classic Boston League THE_BLACKHAND (9-4-0) 11 145.22
8 David Martino Classic New York League 2 MarissChris (8-5-0) 2 144.88
9 Lonny Graves Classic Las Vegas League 6 Big MO 2 (9-4-0) 1 144.82
10 Mark Griffith Classic Online League 4 Cobra Kai (10-3-0) 2 144.77
11 Matthew Bayley Classic Online League 3 THEDOTTEDLINE (8-5-0) 4 144.58
12 Jeff Bartkowiak Classic Las Vegas League 1 A Circus Clown and His Traveling Dentist (8-5-0) 7 143.52
13 Glenn Karant Classic Online League 4 SNAKE (10-3-0) 4 143.32
14 doug berry Classic Chicago League 2 Team berry (8-5-0) 1 143.08
15 Don Terminiello Classic Boston League Azzurri-BeanTowns Best (7-6-0) 12 142.46
16 Garrett Lerner Classic Las Vegas League 2 Ultimate Losers (7-6-0) 9 142.40
17 Glenn Schroter Classic New York League 3 King of Queens C2 (12-1-0) 11 142.34
18 Stephen Jupinka Classic Sept. 2 Online League 1 QUAHOGS I (8-5-0) 8 141.32
19 Michael Ciszek Classic New York League 1 Taking My Talents to Citi (10-3-0) 3 140.00
20 Ray Morrison Classic Las Vegas League 1 Thundering Riggyroos (8-5-0) 12 139.28
21 KJ Duke Classic Las Vegas League 1 Zefurs (9-4-0) 11 139.03
22 CARLOS GEORGE Classic Las Vegas League 6 INIT2WINIT III (9-4-0) 13 138.79
23 Paul Spradling Classic Las Vegas League 6 Highlander (9-4-0) 9 138.73
24 Don Medlam Classic Las Vegas League 5 TopGuns (9-4-0) 12 138.48
25 Jason Santucci Classic New York League 3 On Tilt (11-2-0) 5 138.08
26 scott newman Classic New York League 2 nick jonas (11-2-0) 12 137.94
27 David Fisher Classic Buffalo League ....FI$HER.... (8-5-0) 9 137.90
28 John rozek Classic Chicago League 1 The Champs (7-6-0) 2 137.22
29 david makous Classic Sept. 2 Online League 2 ROSSMOST3 (8-5-0) 14 137.19
30 Frank Heron Classic Online League 3 MIAMI CANES (7-6-0) 12 137.15
31 Stephen McCaleb Classic Dallas-Minneapolis-Phone League The Hues Corporation (10-3-0) 7 137.13
32 Mike Weber Classic New York League 4 Team Virginia (6-7-0) 10 136.53
33 David Hubbard Classic Online League 4 Meahan (7-6-0) 13 136.39
34 Darren Fecich Classic Buffalo League Golden Tornado (10-3-0) 3 136.35
35 Chad Schroeder Classic Online League 1 Cocktails and Dreams (8-5-0) 5 136.12
36 michael cole Classic Boston League alabama abandoned (9-4-0) 13 135.99
37 Travis Minaker Classic Las Vegas League 2 Twiggys Titans (9-4-0) 13 135.81
38 Michael Cuellar Classic New York League 4 Roseland Posse (8-5-0) 2 135.79
39 TERRY LEWIS Classic Online League 2 911 HELP (7-6-0) 1 135.74
40 Duane Merchant Classic Sept. 2 Online League 2 GLORIOUS BASTERDS (8-5-0) 2 135.73
41 Jeff Clampitt Classic Las Vegas-Chicago League Route C (12-1-0) 14 135.59
42 Chad Schroeder Classic Sept. 2 Online League 1 Cocktails and Dreams (9-4-0) 2 135.15
43 Michael Edelman Classic Online League 2 Incredible Hulking Us (6-7-0) 13 135.15
44 Joe marcotte Classic Las Vegas League 1 Lights Out (8-5-0) 10 135.01
45 Glenn Schroter Classic Sept. 2 Online League 1 King of Queens C1 (8-5-0) 11 134.72
46 Bob Fatzinger Classic Chicago League 1 ChiTownFEW (6-7-0) 14 134.45
47 Jason Steeves Classic Las Vegas League 3 CANADIAN BEAVERS (10-3-0) 1 134.43
48 Mike Rinaldi Classic Online League 1 Cheetahs (8-5-0) 2 134.19
49 Scott Wieland Classic Las Vegas League 4 Soupdogs (9-4-0) 1 134.05
50 Bryan Maxey Classic Las Vegas-Chicago League Rex Texas (7-6-0) 7 134.01
51 John Piontek Classic Las Vegas League 5 Superpions (7-6-0) 6 133.73
52 Chris Borell Classic Buffalo League Bodies Ringers (7-6-0) 8 133.60
