Live Scoring

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Live Scoring

Post by renman » Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:28 am

What about those who are not computer experts? Those who have no idea what "safari" or "google chrome" are?

I am in a local league with friends and can goto our ESPN league site and see everything crystal clear. My work colleague has his league on Yahoo and everything is perfect.

It is now Monday at 9:07 and I have no idea what my situation is in ANY of my 5 NFFC leagues. Aside from knowing my teams got blasted, I still should be able to know my situation going into Monday night games. I should be able to do this without having to be a computer expert.

The 2004-2009 NFFC league site was the best functioning site I ever used. Simple, convenient, functional.

I am going to click onto my NFFC classic league. Then I am going to click "live scoring." A new window opens that is black and a message saying "please wait while we load this weeks NFL schedule" comes up. I then wait for 3-4 minutes with a frozen page.

Then I get some kind of warning from Windows internet explorer.

"Stop running this script?"

"A script on this page is causing internet explorer to run slowly. If it continues it to run your computer may become unreasponsive."

Can any of the computer experts tell me what any of that means? I have never seen it.

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Live Scoring

Post by BONGIZMO » Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:58 am

Ok Greg/Tom, you guys came through and turned a debacle of a draft room into one of the best in the industry so I am hoping you can do the same with the live scoring and team tracking pages.

As many have said, the loading is slow and a memory hog and the inability to see all teams in an easy way is greatly trying especially for those like myself with numerous teams in your contest. Far from user friendly and at the moment the worst by far across all three contests imo.

[ September 13, 2010, 08:59 AM: Message edited by: BONGIZMO ]
Never do card tricks for the people you play poker with.

GOD Loves You
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Live Scoring

Post by GOD Loves You » Mon Sep 13, 2010 3:27 am


Seriously, I joined a few DC's through the "Draft and Play" and the live scoring pops up almost the moment you click on it......all the teams, BOOM, right there instantly. You can click on any team and their entire rosters loads, with all their scores....INSTANTLY.....and not only do they process quickly, the computer usage is limited compared to the NFFC live scoring.

Why are these so-called "lesser" games being rewarded with better software....or should I say, why are these "bigger" games getting the subpar software?

It makes no sense to me how Fanball's original works pretty good, yet for some reason the NFFC gets the sham? I really would like to know how they take something that is relatively ok and make it worse.....especially when the worst software is only being used by a small amount, compared to those who are using the better software???

Does Fanball want the NFFC/NFBC to fail?? If they don't, they sure haven't proven it with their continued failure to provide a quality product. Greg claimed the fantasy sports dept was almost an afterthought with Krause/FW, it's seems the stigma has traveled with the NFFC/NFBC to Fanball. :(

GOD Loves You
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Live Scoring

Post by GOD Loves You » Mon Sep 13, 2010 3:32 am

Forgot to add, the live scoring for the Draft and Play games has a drop down box with all my teams....IE: no need to open different browsers, with one click, I can change from league to league, team to team....and again the scores INSTANTLY pop up

The NFBC eventually got to enjoy this feature....if the original fanball games for football have this capability, why do the NFFC games lack this ability?? BEYOND :confused:

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Live Scoring

Post by RedRyder » Mon Sep 13, 2010 3:36 am

Originally posted by King of Queens:
Live scoring works fine for me.

SkinRod, please reconsider your previous posting. Totally unnecessary, and incredibly offensive. Live scoring works fine for me too, except with my DCs, only two players load.

And I agree with Glenn about SkinRod's post. I hope this is not tolerated by the NFFC powers that be.

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Live Scoring

Post by mikeybok » Mon Sep 13, 2010 3:52 am

Originally posted by Coltsfan:
This morning I can get into all of the leagues but except the Chicago DC I sent an email to Greg about this on Friday.

I think they expected things to go smoother.

Unsure why he didn't respond to my email.

Hakuna Matata!

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Live Scoring

Post by renman » Mon Sep 13, 2010 4:44 am


Should we have to download new software to get a football scoring site to work?

How come all my other football scoring sites work flawlessly without having to do a thing to my computer?

I have tried to view the NFFC results from yesterday from 3 different computers in 3 different buildings and it hasn't worked once. The site takes forever to load, then freezes.

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Live Scoring

Post by Sabretooth » Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:52 am

Thanks snake. I did download google chrome and things are moving a lot faster on the site now.

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