53 David Zwickel Classic New York League 3 Team Zwickel (5-8-0) 10 133.60
54 Brian Owens Classic Chicago League 2 No Mercy (8-5-0) 5 133.26
55 Joe Treffiletti Classic Boston League Spiderman Bacon (10-3-0) 9 133.24
56 Ante Meich Classic New York League 1 Round 2 (10-3-0) 1 133.22
57 Dan Satinoff Classic New York League 4 SlackerCousins (10-3-0) 3 132.92
58 Bill Hare Classic Las Vegas League 4 PiranHas HuMAN Fund (9-4-0) 3 132.85
59 Charlie Gillespie Classic Dallas-Minneapolis-Phone League Charlie Gillespie (8-5-0) 1 132.47
60 chris schinker Classic Las Vegas League 3 gigglin marlin (8-5-0) 14 132.34
61 Erik Newman Classic Las Vegas League 3 Sizzlin Sevens (6-7-0) 8 132.33
62 Mike Ferre Classic Chicago League 2 Ugly Yellow Tomatoes (9-4-0) 7 131.95
63 Stephen Fiore Classic Las Vegas League 6 Sultans of Smack (10-3-0) 10 131.63
64 Jeff Dawson Classic Las Vegas-Chicago League Kapefear (5-8-0) 1 131.60
65 Carl Kunda Classic Online League 3 Eagles 8 (10-3-0) 5 131.15
66 Robert Fuhst Classic New York League 2 I'll Be Jiggered (6-7-0) 4 130.60
67 Perry Lin Classic Las Vegas League 2 Punchy Perry (10-3-0) 4 129.68
68 Todd Ullman Classic Las Vegas League 5 Riverdog (10-3-0) 3 127.14
69 Chris Poulson Classic Sept. 2 Online League 2 Team Poulson (10-3-0) 3 125.74
70 Korey Gardner Classic Online League 2 Shooter McGavin (9-4-0) 4 121.55
1 David Cushard Classic Chicago League 1 Dyv Classic (11-2-0) 13 153.64
2 Tom Carbone Classic New York League 1 Tommypickles (8-5-0) 6 151.23
3 Chad Tabler Classic Online League 1 The Marvelous Kot Utot (12-1-0) 11 148.56
4 Carlos Perez Classic Las Vegas League 4 The Angry Drunken' Dwarfs (10-3-0) 10 147.86
5 Gregory Morgan Classic Sept. 2 Online League 1 Hip Id Liquos (9-4-0) 7 147.83
6 Eric Lundquist Classic Dallas-Minneapolis-Phone League Cell (10-3-0) 9 147.79
7 Frank Mammola Classic Boston League THE_BLACKHAND (9-4-0) 11 145.22
8 David Martino Classic New York League 2 MarissChris (8-5-0) 2 144.88
9 Lonny Graves Classic Las Vegas League 6 Big MO 2 (9-4-0) 1 144.82
10 Mark Griffith Classic Online League 4 Cobra Kai (10-3-0) 2 144.77
11 Matthew Bayley Classic Online League 3 THEDOTTEDLINE (8-5-0) 4 144.58
12 Jeff Bartkowiak Classic Las Vegas League 1 A Circus Clown and His Traveling Dentist (8-5-0) 7 143.52
13 Glenn Karant Classic Online League 4 SNAKE (10-3-0) 4 143.32
14 doug berry Classic Chicago League 2 Team berry (8-5-0) 1 143.08
15 Don Terminiello Classic Boston League Azzurri-BeanTowns Best (7-6-0) 12 142.46
16 Garrett Lerner Classic Las Vegas League 2 Ultimate Losers (7-6-0) 9 142.40
17 Glenn Schroter Classic New York League 3 King of Queens C2 (12-1-0) 11 142.34
18 Stephen Jupinka Classic Sept. 2 Online League 1 QUAHOGS I (8-5-0) 8 141.32
19 Michael Ciszek Classic New York League 1 Taking My Talents to Citi (10-3-0) 3 140.00
20 Ray Morrison Classic Las Vegas League 1 Thundering Riggyroos (8-5-0) 12 139.28
21 KJ Duke Classic Las Vegas League 1 Zefurs (9-4-0) 11 139.03
22 CARLOS GEORGE Classic Las Vegas League 6 INIT2WINIT III (9-4-0) 13 138.79
23 Paul Spradling Classic Las Vegas League 6 Highlander (9-4-0) 9 138.73
24 Don Medlam Classic Las Vegas League 5 TopGuns (9-4-0) 12 138.48
25 Jason Santucci Classic New York League 3 On Tilt (11-2-0) 5 138.08
26 scott newman Classic New York League 2 nick jonas (11-2-0) 12 137.94
27 David Fisher Classic Buffalo League ....FI$HER.... (8-5-0) 9 137.90
28 John rozek Classic Chicago League 1 The Champs (7-6-0) 2 137.22
29 david makous Classic Sept. 2 Online League 2 ROSSMOST3 (8-5-0) 14 137.19
30 Frank Heron Classic Online League 3 MIAMI CANES (7-6-0) 12 137.15
31 Stephen McCaleb Classic Dallas-Minneapolis-Phone League The Hues Corporation (10-3-0) 7 137.13
32 Mike Weber Classic New York League 4 Team Virginia (6-7-0) 10 136.53
33 David Hubbard Classic Online League 4 Meahan (7-6-0) 13 136.39
34 Darren Fecich Classic Buffalo League Golden Tornado (10-3-0) 3 136.35
35 Chad Schroeder Classic Online League 1 Cocktails and Dreams (8-5-0) 5 136.12
36 michael cole Classic Boston League alabama abandoned (9-4-0) 13 135.99
37 Travis Minaker Classic Las Vegas League 2 Twiggys Titans (9-4-0) 13 135.81
38 Michael Cuellar Classic New York League 4 Roseland Posse (8-5-0) 2 135.79
39 TERRY LEWIS Classic Online League 2 911 HELP (7-6-0) 1 135.74
40 Duane Merchant Classic Sept. 2 Online League 2 GLORIOUS BASTERDS (8-5-0) 2 135.73
41 Jeff Clampitt Classic Las Vegas-Chicago League Route C (12-1-0) 14 135.59
42 Chad Schroeder Classic Sept. 2 Online League 1 Cocktails and Dreams (9-4-0) 2 135.15
43 Michael Edelman Classic Online League 2 Incredible Hulking Us (6-7-0) 13 135.15
44 Joe marcotte Classic Las Vegas League 1 Lights Out (8-5-0) 10 135.01
45 Glenn Schroter Classic Sept. 2 Online League 1 King of Queens C1 (8-5-0) 11 134.72
46 Bob Fatzinger Classic Chicago League 1 ChiTownFEW (6-7-0) 14 134.45
47 Jason Steeves Classic Las Vegas League 3 CANADIAN BEAVERS (10-3-0) 1 134.43
48 Mike Rinaldi Classic Online League 1 Cheetahs (8-5-0) 2 134.19
49 Scott Wieland Classic Las Vegas League 4 Soupdogs (9-4-0) 1 134.05
50 Bryan Maxey Classic Las Vegas-Chicago League Rex Texas (7-6-0) 7 134.01
51 John Piontek Classic Las Vegas League 5 Superpions (7-6-0) 6 133.73
52 Chris Borell Classic Buffalo League Bodies Ringers (7-6-0) 8 133.60
53 David Zwickel Classic New York League 3 Team Zwickel (5-8-0) 10 133.60
54 Brian Owens Classic Chicago League 2 No Mercy (8-5-0) 5 133.26
55 Joe Treffiletti Classic Boston League Spiderman Bacon (10-3-0) 9 133.24
56 Ante Meich Classic New York League 1 Round 2 (10-3-0) 1 133.22
57 Dan Satinoff Classic New York League 4 SlackerCousins (10-3-0) 3 132.92
58 Bill Hare Classic Las Vegas League 4 PiranHas HuMAN Fund (9-4-0) 3 132.85
59 Charlie Gillespie Classic Dallas-Minneapolis-Phone League Charlie Gillespie (8-5-0) 1 132.47
60 chris schinker Classic Las Vegas League 3 gigglin marlin (8-5-0) 14 132.34
61 Erik Newman Classic Las Vegas League 3 Sizzlin Sevens (6-7-0) 8 132.33
62 Mike Ferre Classic Chicago League 2 Ugly Yellow Tomatoes (9-4-0) 7 131.95
63 Stephen Fiore Classic Las Vegas League 6 Sultans of Smack (10-3-0) 10 131.63
64 Jeff Dawson Classic Las Vegas-Chicago League Kapefear (5-8-0) 1 131.60
65 Carl Kunda Classic Online League 3 Eagles 8 (10-3-0) 5 131.15
66 Robert Fuhst Classic New York League 2 I'll Be Jiggered (6-7-0) 4 130.60
67 Perry Lin Classic Las Vegas League 2 Punchy Perry (10-3-0) 4 129.68
68 Todd Ullman Classic Las Vegas League 5 Riverdog (10-3-0) 3 127.14
69 Chris Poulson Classic Sept. 2 Online League 2 Team Poulson (10-3-0) 3 125.74
70 Korey Gardner Classic Online League 2 Shooter McGavin (9-4-0) 4 121.55
Founder, National Fantasy Football Championship & National Fantasy Baseball Championship
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius
Twitter: @GregAmbrosius